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Aad, G. and Abbott, B. and Abbott, D.C. and Abed Abud, A. and Abeling, K. and Abhayasinghe, D.K. and Abidi, S.H. and Abou Zeid, O.S. and Abraham, N.L. and Abramowicz, H. and Abreu, H. and Abulaiti, Y. and Acharya, B.S. and Achkar, B. and Adam, L. and Adam Bourdarios, C. and Adamczyk, L. and Adamek, L. and Adelman, J. and Adersberger, M. and Adiguzel, A. and Adorni, S. and Adye, T. and Affolder, A.A. and Afik, Y. and Agapopoulou, C. and Agaras, M.N. and Aggarwal, A. and Agheorghiesei, C. and Aguilar-Saavedra, J.A. and Ahmad, A. and Ahmadov, F. and Ahmed, W.S. and Ai, X. and Aielli, G. and Akatsuka, S. and à kesson, T.P.A. and Akilli, E. and Akimov, A.V. and AlKhoury, K. and Alberghi, G.L. and Albert, J. and Alconada Verzini, M.J. and Alderweireldt, S. and Aleksa, M. and Aleksandrov, I.N. and Alexa, C. and Alexopoulos, T. and Alfonsi, A. and Alfonsi, F. and Alhroob, M. and Ali, B. and Ali, S. and Aliev, M. and Alimonti, G. and Allaire, C. and Allbrooke, B.M.M. and Allen, B.W. and Allport, P.P. and Aloisio, A. and Alonso, F. and Alpigiani, C. and Alshehri, A.A. and Alunno Camelia, E. and Alvarez Estevez, M. and Alviggi, M.G. and Amaral Coutinho, Y. and Ambler, A. and Ambroz, L. and Amelung, C. and Amidei, D. and Amor Dos Santos, S.P. and Amoroso, S. and Amrouche, C.S. and An, F. and Anastopoulos, C. and Andari, N. and Andeen, T. and Anders, C.F. and Anders, J.K. and Andrean, S.Y. and Andreazza, A. and Andrei, V. and Anelli, C.R. and Angelidakis, S. and Angerami, A. and Anisenkov, A.V. and Annovi, A. and Antel, C. and Anthony, M.T. and Antipov, E. and Antonelli, M. and Antrim, D.J.A. and Anulli, F. and Aoki, M. and Aparisi Pozo, J.A. and Aparo, M.A. and Aperio Bella, L. and Araujo Ferraz, V. and Araujo Pereira, R. and Arcangeletti, C. and Arce, A.T.H. and Arduh, F.A. and Arguin, J.-F. and Argyropoulos, S. and Arling, J.-H. and Armbruster, A.J. and Armstrong, A. and Arnaez, O. and Arnold, H. and Arrubarrena Tame, Z.P. and Artoni, G. and Artz, S. and Asai, S. and Asawatavonvanich, T. and Asbah, N. and Asimakopoulou, E.M. and Asquith, L. and Assahsah, J. and Assamagan, K. and Astalos, R. and Atkin, R.J. and Atkinson, M. and Atlay, N.B. and Atmani, H. and Augsten, K. and Avolio, G. and Ayoub, M.K. and Azuelos, G. and Bachacou, H. and Bachas, K. and Backes, M. and Backman, F. and Bagnaia, P. and Bahmani, M. and Bahrasemani, H. and Bailey, A.J. and Bailey, V.R. and Baines, J.T. and Bakalis, C. and Baker, O.K. and Bakker, P.J. and Bakshi Gupta, D. and Balaji, S. and Baldin, E.M. and Balek, P. and Balli, F. and Balunas, W.K. and Balz, J. and Banas, E. and Bandieramonte, M. and Bandyopadhyay, A. and Banerjee, S. and Barak, L. and Barbe, W.M. and Barberio, E.L. and Barberis, D. and Barbero, M. and Barbour, G. and Barillari, T. and Barisits, M.-S. and Barkeloo, J. and Barklow, T. and Barnea, R. and Barnett, B.M. and Barnett, R.M. and Barnovska-Blenessy, Z. and Baroncelli, A. and Barone, G. and Barr, A.J. and Barranco Navarro, L. and Barreiro, F. and Barreiro Guimarãesda Costa, J. and Barron, U. and Barsov, S. and Bartels, F. and Bartoldus, R. and Bartolini, G. and Barton, A.E. and Bartos, P. and Basalaev, A. and Basan, A. and Bassalat, A. and Basso, M.J. and Bates, R.L. and Batlamous, S. and Batley, J.R. and Batool, B. and Battaglia, M. and Bauce, M. and Bauer, F. and Bauer, K.T. and Bawa, H.S. and Beacham, J.B. and Beau, T. and Beauchemin, P.H. and Becherer, F. and Bechtle, P. and Beck, H.C. and Beck, H.P. and Becker, K. and Becot, C. and Beddall, A. and Beddall, A.J. and Bednyakov, V.A. and Bedognetti, M. and Bee, C.P. and Beermann, T.A. and Begalli, M. and Begel, M. and Behera, A. and Behr, J.K. and Beisiegel, F. and Bell, A.S. and Bella, G. and Bellagamba, L. and Bellerive, A. and Bellos, P. and Beloborodov, K. and Belotskiy, K. and Belyaev, N.L. and Benchekroun, D. and Benekos, N. and Benhammou, Y. and Benjamin, D.P. and Benoit, M. and Bensinger, J.R. and Bentvelsen, S. and Beresford, L. and Beretta, M. and Berge, D. and Bergeaas Kuutmann, E. and Berger, N. and Bergmann, B. and Bergsten, L.J. and Beringer, J. and Berlendis, S. and Bernardi, G. and Bernius, C. and Bernlochner, F.U. and Berry, T. and Berta, P. and Bertella, C. and Bertram, I.A. and Bessidskaia Bylund, O. and Besson, N. and Bethani, A. and Bethke, S. and Betti, A. and Bevan, A.J. and Beyer, J. and Bhattacharya, D.S. and Bhattarai, P. and Bi, R. and Bianchi, R.M. and Biebel, O. and Biedermann, D. and Bielski, R. and Bierwagen, K. and Biesuz, N.V. and Biglietti, M. and Billoud, T.R.V. and Bindi, M. and Bingul, A. and Bini, C. and Biondi, S. and Birman, M. and Bisanz, T. and Biswal, J.P. and Biswas, D. and Bitadze, A. and Bittrich, C. and Bjørke, K. and Blazek, T. and Bloch, I. and Blocker, C. and Blue, A. and Blumenschein, U. and Bobbink, G.J. and Bobrovnikov, V.S. and Bocchetta, S.S. and Bocci, A. and Boerner, D. and Bogavac, D. and Bogdanchikov, A.G. and Bohm, C. and Boisvert, V. and Bokan, P. and Bold, T. and Bolz, A.E. and Bomben, M. and Bona, M. and Bonilla, J.S. and Boonekamp, M. and Booth, C.D. and Borecka-Bielska, H.M. and Borgna, L.S. and Borisov, A. and Borissov, G. and Bortfeldt, J. and Bortoletto, D. and Boscherini, D. and Bosman, M. and BossioSola, J.D. and Bouaouda, K. and Boudreau, J. and Bouhova-Thacker, E.V. and Boumediene, D. and Boutle, S.K. and Boveia, A. and Boyd, J. and Boye, D. and Boyko, I.R. and Bozson, A.J. and Bracinik, J. and Brahimi, N. and Brandt, G. and Brandt, O. and Braren, F. and Brau, B. and Brau, J.E. and Breaden Madden, W.D. and Brendlinger, K. and Brenner, L. and Brenner, R. and Bressler, S. and Brickwedde, B. and Briglin, D.L. and Britton, D. and Britzger, D. and Brock, I. and Brock, R. and Brooijmans, G. and Brooks, W.K. and Brost, E. and Bruckmande Renstrom, P.A. and Bruncko, D. and Bruni, A. and Bruni, G. and Bruni, L.S. and Bruno, S. and Bruschi, M. and Bruscino, N. and Bryngemark, L. and Buanes, T. and Buat, Q. and Buchholz, P. and Buckley, A.G. and Budagov, I.A. and Bugge, M.K. and Bührer, F. and Bulekov, O. and Burch, T.J. and Burdin, S. and Burgard, C.D. and Burger, A.M. and Burghgrave, B. and Burr, J.T.P. and Burton, C.D. and Burzynski, J.C. and Büscher, V. and Buschmann, E. and Bussey, P.J. and Butler, J.M. and Buttar, C.M. and Butterworth, J.M. and Butti, P. and Buttinger, W. and BuxoVazquez, C.J. and Buzatu, A. and Buzykaev, A.R. and Cabras, G. and Cabrera Urbán, S. and Caforio, D. and Cai, H. and Cairo, V.M.M. and Cakir, O. and Calace, N. and Calafiura, P. and Calderini, G. and Calfayan, P. and Callea, G. and Caloba, L.P. and Caltabiano, A. and Calvente Lopez, S. and Calvet, D. and Calvet, S. and Calvet, T.P. and Calvetti, M. and Camacho Toro, R. and Camarda, S. and Camarero Munoz, D. and Camarri, P. and Camerlingo, M.T. and Cameron, D. and Camincher, C. and Campana, S. and Campanelli, M. and Camplani, A. and Campoverde, A. and Canale, V. and Canesse, A. and CanoBret, M. and Cantero, J. and Cao, T. and Cao, Y. and Capeans Garrido, M.D.M. and Capua, M. and Cardarelli, R. and Cardillo, F. and Carducci, G. and Carli, I. and Carli, T. and Carlino, G. and Carlson, B.T. and Carlson, E.M. and Carminati, L. and Carney, R.M.D. and Caron, S. and Carquin, E. and Carrá, S. and Carter, J.W.S. and Casado, M.P. and Casha, A.F. and Castillo, F.L. and Castillo Garcia, L. and Castillo Gimenez, V. and Castro, N.F. and Catinaccio, A. and Catmore, J.R. and Cattai, A. and Cavaliere, V. and Cavallaro, E. and Cavasinni, V. and Celebi, E. and Cerda Alberich, L. and Cerny, K. and Cerqueira, A.S. and Cerri, A. and Cerrito, L. and Cerutti, F. and Cervelli, A. and Cetin, S.A. and Chadi, Z. and Chakraborty, D. and Chan, J. and Chan, W.S. and Chan, W.Y. and Chapman, J.D. and Chargeishvili, B. and Charlton, D.G. and Charman, T.P. and Chau, C.C. and Che, S. and Chekanov, S. and Chekulaev, S.V. and Chelkov, G.A. and Chen, B. and Chen, C. and Chen, C.H. and Chen, H. and Chen, J. and Chen, J. and Chen, J. and Chen, S. and Chen, S.J. and Chen, X. and Chen, Y. and Chen, Y.-H. and Cheng, H.C. and Cheng, H.J. and Cheplakov, A. and Cheremushkina, E. and Cherkaoui El Moursli, R. and Cheu, E. and Cheung, K. and Chevalérias, T.J.A. and Chevalier, L. and Chiarella, V. and Chiarelli, G. and Chiodini, G. and Chisholm, A.S. and Chitan, A. and Chiu, I. and Chiu, Y.H. and Chizhov, M.V. and Choi, K. and Chomont, A.R. and Chouridou, S. and Chow, Y.S. and Chu, M.C. and Chu, X. and Chudoba, J. and Chwastowski, J.J. and Chytka, L. and Cieri, D. and Ciesla, K.M. and Cinca, D. and Cindro, V. and CioarÄ�, I.A. and Ciocio, A. and Cirotto, F. and Citron, Z.H. and Citterio, M. and Ciubotaru, D.A. and Ciungu, B.M. and Clark, A. and Clark, M.R. and Clark, P.J. and Clawson, S.E. and Clement, C. and Coadou, Y. and Cobal, M. and Coccaro, A. and Cochran, J. and Coelho Lopes DeSa, R. and Cohen, H. and Coimbra, A.E.C. and Cole, B. and Colijn, A.P. and Collot, J. and CondeMuiño, P. and Connell, S.H. and Connelly, I.A. and Constantinescu, S. and Conventi, F. and Cooper-Sarkar, A.M. and Cormier, F. and Cormier, K.J.R. and Corpe, L.D. and Corradi, M. and Corrigan, E.E. and Corriveau, F. and Cortes-Gonzalez, A. and Costa, M.J. and Costanza, F. and Costanzo, D. and Cowan, G. and Cowley, J.W. and Crane, J. and Cranmer, K. and Crawley, S.J. and Creager, R.A. and Crépé-Renaudin, S. and Crescioli, F. and Cristinziani, M. and Croft, V. and Crosetti, G. and Cueto, A. and Cuhadar Donszelmann, T. and Cukierman, A.R. and Cunningham, W.R. and Czekierda, S. and Czodrowski, P. and Czurylo, M.M. and Da Cunha Sargedas De Sousa, M.J. and Da Fonseca Pinto, J.V. and Da Via, C. and Dabrowski, W. and Dachs, F. and Dado, T. and Dahbi, S. and Dai, T. and Dallapiccola, C. and Dam, M. and Dâ��amen, G. and Dâ��Amico, V. and Damp, J. and Dandoy, J.R. and Daneri, M.F. and Dann, N.S. and Danninger, M. and Dao, V. and Darbo, G. and Dartsi, O. and Dattagupta, A. and Daubney, T. and Dâ��Auria, S. and David, C. and Davidek, T. and Davis, D.R. and Dawson, I. and De, K. and De Asmundis, R. and De Beurs, M. and De Castro, S. and De Cecco, S. and De Groot, N. and de Jong, P. and Dela Torre, H. and De Maria, A. and De Pedis, D. and De Salvo, A. and De Sanctis, U. and De Santis, M. and De Santo, A. and De Vasconcelos Corga, K. and De Vivie De Regie, J.B. and Debenedetti, C. and Dedovich, D.V. and Deiana, A.M. and Del Peso, J. and Delabat Diaz, Y. and Delgove, D. and Deliot, F. and Delitzsch, C.M. and Della Pietra, M. and Della Volpe, D. and Dellâ��Acqua, A. and Dellâ��Asta, L. and Delmastro, M. and Delporte, C. and Delsart, P.A. and De Marco, D.A. and Demers, S. and Demichev, M. and Demontigny, G. and Denisov, S.P. and Dâ��Eramo, L. and Derendarz, D. and Derkaoui, J.E. and Derue, F. and Dervan, P. and Desch, K. and Deterre, C. and Dette, K. and Deutsch, C. and Devesa, M.R. and Deviveiros, P.O. and Di Bello, F.A. and Di Ciaccio, A. and Di Ciaccio, L. and Di Clemente, W.K. and Di Donato, C. and Di Girolamo, A. and Di Gregorio, G. and Di Micco, B. and Di Nardo, R. and Di Petrillo, K.F. and Di Sipio, R. and Diaconu, C. and Dias, F.A. and Dias Do Vale, T. and Diaz, M.A. and Dickinson, J. and Diehl, E.B. and Dietrich, J. and Díez Cornell, S. and Dimitrievska, A. and Ding, W. and Dingfelder, J. and Dittus, F. and Djama, F. and Djobava, T. and Djuvsland, J.I. and Do Vale, M.A.B. and Dobre, M. and Dodsworth, D. and Doglioni, C. and Dolejsi, J. and Dolezal, Z. and Donadelli, M. and Dong, B. and Donini, J. and Dâ��onofrio, A. and Dâ��Onofrio, M. and Dopke, J. and Doria, A. and Dova, M.T. and Doyle, A.T. and Drechsler, E. and Dreyer, E. and Dreyer, T. and Drobac, A.S. and Du, D. and Duan, Y. and Dubinin, F. and Dubovsky, M. and Dubreuil, A. and Duchovni, E. and Duckeck, G. and Ducu, O.A. and Duda, D. and Dudarev, A. and Dudder, A.C. and Duffield, E.M. and Duflot, L. and Dührssen, M. and Dülsen, C. and Dumancic, M. and Dumitriu, A.E. and Duncan, A.K. and Dunford, M. and Duperrin, A. and Duran Yildiz, H. and Düren, M. and Durglishvili, A. and Duschinger, D. and Dutta, B. and Duvnjak, D. and Dyckes, G.I. and Dyndal, M. and Dysch, S. and Dziedzic, B.S. and Ecker, K.M. and Eggleston, M.G. and Eifert, T. and Eigen, G. and Einsweiler, K. and Ekelof, T. and ElJarrari, H. and ElKosseifi, R. and Ellajosyula, V. and Ellert, M. and Ellinghaus, F. and Elliot, A.A. and Ellis, N. and Elmsheuser, J. and Elsing, M. and Emeliyanov, D. and Emerman, A. and Enari, Y. and Epland, M.B. and Erdmann, J. and Ereditato, A. and Erland, P.A. and Errenst, M. and Escalier, M. and Escobar, C. and Estrada Pastor, O. and Etzion, E. and Evans, H. and Evans, M.O. and Ezhilov, A. and Fabbri, F. and Fabbri, L. and Fabiani, V. and Facini, G. and Faisca Rodrigues Pereira, R.M. and Fakhrutdinov, R.M. and Falciano, S. and Falke, P.J. and Falke, S. and Faltova, J. and Fang, Y. and Fang, Y. and Fanourakis, G. and Fanti, M. and Faraj, M. and Farbin, A. and Farilla, A. and Farina, E.M. and Farooque, T. and Farrington, S.M. and Farthouat, P. and Fassi, F. and Fassnacht, P. and Fassouliotis, D. and Faucci Giannelli, M. and Fawcett, W.J. and Fayard, L. and Fedin, O.L. and Fedorko, W. and Fehr, A. and Feickert, M. and Feligioni, L. and Fell, A. and Feng, C. and Feng, M. and Fenton, M.J. and Fenyuk, A.B. and Ferguson, S.W. and Ferrando, J. and Ferrante, A. and Ferrari, A. and Ferrari, P. and Ferrari, R. and Ferreira de Lima, D.E. and Ferrer, A. and Ferrere, D. and Ferretti, C. and Fiedler, F. and FilipÄ�iÄ�, A. and Filthaut, F. and Finelli, K.D. and Fiolhais, M.C.N. and Fiorini, L. and Fischer, F. and Fisher, W.C. and Fleck, I. and Fleischmann, P. and Flick, T. and Flierl, B.M. and Flores, L. and Flores Castillo, L.R. and Follega, F.M. and Fomin, N. and Foo, J.H. and Forcolin, G.T. and Formica, A. and Förster, F.A. and Forti, A.C. and Fortin, E. and Foti, M.G. and Fournier, D. and Fox, H. and Francavilla, P. and Francescato, S. and Franchini, M. and Franchino, S. and Francis, D. and Franco, L. and Franconi, L. and Franklin, M. and Fray, A.N. and Freeman, P.M. and Freund, B. and Freund, W.S. and Freundlich, E.M. and Frizzell, D.C. and Froidevaux, D. and Frost, J.A. and Fujimoto, M. and Fukunaga, C. and Fullana Torregrosa, E. and Fusayasu, T. and Fuster, J. and Gabrielli, A. and Gabrielli, A. and Gadatsch, S. and Gadow, P. and Gagliardi, G. and Gagnon, L.G. and Galhardo, B. and Gallardo, G.E. and Gallas, E.J. and Gallop, B.J. and Galster, G. and Gamboa Goni, R. and Gan, K.K. and Ganguly, S. and Gao, J. and Gao, Y. and Gao, Y.S. and García, C. and GarcíaNavarro, J.E. and GarcíaPascual, J.A. and Garcia-Argos, C. and Garcia-Sciveres, M. and Gardner, R.W. and Garelli, N. and Gargiulo, S. and Garner, C.A. and Garonne, V. and Gasiorowski, S.J. and Gaspar, P. and Gaudiello, A. and Gaudio, G. and Gavrilenko, I.L. and Gavrilyuk, A. and Gay, C. and Gaycken, G. and Gazis, E.N. and Geanta, A.A. and Gee, C.M. and Gee, C.N.P. and Geisen, J. and Geisen, M. and Gemme, C. and Genest, M.H. and Geng, C. and Gentile, S. and George, S. and Geralis, T. and Gerlach, L.O. and Gessinger-Befurt, P. and Gessner, G. and Ghasemi, S. and Ghasemi Bostanabad, M. and Ghneimat, M. and Ghosh, A. and Ghosh, A. and Giacobbe, B. and Giagu, S. and Giangiacomi, N. and Giannetti, P. and Giannini, A. and Giannini, G. and Gibson, S.M. and Gignac, M. and Gillberg, D. and Gilles, G. and Gingrich, D.M. and Giordani, M.P. and Giraud, P.F. and Giugliarelli, G. and Giugni, D. and Giuli, F. and Gkaitatzis, S. and Gkialas, I. and Gkougkousis, E.L. and Gkountoumis, P. and Gladilin, L.K. and Glasman, C. and Glatzer, J. and Glaysher, P.C.F. and Glazov, A. and Gledhill, G.R. and Gnesi, I. and Goblirsch-Kolb, M. and Godin, D. and Goldfarb, S. and Golling, T. and Golubkov, D. and Gomes, A. and Goncalves Gama, R. and Gonçalo, R. and Gonella, G. and Gonella, L. and Gongadze, A. and Gonnella, F. and Gonski, J.L. and González de la Hoz, S. and Gonzalez Fernandez, S. and Gonzalez Renteria, C. and Gonzalez Suarez, R. and Gonzalez-Sevilla, S. and Gonzalvo Rodriguez, G.R. and Goossens, L. and Gorasia, N.A. and Gorbounov, P.A. and Gordon, H.A. and Gorini, B. and Gorini, E. and GoriÅ¡ek, A. and Goshaw, A.T. and Gostkin, M.I. and Gottardo, C.A. and Gouighri, M. and Goussiou, A.G. and Govender, N. and Goy, C. and Gozani, E. and Grabowska-Bold, I. and Graham, E.C. and Gramling, J. and Gramstad, E. and Grancagnolo, S. and Grandi, M. and Gratchev, V. and Gravila, P.M. and Gravili, F.G. and Gray, C. and Gray, H.M. and Grefe, C. and Gregersen, K. and Gregor, I.M. and Grenier, P. and Grevtsov, K. and Grieco, C. and Grieser, N.A. and Grillo, A.A. and Grimm, K. and Grinstein, S. and Grivaz, J.-F. and Groh, S. and Gross, E. and Grosse-Knetter, J. and Grout, Z.J. and Grud, C. and Grummer, A. and Grundy, J.C. and Guan, L. and Guan, W. and Gubbels, C. and Guenther, J. and Guerguichon, A. and Guerrero Rojas, J.G.R. and Guescini, F. and Guest, D. and Gugel, R. and Guillemin, T. and Guindon, S. and Gul, U. and Guo, J. and Guo, W. and Guo, Y. and Guo, Z. and Gupta, R. and Gurbuz, S. and Gustavino, G. and Guth, M. and Gutierrez, P. and Gutschow, C. and Guyot, C. and Gwenlan, C. and Gwilliam, C.B. and Haas, A. and Haber, C. and Hadavand, H.K. and Hadef, A. and Haleem, M. and Haley, J. and Hall, J.J. and Halladjian, G. and Hallewell, G.D. and Hamacher, K. and Hamal, P. and Hamano, K. and Hamdaoui, H. and Hamer, M. and Hamity, G.N. and Han, K. and Han, L. and Han, S. and Han, Y.F. and Hanagaki, K. and Hance, M. and Handl, D.M. and Haney, B. and Hank, M.D. and Hankache, R. and Hansen, E. and Hansen, J.B. and Hansen, J.D. and Hansen, M.C. and Hansen, P.H. and Hanson, E.C. and Hara, K. and Harenberg, T. and Harkusha, S. and Harrison, P.F. and Hartman, N.M. and Hartmann, N.M. and Hasegawa, Y. and Hasib, A. and Hassani, S. and Haug, S. and Hauser, R. and Havener, L.B. and Havranek, M. and Hawkes, C.M. and Hawkings, R.J. and Hayashida, S. and Hayden, D. and Hayes, C. and Hayes, R.L. and Hays, C.P. and Hays, J.M. and Hayward, H.S. and Haywood, S.J. and He, F. and Heath, M.P. and Hedberg, V. and Heer, S. and Heggelund, A.L. and Heidegger, K.K. and Heidorn, W.D. and Heilman, J. and Heim, S. and Heim, T. and Heinemann, B. and Heinrich, J.J. and Heinrich, L. and Hejbal, J. and Helary, L. and Held, A. and Hellesund, S. and Helling, C.M. and Hellman, S. and Helsens, C. and Henderson, R.C.W. and Heng, Y. and Henkelmann, L. and Henriques Correia, A.M. and Herde, H. and Hernández Jiménez, Y. and Herr, H. and Herrmann, M.G. and Herrmann, T. and Herten, G. and Hertenberger, R. and Hervas, L. and Herwig, T.C. and Hesketh, G.G. and Hessey, N.P. and Hibi, H. and Higashida, A. and Higashino, S. and Higón-Rodriguez, E. and Hildebrand, K. and Hill, J.C. and Hill, K.K. and Hiller, K.H. and Hillier, S.J. and Hils, M. and Hinchliffe, I. and Hinterkeuser, F. and Hirose, M. and Hirose, S. and Hirschbuehl, D. and Hiti, B. and Hladik, O. and Hlaluku, D.R. and Hobbs, J. and Hod, N. and Hodgkinson, M.C. and Hoecker, A. and Hohn, D. and Hohov, D. and Holm, T. and Holmes, T.R. and Holzbock, M. and Hommels, L.B.A.H. and Hong, T.M. and Honig, J.C. and Hönle, A. and Hooberman, B.H. and Hopkins, W.H. and Horii, Y. and Horn, P. and Horyn, L.A. and Hou, S. and Hoummada, A. and Howarth, J. and Hoya, J. and Hrabovsky, M. and Hrdinka, J. and Hristova, I. and Hrivnac, J. and Hrynevich, A. and Hrynâ��ova, T. and Hsu, P.J. and Hsu, S.-C. and Hu, Q. and Hu, S. and Hu, Y.F. and Huang, D.P. and Huang, Y. and Huang, Y. and Hubacek, Z. and Hubaut, F. and Huebner, M. and Huegging, F. and Huffman, T.B. and Huhtinen, M. and Hunter, R.F.H. and Huo, P. and Huseynov, N. and Huston, J. and Huth, J. and Hyneman, R. and Hyrych, S. and Iacobucci, G. and Iakovidis, G. and Ibragimov, I. and Iconomidou-Fayard, L. and Iengo, P. and Ignazzi, R. and Igonkina, O. and Iguchi, R. and Iizawa, T. and Ikegami, Y. and Ikeno, M. and Iliadis, D. and Ilic, N. and Iltzsche, F. and Introzzi, G. and Iodice, M. and Iordanidou, K. and Ippolito, V. and Isacson, M.F. and Ishino, M. and Islam, W. and Issever, C. and Istin, S. and Ito, F. and Iturbe Ponce, J.M. and Iuppa, R. and Ivina, A. and Iwasaki, H. and Izen, J.M. and Izzo, V. and Jacka, P. and Jackson, P. and Jacobs, R.M. and Jaeger, B.P. and Jain, V. and Jäkel, G. and Jakobi, K.B. and Jakobs, K. and Jakoubek, T. and Jamieson, J. and Janas, K.W. and Jansky, R. and Janus, M. and Janus, P.A. and Jarlskog, G. and Jaspan, A.E. and Javadov, N. and Javůrek, T. and Javurkova, M. and Jeanneau, F. and Jeanty, L. and Jejelava, J. and Jelinskas, A. and Jenni, P. and Jeong, N. and Jézéquel, S. and Ji, H. and Jia, J. and Jiang, H. and Jiang, Y. and Jiang, Z. and Jiggins, S. and Jimenez Morales, F.A. and Jimenez Pena, J. and Jin, S. and Jinaru, A. and Jinnouchi, O. and Jivan, H. and Johansson, P. and Johns, K.A. and Johnson, C.A. and Jones, R.W.L. and Jones, S.D. and Jones, S. and Jones, T.J. and Jongmanns, J. and Jorge, P.M. and Jovicevic, J. and Ju, X. and Junggeburth, J.J. and Juste Rozas, A. and Kaczmarska, A. and Kado, M. and Kagan, H. and Kagan, M. and Kahn, A. and Kahra, C. and Kaji, T. and Kajomovitz, E. and Kalderon, C.W. and Kaluza, A. and Kamenshchikov, A. and Kaneda, M. and Kang, N.J. and Kang, S. and Kano, Y. and Kanzaki, J. and Kaplan, L.S. and Kar, D. and Karava, K. and Kareem, M.J. and Karkanias, I. and Karpov, S.N. and Karpova, Z.M. and Kartvelishvili, V. and Karyukhin, A.N. and Kastanas, A. and Kato, C. and Katzy, J. and Kawade, K. and Kawagoe, K. and Kawaguchi, T. and Kawamoto, T. and Kawamura, G. and Kay, E.F. and Kazakos, S. and Kazanin, V.F. and Keeler, R. and Kehoe, R. and Keller, J.S. and Kellermann, E. and Kelsey, D. and Kempster, J.J. and Kendrick, J. and Kennedy, K.E. and Kepka, O. and Kersten, S. and KerÅ¡evan, B.P. and Ketabchi Haghighat, S. and Khader, M. and Khalil-Zada, F. and Khandoga, M. and Khanov, A. and Kharlamov, A.G. and Kharlamova, T. and Khoda, E.E. and Khodinov, A. and Khoo, T.J. and Khramov, E. and Khubua, J. and Kido, S. and Kiehn, M. and Kilby, C.R. and Kim, E. and Kim, Y.K. and Kimura, N. and Kind, O.M. and King, B.T. and Kirchmeier, D. and Kirk, J. and Kiryunin, A.E. and Kishimoto, T. and Kisliuk, D.P. and Kitali, V. and Kitsaki, C. and Kivernyk, O. and Klapdor-Kleingrothaus, T. and Klassen, M. and Klein, C. and Klein, M.H. and Klein, M. and Klein, U. and Kleinknecht, K. and Klimek, P. and Klimentov, A. and Klingl, T. and Klioutchnikova, T. and Klitzner, F.F. and Kluit, P. and Kluth, S. and Kneringer, E. and Knoops, E.B.F.G. and Knue, A. and Kobayashi, D. and Kobayashi, T. and Kobel, M. and Kocian, M. and Kodama, T. and Kodys, P. and Koeck, D.M. and Koenig, P.T. and Koffas, T. and Köhler, N.M. and Kolb, M. and Koletsou, I. and Komarek, T. and Kondo, T. and Köneke, K. and Kong, A.X.Y. and König, A.C. and Kono, T. and Konstantinides, V. and Konstantinidis, N. and Konya, B. and Kopeliansky, R. and Koperny, S. and Korcyl, K. and Kordas, K. and Koren, G. and Korn, A. and Korolkov, I. and Korolkova, E.V. and Korotkova, N. and Kortner, O. and Kortner, S. and Kostyukhin, V.V. and Kotsokechagia, A. and Kotwal, A. and Koulouris, A. and Kourkoumeli-Charalampidi, A. and Kourkoumelis, C. and Kourlitis, E. and Kouskoura, V. and Kowalewska, A.B. and Kowalewski, R. and Kozanecki, W. and Kozhin, A.S. and Kramarenko, V.A. and Kramberger, G. and Krasnopevtsev, D. and Krasny, M.W. and Krasznahorkay, A. and Krauss, D. and Kremer, J.A. and Kretzschmar, J. and Krieger, P. and Krieter, F. and Krishnan, A. and Krizka, K. and Kroeninger, K. and Kroha, H. and Kroll, J. and Kroll, J. and Krowpman, K.S. and Kruchonak, U. and Krüger, H. and Krumnack, N. and Kruse, M.C. and Krzysiak, J.A. and Kubota, T. and Kuchinskaia, O. and Kuday, S. and Kuechler, J.T. and Kuehn, S. and Kugel, A. and Kuhl, T. and Kukhtin, V. and Kulchitsky, Y. and Kuleshov, S. and Kulinich, Y.P. and Kuna, M. and Kunigo, T. and Kupco, A. and Kupfer, T. and Kuprash, O. and Kurashige, H. and Kurchaninov, L.L. and Kurochkin, Y.A. and Kurova, A. and Kurth, M.G. and Kuwertz, E.S. and Kuze, M. and Kvam, A.K. and Kvita, J. and Kwan, T. and La Rotonda, L. and La Ruffa, F. and Lacasta, C. and Lacava, F. and Lack, D.P.J. and Lacker, H. and Lacour, D. and Ladygin, E. and Lafaye, R. and Laforge, B. and Lagouri, T. and Lai, S. and Lakomiec, I.K. and Lammers, S. and Lampl, W. and Lampoudis, C. and Lançon, E. and Landgraf, U. and Landon, M.P.J. and Lanfermann, M.C. and Lang, V.S. and Lange, J.C. and Langenberg, R.J. and Lankford, A.J. and Lanni, F. and Lantzsch, K. and Lanza, A. and Lapertosa, A. and Laplace, S. and Laporte, J.F. and Lari, T. and Lasagni Manghi, F. and Lassnig, M. and Lau, T.S. and Laudrain, A. and Laurier, A. and Lavorgna, M. and Lawlor, S.D. and Lazzaroni, M. and Le, B. and Le Guirriec, E. and Lebedev, A. and Le Blanc, M. and Le Compte, T. and Ledroit-Guillon, F. and Lee, A.C.A. and Lee, C.A. and Lee, G.R. and Lee, L. and Lee, S.C. and Lee, S. and Lefebvre, B. and Lefebvre, H.P. and Lefebvre, M. and Leggett, C. and Lehmann, K. and Lehmann, N. and Lehmann Miotto, G. and Leight, W.A. and Leisos, A. and Leite, M.A.L. and Leitgeb, C.E. and Leitner, R. and Lellouch, D. and Leney, K.J.C. and Lenz, T. and Leone, R. and Leone, S. and Leonidopoulos, C. and Leopold, A. and Leroy, C. and Les, R. and Lester, C.G. and Levchenko, M. and LevË�eque, J. and Levin, D. and Levinson, L.J. and Lewis, D.J. and Li, B. and Li, B. and Li, C.-Q. and Li, F. and Li, H. and Li, H. and Li, J. and Li, K. and Li, L. and Li, M. and Li, Q. and Li, Q.Y. and Li, S. and Li, X. and Li, Y. and Li, Z. and Li, Z. and Liang, Z. and Liberatore, M. and Liberti, B. and Liblong, A. and Lie, K. and Lim, S. and Lin, C.Y. and Lin, K. and Lin, T.H. and Linck, R.A. and Lindley, R.E. and Lindon, J.H. and Lionti, A.L. and Lipeles, E. and Lipniacka, A. and Liss, T.M. and Lister, A. and Little, J.D. and Liu, B. and Liu, B.L. and Liu, H.B. and Liu, H. and Liu, J.B. and Liu, J.K.K. and Liu, K. and Liu, M. and Liu, P. and Liu, Y. and Liu, Y. and Liu, Y.L. and Liu, Y.W. and Livan, M. and Lleres, A. and Llorente Merino, J. and Lloyd, S.L. and Lo, C.Y. and Lobodzinska, E.M. and Loch, P. and Loffredo, S. and Lohse, T. and Lohwasser, K. and Lokajicek, M. and Long, J.D. and Long, R.E. and Longo, L. and Looper, K.A. and Lopez Paz, I. and Lopez Solis, A. and Lorenz, J. and Lorenzo Martinez, N. and Lory, A.M. and Lösel, P.J. and Lösle, A. and Lou, X. and Lou, X. and Lounis, A. and Love, J. and Love, P.A. and Lozano Bahilo, J.J. and Lu, M. and Lu, Y.J. and Lubatti, H.J. and Luci, C. and Lucotte, A. and Luedtke, C. and Luehring, F. and Luise, I. and Luminari, L. and Lund-Jensen, B. and Lutz, M.S. and Lynn, D. and Lyons, H. and Lysak, R. and Lytken, E. and Lyu, F. and Lyubushkin, V. and Lyubushkina, T. and Ma, H. and Ma, L.L. and Ma, Y. and Maccarrone, G. and Macchiolo, A. and Macdonald, C.M. and Machado Miguens, J. and Madaffari, D. and Madar, R. and Mader, W.F. and Madugoda Ralalage Don, M. and Madysa, N. and Maeda, J. and Maeno, T. and Maerker, M. and Magerl, V. and Magini, N. and Magro, J. and Mahon, D.J. and Maidantchik, C. and Maier, T. and Maio, A. and Maj, K. and Majersky, O. and Majewski, S. and Makida, Y. and Makovec, N. and Malaescu, B. and Malecki, P. and Maleev, V.P. and Malek, F. and Mallik, U. and Malon, D. and Malone, C. and Maltezos, S. and Malyukov, S. and Mamuzic, J. and Mancini, G. and Mandíc, I. and Manhaesde Andrade Filho, L. and Maniatis, I.M. and Manjarres Ramos, J. and Mankinen, K.H. and Mann, A. and Manousos, A. and Mansoulie, B. and Manthos, I. and Manzoni, S. and Marantis, A. and Marceca, G. and Marchese, L. and Marchiori, G. and Marcisovsky, M. and Marcoccia, L. and Marcon, C. and Marin Tobon, C.A. and Marjanovic, M. and Marshall, Z. and Martensson, M.U.F. and Marti-Garcia, S. and Martin, C.B. and Martin, T.A. and Martin, V.J. and Martindit Latour, B. and Martinelli, L. and Martinez, M. and Martinez Agullo, P. and Martinez Outschoorn, V.I. and Martin-Haugh, S. and Martoiu, V.S. and Martyniuk, A.C. and Marzin, A. and Maschek, S.R. and Masetti, L. and Mashimo, T. and Mashinistov, R. and Masik, J. and Maslennikov, A.L. and Massa, L. and Massarotti, P. and Mastrandrea, P. and Mastroberardino, A. and Masubuchi, T. and Matakias, D. and Matic, A. and Matsuzawa, N. and Mättig, P. and Maurer, J. and MaÄ�ek, B. and Maximov, D.A. and Mazini, R. and Maznas, I. and Mazza, S.M. and Mc Gowan, J.P. and Mc Kee, S.P. and Mc Carthy, T.G. and Mc Cormack, W.P. and Mc Donald, E.F. and Mcfayden, J.A. and Mchedlidze, G. and Mc Kay, M.A. and Mc Lean, K.D. and Mc Mahon, S.J. and Mc Namara, P.C. and Mc Nicol, C.J. and Mc Pherson, R.A. and Mdhluli, J.E. and Meadows, Z.A. and Meehan, S. and Megy, T. and Mehlhase, S. and Mehta, A. and Meirose, B. and Melini, D. and Mellado Garcia, B.R. and Mellenthin, J.D. and Melo, M. and Meloni, F. and Melzer, A. and Menary, S.B. and Mendes Gouveia, E.D. and Meng, L. and Meng, X.T. and Menke, S. and Meoni, E. and Mergelmeyer, S. and Merkt, S.A.M. and Merlassino, C. and Mermod, P. and Merola, L. and Meroni, C. and Merz, G. and Meshkov, O. and Meshreki, J.K.R. and Messina, A. and Metcalfe, J. and Mete, A.S. and Meyer, C. and Meyer, J.-P. and MeyerZu Theenhausen, H. and Miano, F. and Michetti, M. and Middleton, R.P. and MijoviÄ�, L. and Mikenberg, G. and Mikestikova, M. and Mikuž, M. and Mildner, H. and Milesi, M. and Milic, A. and Milke, C.D. and Miller, D.W. and Milov, A. and Milstead, D.A. and Mina, R.A. and Minaenko, A.A. and Miñano Moya, M. and Minashvili, I.A. and Mincer, A.I. and Mindur, B. and Mineev, M. and Minegishi, Y. and Mir, L.M. and Mironova, M. and Mirto, A. and Mistry, K.P. and Mitani, T. and Mitrevski, J. and Mitsou, V.A. and Mittal, M. and Miu, O. and Miucci, A. and Miyagawa, P.S. and Mizukami, A. and Mjörnmark, J.U. and Mkrtchyan, T. and Mlynarikova, M. and Moa, T. and Mobius, S. and Mochizuki, K. and Mogg, P. and Mohapatra, S. and Moles-Valls, R. and Mondragon, M.C. and Mönig, K. and Monnier, E. and Montalbano, A. and Montejo Berlingen, J. and Montella, M. and Monticelli, F. and Monzani, S. and Morange, N. and Moreno, D. and Moreno Llácer, M. and Moreno Martinez, C. and Morettini, P. and Morgenstern, M. and Morgenstern, S. and Mori, D. and Morii, M. and Morinaga, M. and Morisbak, V. and Morley, A.K. and Mornacchi, G. and Morris, A.P. and Morvaj, L. and Moschovakos, P. and Moser, B. and Mosidze, M. and Moskalets, T. and Moss, H.J. and Moss, J. and Moyse, E.J.W. and Muanza, S. and Mueller, J. and Mueller, R.S.P. and Muenstermann, D. and Mullier, G.A. and Mungo, D.P. and Munoz Martinez, J.L. and Munoz Sanchez, F.J. and Murin, P. and Murray, W.J. and Murrone, A. and MÇ�skinja, M. and Mwewa, C. and Myagkov, A.G. and Myers, A.A. and Myers, J. and Myska, M. and Nachman, B.P. and Nackenhorst, O. and NagNag, A. and Nagai, K. and Nagano, K. and Nagasaka, Y. and Nagle, J.L. and Nagy, E. and Nairz, A.M. and Nakahama, Y. and Nakamura, K. and Nakamura, T. and Nanjo, H. and Napolitano, F. and Naranjo Garcia, R.F. and Narayan, R. and Naryshkin, I. and Naumann, T. and Navarro, G. and Nechaeva, P.Y. and Nechansky, F. and Neep, T.J. and Negri, A. and Negrini, M. and Nellist, C. and Nelson, M.E. and Nemecek, S. and Nessi, M. and Neubauer, M.S. and Neuhaus, F. and Neumann, M. and Newhouse, R. and Newman, P.R. and Ng, C.W. and Ng, Y.S. and Ng, Y.W.Y. and Ngair, B. and Nguyen, H.D.N. and Nguyen Manh, T. and Nibigira, E. and Nickerson, R.B. and Nicolaidou, R. and Nielsen, D.S. and Nielsen, J. and Nikiforou, N. and Nikolaenko, V. and Nikolic-Audit, I. and Nikolopoulos, K. and Nilsson, P. and Nindhito, H.R. and Ninomiya, Y. and Nisati, A. and Nishu, N. and Nisius, R. and Nitsche, I. and Nitta, T. and Nobe, T. and Noguchi, Y. and Nomidis, I. and Nomura, M.A. and Nordberg, M. and Novak, T. and Novgorodova, O. and Novotny, R. and Nozka, L. and Ntekas, K. and Nurse, E. and Oakham, F.G. and Oberlack, H. and Ocariz, J. and Ochi, A. and Ochoa, I. and Ochoa-Ricoux, J.P. and Oâ��Connor, K. and Oda, S. and Odaka, S. and Oerdek, S. and Ogrodnik, A. and Oh, A. and Oh, S.H. and Ohm, C.C. and Oide, H. and Ojeda, M.L. and Okawa, H. and Okazaki, Y. and Oâ��Keefe, M.W. and Okumura, Y. and Okuyama, T. and Olariu, A. and Oleiro Seabra, L.F. and Olivares Pino, S.A. and Oliveira Damazio, D. and Oliver, J.L. and Olsson, M.J.R. and Olszewski, A. and Olszowska, J. and Oâ��Neil, D.C. and Oâ��neill, A.P. and Onofre, A. and Onyisi, P.U.E. and Oppen, H. and Oreamuno Madriz, R.G. and Oreglia, M.J. and Orellana, G.E. and Orestano, D. and Orlando, N. and Orr, R.S. and Oâ��Shea, V. and Ospanov, R. and Oteroy Garzon, G. and Otono, H. and Ott, P.S. and Ottino, G.J. and Ouchrif, M. and Ouellette, J. and Ould-Saada, F. and Ouraou, A. and Ouyang, Q. and Owen, M. and Owen, R.E. and Ozcan, V.E. and Ozturk, N. and Pacalt, J. and Pacey, H.A. and Pachal, K. and Pacheco Pages, A. and Padilla Aranda, C. and Pagan Griso, S. and Paganini, M. and Palacino, G. and Palazzo, S. and Palestini, S. and Palka, M. and Pallin, D. and Palni, P. and Panagoulias, I. and Pandini, C.E. and Panduro Vazquez, J.G. and Pani, P. and Panizzo, G. and Paolozzi, L. and Papadatos, C. and Papageorgiou, K. and Parajuli, S. and Paramonov, A. and Paraskevopoulos, C. and Paredes Hernandez, D. and Paredes Saenz, S.R. and Parida, B. and Park, T.H. and Parker, A.J. and Parker, M.A. and Parodi, F. and Parrish, E.W. and Parsons, J.A. and Parzefall, U. and Pascual Dominguez, L. and Pascuzzi, V.R. and Pasner, J.M.P. and Pasquali, F. and Pasqualucci, E. and Passaggio, S. and Pastore, F. and Pasuwan, P. and Pataraia, S. and Pater, J.R. and Pathak, A. and Patton, J. and Pauly, T. and Pearkes, J. and Pearson, B. and Pedersen, M. and PedrazaDiaz, L. and Pedro, R. and Peiffer, T. and Peleganchuk, S.V. and Penc, O. and Peng, H. and Peralva, B.S. and Perego, M.M. and Pereira Peixoto, A.P. and Pereira Sanchez, L. and Perepelitsa, D.V. and Peri, F. and Perini, L. and Pernegger, H. and Perrella, S. and Perrevoort, A. and Peters, K. and Peters, R.F.Y. and Petersen, B.A. and Petersen, T.C. and Petit, E. and Petridis, A. and Petridou, C. and Petroff, P. and Petrucci, F. and Pettee, M. and Pettersson, N.E. and Petukhova, K. and Peyaud, A. and Pezoa, R. and Pezzotti, L. and Pham, T. and Phillips, F.H. and Phillips, P.W. and Phipps, M.W. and Piacquadio, G. and Pianori, E. and Picazio, A. and Pickles, R.H. and Piegaia, R. and Pietreanu, D. and Pilcher, J.E. and Pilkington, A.D. and Pinamonti, M. and Pinfold, J.L. and Pitman Donaldson, C. and Pitt, M. and Pizzimento, L. and Pleier, M.-A. and Pleskot, V. and Plotnikova, E. and Podberezko, P. and Poettgen, R. and Poggi, R. and Poggioli, L. and Pogrebnyak, I. and Pohl, D. and Pokharel, I. and Polesello, G. and Poley, A. and Policicchio, A. and Polifka, R. and Polini, A. and Pollard, C.S. and Polychronakos, V. and Ponomarenko, D. and Pontecorvo, L. and Popa, S. and Popeneciu, G.A. and Portales, L. and Portillo Quintero, D.M. and Pospisil, S. and Potamianos, K. and Potrap, I.N. and Potter, C.J. and Potti, H. and Poulsen, T. and Poveda, J. and Powell, T.D. and Pownall, G. and Pozo Astigarraga, M.E. and Pralavorio, P. and Prell, S. and Price, D. and Primavera, M. and Prince, S. and Proffitt, M.L. and Proklova, N. and Prokofiev, K. and Prokoshin, F. and Protopopescu, S. and Proudfoot, J. and Przybycien, M. and Pudzha, D. and Puri, A. and Puzo, P. and Qian, J. and Qin, Y. and Quadt, A. and Queitsch-Maitland, M. and Qureshi, A. and Racko, M. and Ragusa, F. and Rahal, G. and Raine, J.A. and Rajagopalan, S. and Ramirez Morales, A. and Ran, K. and Rashid, T. and Rauch, D.M. and Rauscher, F. and Rave, S. and Ravina, B. and Ravinovich, I. and Rawling, J.H. and Raymond, M. and Read, A.L. and Readioff, N.P. and Reale, M. and Rebuzzi, D.M. and Redlinger, G. and Reeves, K. and Rehnisch, L. and Reichert, J. and Reikher, D. and Reiss, A. and Rej, A. and Rembser, C. and Renardi, A. and Renda, M. and Rescigno, M. and Resconi, S. and Resseguie, E.D. and Rettie, S. and Reynolds, B. and Reynolds, E. and Rezanova, O.L. and Reznicek, P. and Ricci, E. and Richter, R. and Richter, S. and Richter-Was, E. and Ricken, O. and Ridel, M. and Rieck, P. and Rifki, O. and Rijssenbeek, M. and Rimoldi, A. and Rimoldi, M. and Rinaldi, L. and Ripellino, G. and Riu, I. and Rivera Vergara, J.C. and Rizatdinova, F. and Rizvi, E. and Rizzi, C. and Roberts, R.T. and Robertson, S.H. and Robin, M. and Robinson, D. and Robles Gajardo, C.M. and Robles Manzano, M. and Robson, A. and Rocchi, A. and Rocco, E. and Roda, C. and Rodriguez Bosca, S. and RodriguezR odriguez, D. and RodÅ�ıguez Vera, A.M. and Roe, S. and Røhne, O. and Röhrig, R. and Rojas, R.A. and Roland, B. and Roland, C.P.A. and Roloff, J. and Romaniouk, A. and Romano, M. and Rompotis, N. and Ronzani, M. and Roos, L. and Rosati, S. and Rosin, G. and Rosser, B.J. and Rossi, E. and Rossi, E. and Rossi, E. and Rossi, L.P. and Rossini, L. and Rosten, R. and Rotaru, M. and Rottler, B. and Rousseau, D. and Rovelli, G. and Roy, A. and Roy, D. and Rozanov, A. and Rozen, Y. and Ruan, X. and Rühr, F. and Ruiz-Martinez, A. and Rummler, A. and Rurikova, Z. and Rusakovich, N.A. and Russell, H.L. and Rustige, L. and Rutherfoord, J.P. and Rüttinger, E.M. and Rybar, M. and Rybkin, G. and Rye, E.B. and Ryzhov, A. and Sabater Iglesias, J.A. and Sabatini, P. and Sacerdoti, S. and Sadrozinski, H.F.-W. and Sadykov, R. and Safai Tehrani, F. and Safarzadeh Samani, B. and Safdari, M. and Saha, P. and Saha, S. and Sahinsoy, M. and Sahu, A. and Saimpert, M. and Saito, M. and Saito, T. and Sakamoto, H. and Salamani, D. and Salamanna, G. and Salazar Loyola, J.E. and Salnikov, A. and Salt, J. and Salvador Salas, A. and Salvatore, D. and Salvatore, F. and Salvucci, A. and Salzburger, A. and Samarati, J. and Sammel, D. and Sampsonidis, D. and Sampsonidou, D. and Sánchez, J. and Sanchez Pineda, A. and Sandaker, H. and Sander, C.O. and Sanderswood, I.G. and Sandhoff, M. and Sandoval, C. and Sankey, D.P.C. and Sannino, M. and Sano, Y. and Sansoni, A. and Santoni, C. and Santos, H. and Santpur, S.N. and Santra, A. and Sapronov, A. and Saraiva, J.G. and Sasaki, O. and Sato, K. and Sauerburger, F. and Sauvan, E. and Savard, P. and Sawada, R. and Sawyer, C. and Sawyer, L. and Sbarra, C. and Sbrizzi, A. and Scanlon, T. and Schaarschmidt, J. and Schacht, P. and Schachtner, B.M. and Schaefer, D. and Schaefer, L. and Schaeffer, J. and Schaepe, S. and Schäfer, U. and Schaffer, A.C. and Schaile, D. and Schamberger, R.D. and Schanet, E. and Scharmberg, N. and Schegelsky, V.A. and Scheirich, D. and Schenck, F. and Schernau, M. and Schiavi, C. and Schildgen, L.K. and Schillaci, Z.M. and Schioppa, E.J. and Schioppa, M. and Schleicher, K.E. and Schlenker, S. and Schmidt-Sommerfeld, K.R. and Schmieden, K. and Schmitt, C. and Schmitt, S. and Schmitz, S. and Schmoeckel, J.C. and Schoeffel, L. and Schoening, A. and Scholer, P.G. and Schopf, E. and Schott, M. and Schouwenberg, J.F.P. and Schovancova, J. and Schramm, S. and Schroeder, F. and Schulte, A. and Schultz-Coulon, H.-C. and Schumacher, M. and Schumm, B.A. and Schune, P. and Schwartzman, A. and Schwarz, T.A. and Schwemling, P. and Schwienhorst, R. and Sciandra, A. and Sciolla, G. and Scodeggio, M. and Scornajenghi, M. and Scuri, F. and Scutti, F. and Scyboz, L.M. and Sebastiani, C.D. and Seema, P. and Seidel, S.C. and Seiden, A. and Seidlitz, B.D. and Seiss, T. and Seitz, C. and Seixas, J.M. and Sekhniaidze, G. and Sekula, S.J. and Semprini-Cesari, N. and Sen, S. and Serfon, C. and Serin, L. and Serkin, L. and Sessa, M. and Severini, H. and Sevova, S. and Sforza, F. and Sfyrla, A. and Shabalina, E. and Shahinian, J.D. and Shaikh, N.W. and Shaked Renous, D. and Shan, L.Y. and Shapiro, M. and Sharma, A. and Sharma, A.S. and Shatalov, P.B. and Shaw, K. and Shaw, S.M. and Shehade, M. and Shen, Y. and Sherman, A.D. and Sherwood, P. and Shi, L. and Shimizu, S. and Shimmin, C.O. and Shimogama, Y. and Shimojima, M. and Shipsey, I.P.J. and Shirabe, S. and Shiyakova, M. and Shlomi, J. and Shmeleva, A. and Shochet, M.J. and Shojaii, J. and Shope, D.R. and Shrestha, S. and Shrif, E.M. and Shulga, E. and Sicho, P. and Sickles, A.M. and Sidebo, P.E. and SiderasHaddad, E. and Sidiropoulou, O. and Sidoti, A. and Siegert, F. and Sijacki, D. and Silva, M.J. and Silva Oliveira, M.V. and Silverstein, S.B. and Simion, S. and Simoniello, R. and Simpson-allsop, C.J. and Simsek, S. and Sinervo, P. and Sinetckii, V. and Singh, S. and Sioli, M. and Siral, I. and Sivoklokov, S.Y. and Sjölin, J. and Skaf, A. and Skorda, E. and Skubic, P. and Slawinska, M. and Sliwa, K. and Slovak, R. and Smakhtin, V. and Smart, B.H. and Smiesko, J. and Smirnov, N. and Smirnov, S.Y. and Smirnov, Y. and Smirnova, L.N. and Smirnova, O. and Smith, J.W. and Smizanska, M. and Smolek, K. and Smykiewicz, A. and Snesarev, A.A. and Snoek, H.L. and Snyder, I.M. and Snyder, S. and Sobie, R. and Soffer, A. and Søgaard, A. and Sohns, F. and Solans Sanchez, C.A. and Soldatov, E.Y. and Soldevila, U. and Solodkov, A.A. and Soloshenko, A. and Solovyanov, O.V. and Solovyev, V. and Sommer, P. and Son, H. and Song, W. and Song, W.Y. and Sopczak, A. and Sopio, A.L. and Sopkova, F. and Sotiropoulou, C.L. and Sottocornola, S. and Soualah, R. and Soukharev, A.M. and South, D. and Spagnolo, S. and Spalla, M. and Spangenberg, M. and Spaniò, F. and Sperlich, D. and Spieker, T.M. and Spigo, G. and Spina, M. and Spiteri, D.P. and Spousta, M. and Stabile, A. and Stamas, B.L. and Stamen, R. and Stamenkovic, M. and Stanecka, E. and Stanislaus, B. and Stanitzki, M.M. and Stankaityte, M. and Stapf, B. and Starchenko, E.A. and Stark, G.H. and Stark, J. and Staroba, P. and Starovoitov, P. and Stärz, S. and Staszewski, R. and Stavropoulos, G. and Stegler, M. and Steinberg, P. and Steinhebel, A.L. and Stelzer, B. and Stelzer, H.J. and Stelzer-Chilton, O. and Stenzel, H. and Stevenson, T.J. and Stewart, G.A. and Stockton, M.C. and Stoicea, G. and Stolarski, M. and Stonjek, S. and Straessner, A. and Strandberg, J. and Strandberg, S. and Strauss, M. and Strizenec, P. and Ströhmer, R. and Strom, D.M. and Stroynowski, R. and Strubig, A. and Stucci, S.A. and Stugu, B. and Stupak, J. and Styles, N.A. and Su, D. and Su, W. and Suchek, S. and Sulin, V.V. and Sullivan, M.J. and Sultan, D.M.S. and Sultansoy, S. and Sumida, T. and Sun, S. and Sun, X. and Suruliz, K. and Suster, C.J.E. and Sutton, M.R. and Suzuki, S. and Svatos, M. and Swiatlowski, M. and Swift, S.P. and Swirski, T. and Sydorenko, A. and Sykora, I. and Sykora, M. and Sykora, T. and Ta, D. and Tackmann, K. and Taenzer, J. and Taffard, A. and Tafirout, R. and Takashima, R. and Takeda, K. and Takeshita, T. and Takeva, E.P. and Takubo, Y. and Talby, M. and Talyshev, A.A. and Tam, K.C. and Tamir, N.M. and Tanaka, J. and Tanaka, R. and Tapia Araya, S. and Tapprogge, S. and Tarek Abouelfadl Mohamed, A. and Tarem, S. and Tariq, K. and Tarna, G. and Tartarelli, G.F. and Tas, P. and Tasevsky, M. and Tashiro, T. and Tassi, E. and Tavares Delgado, A. and Tayalati, Y. and Taylor, A.J. and Taylor, G.N. and Taylor, W. and Teagle, H. and Tee, A.S. and Teixeira De Lima, R. and Teixeira-Dias, P. and TenKate, H. and Teoh, J.J. and Terada, S. and Terashi, K. and Terron, J. and Terzo, S. and Testa, M. and Teuscher, R.J. and Thais, S.J. and Themistokleous, N. and Theveneaux-Pelzer, T. and Thiele, F. and Thomas, D.W. and Thomas, J.O. and Thomas, J.P. and Thompson, E.A. and Thompson, P.D. and Thomson, E. and Thorpe, E.J. and TicseTorres, R.E. and Tikhomirov, V.O. and Tikhonov, Y.A. and Timoshenko, S. and Tipton, P. and Tisserant, S. and Todome, K. and Todorova-Nova, S. and Todt, S. and Tojo, J. and Tokár, S. and Tokushuku, K. and Tolley, E. and Tomiwa, K.G. and Tomoto, M. and Tompkins, L. and Tornambe, P. and Torrence, E. and Torres, H. and Torró Pastor, E. and Tosciri, C. and Toth, J. and Tovey, D.R. and Traeet, A. and Treado, C.J. and Trefzger, T. and Tresoldi, F. and Tricoli, A. and Trigger, I.M. and Trincaz-Duvoid, S. and Trischuk, D.A. and Trischuk, W. and Trocḿe, B. and Trofymov, A. and Troncon, C. and Trovato, F. and Truong, L. and Trzebinski, M. and Trzupek, A. and Tsai, F. and Tseng, J.C.-L. and Tsiareshka, P.V. and Tsirigotis, A. and Tsiskaridze, V. and Tskhadadze, E.G. and Tsopoulou, M. and Tsukerman, I.I. and Tsulaia, V. and Tsuno, S. and Tsybychev, D. and Tu, Y. and Tudorache, A. and Tudorache, V. and Tulbure, T.T. and Tuna, A.N. and Turchikhin, S. and Turgeman, D. and Turk Cakir, I. and Turner, R.J. and Turra, R.T. and Tuts, P.M. and Tzamarias, S. and Tzovara, E. and Ucchielli, G. and Uchida, K. and Ukegawa, F. and Unal, G. and Undrus, A. and Unel, G. and Ungaro, F.C. and Unno, Y. and Uno, K. and Urban, J. and Urquijo, P. and Usai, G. and Uysal, Z. and Vacek, V. and Vachon, B. and Vadla, K.O.H. and Vaidya, A. and Valderanis, C. and Valdes Santurio, E. and Valente, M. and Valentinetti, S. and Valero, A. and Valéry, L. and Vallance, R.A. and Vallier, A. and Valls Ferrer, J.A. and Van Daalen, T.R. and Van Gemmeren, P. and Van Vulpen, I. and Vanadia, M. and Vandelli, W. and Vandenbroucke, M. and Vandewall, E.R. and Vaniachine, A. and Vannicola, D. and Vari, R. and Varnes, E.W. and Varni, C. and Varol, T. and Varouchas, D. and Varvell, K.E. and Vasile, M.E. and Vasquez, G.A. and Vazeille, F. and Vazquez Furelos, D. and Vazquez Schroeder, T. and Veatch, J. and Vecchio, V. and Veen, M.J. and Veloce, L.M. and Veloso, F. and Veneziano, S. and Ventura, A. and Venturi, N. and Verbytskyi, A. and Vercesi, V. and Verducci, M. and VergelInfante, C.M. and Vergis, C. and Verkerke, W. and Vermeulen, A.T. and Vermeulen, J.C. and Vernieri, C. and Vetterli, M.C. and Viaux Maira, N. and Vickey, T. and Vickey Boeriu, O.E. and Viehhauser, G.H.A. and Vigani, L. and Villa, M. and Villaplana Perez, M. and Villhauer, E.M. and Vilucchi, E. and Vincter, M.G. and Virdee, G.S. and Vishwakarma, A. and Vittori, C. and Vivarelli, I. and Vogel, M. and Vokac, P. and von Buddenbrock, S.E. and Von Toerne, E. and Vorobel, V. and Vorobev, K. and Vos, M. and Vossebeld, J.H. and Vozak, M. and Vranjes, N. and Vranjes Milosavljevic, M. and Vrba, V. and Vreeswijk, M. and Vuillermet, R. and Vukotic, I. and Wada, S. and Wagner, P. and Wagner, W. and Wagner-Kuhr, J. and Wahdan, S. and Wahlberg, H. and Wakasa, R. and Walbrecht, V.M. and Walder, J. and Walker, R. and Walker, S.D. and Walkowiak, W. and Wallangen, V. and Wang, A.M. and Wang, A.Z. and Wang, C. and Wang, F. and Wang, H. and Wang, H. and Wang, J. and Wang, J. and Wang, P. and Wang, Q. and Wang, R.-J. and Wang, R. and Wang, R. and Wang, S.M. and Wang, W.T. and Wang, W. and Wang, W.X. and Wang, Y. and Wang, Z. and Wanotayaroj, C. and Warburton, A. and Ward, C.P. and Wardrope, D.R. and Warrack, N. and Washbrook, A. and Watson, A.T. and Watson, M.F. and Watts, G. and Waugh, B.M. and Webb, A.F. and Weber, C. and Weber, M.S. and Weber, S.A. and Weber, S.M. and Weidberg, A.R. and Weingarten, J. and Weirich, M. and Weiser, C. and Wells, P.S. and Wenaus, T. and Wengler, T. and Wenig, S. and Wermes, N. and Werner, M.D. and Wessels, M. and Weston, T.D. and Whalen, K. and Whallon, N.L. and Wharton, A.M. and White, A.S. and White, A. and White, M.J. and Whiteson, D. and Whitmore, B.W. and Wiedenmann, W. and Wiel, C. and Wielers, M. and Wieseotte, N. and Wiglesworth, C. and Wiik-Fuchs, L.A.M. and Wilkens, H.G. and Wilkins, L.J. and Williams, H.H. and Williams, S. and Willis, C. and Willocq, S. and Windischhofer, P.J. and Wingerter-Seez, I. and Winkels, E. and Winklmeier, F. and Winter, B.T. and Wittgen, M. and Wobisch, M. and Wolf, A. and Wolf, T.M.H. and Wolff, R. and Wölker, R. and Wollrath, J. and Wolter, M.W. and Wolters, H. and Wong, V.W.S. and Woods, N.L. and Worm, S.D. and Wosiek, B.K. and Wózniak, K.W. and Wraight, K. and Wu, S.L. and Wu, X. and Wu, Y. and Wyatt, T.R. and Wynne, B.M. and Xella, S. and Xi, Z. and Xia, L. and Xiao, X. and Xie, X. and Xiotidis, I. and Xu, D. and Xu, H. and Xu, H. and Xu, L. and Xu, T. and Xu, W. and Xu, Z. and Xu, Z. and Yabsley, B. and Yacoob, S. and Yajima, K. and Yallup, D.P. and Yamaguchi, N. and Yamaguchi, Y. and Yamamoto, A. and Yamatani, M. and Yamazaki, T. and Yamazaki, Y. and Yan, J. and Yan, Z. and Yang, H.J. and Yang, H.T. and Yang, S. and Yang, T. and Yang, X. and Yang, Y. and Yang, Z. and Yao, W.-M. and Yap, Y.C. and Yasu, Y. and Yatsenko, E. and Ye, H. and Ye, J. and Ye, S. and Yeletskikh, I. and Yexley, M.R. and Yigitbasi, E. and Yin, P. and Yorita, K. and Yoshihara, K. and Young, C.J.S. and Young, C. and Yu, J. and Yuan, R. and Yue, X. and Zaazoua, M. and Zabinski, B. and Zacharis, G. and Zaffaroni, E. and Zahreddine, J. and Zaitsev, A.M. and Zakareishvili, T. and Zakharchuk, N. and Zambito, S. and Zanzi, D. and Zaripovas, D.R. and ZeiÃ�ner, S.V. and Zeitnitz, C. and Zemaityte, G. and Zeng, J.C. and Zenin, O. and ŽeniÅ¡, T. and Zerwas, D. and ZgubiÄ�, M. and Zhang, B. and Zhang, D.F. and Zhang, G. and Zhang, J. and Zhang, K. and Zhang, L. and Zhang, L. and Zhang, M. and Zhang, R. and Zhang, S. and Zhang, X. and Zhang, X. and Zhang, Y. and Zhang, Z. and Zhang, Z. and Zhao, P. and Zhao, Z. and Zhemchugov, A. and Zheng, Z. and Zhong, D. and Zhou, B. and Zhou, C. and Zhou, H. and Zhou, M.S. and Zhou, M. and Zhou, N. and Zhou, Y. and Zhu, C.G. and Zhu, C. and Zhu, H.L. and Zhu, H. and Zhu, J. and Zhu, Y. and Zhuang, X. and Zhukov, K. and Zhulanov, V. and Zieminska, D. and Zimine, N.I. and Zimmermann, S. and Zinonos, Z. and Ziolkowski, M. and Živkovíc, L. and Zobernig, G. and Zoccoli, A. and Zoch, K. and Zorbas, T.G. and Zou, R. and Zwalinski, L. and Sirunyan, A.M. and Tumasyan, A. and Adam, W. and Ambrogi, F. and Bergauer, T. and Dragicevic, M. and Erö, J. and Escalante Del Valle, A. and Flechl, M. and Frühwirth, R. and Jeitler, M. and Krammer, N. and Krätschmer, I. and Liko, D. and Madlener, T. and Mikulec, I. and Rad, N. and Schieck, J. and Schöfbeck, R. and Spanring, M. and Waltenberger, W. and Wulz, C.-E. and Zarucki, M. and Drugakov, V. and Mossolov, V. and Suarez Gonzalez, J. and Darwish, M.R. and De Wolf, E.A. and Di Croce, D. and Janssen, X. and Kello, T. and Lelek, A. and Pieters, M. and Rejeb Sfar, H. and Van Haevermaet, H. and Van Mechelen, P. and Van Putte, S. and Van Remortel, N. and Blekman, F. and Bols, E.S. and Chhibra, S.S. and Dâ��Hondt, J. and De Clercq, J. and Lontkovskyi, D. and Lowette, S. and Marchesini, I. and Moortgat, S. and Python, Q. and Tavernier, S. and Van Doninck, W. and Van Mulders, P. and Beghin, D. and Bilin, B. and Clerbaux, B. and De Lentdecker, G. and Delannoy, H. and Dorney, B. and Favart, L. and Grebenyuk, A. and Kalsi, A.K. and Moureaux, L. and Popov, A. and Postiau, N. and Starling, E. and Thomas, L. and Vander Velde, C. and Vanlaer, P. and Vannerom, D. and Cornelis, T. and Dobur, D. and Khvastunov, I. and Niedziela, M. and Roskas, C. and Skovpen, K. and Tytgat, M. and Verbeke, W. and Vermassen, B. and Vit, M. and Bruno, G. and Caputo, C. and David, P. and Delaere, C. and Delcourt, M. and Giammanco, A. and Lemaitre, V. and Prisciandaro, J. and Saggio, A. and Vischia, P. and Zobec, J. and Alves, G.A. and Correia Silva, G. and Hensel, C. and Moraes, A. and Belchior Batista Das Chagas, E. and Carvalho, W. and Chinellato, J. and Coelho, E. and Da Costa, E.M. and Da Silveira, G.G. and De Jesus Damiao, D. and De Oliveira Martins, C. and Fonseca De Souza, S. and Malbouisson, H. and Martins, J. and Matos Figueiredo, D. and Medina Jaime, M. and Melo De Almeida, M. and Mora Herrera, C. and Mundim, L. and Nogima, H. and Prado Da Silva, W.L. and Rebello Teles, P. and Sanchez Rosas, L.J. and Santoro, A. and Sznajder, A. and Thiel, M. and Tonelli Manganote, E.J. and Torres Da Silva De Araujo, F. and Vilela Pereira, A. and Bernardes, C.A. and Calligaris, L. and Fernandez Perez Tomei, T.R. and Gregores, E.M. and Lemos, D.S. and Mercadante, P.G. and Novaes, S.F. and Padula, S.S. and Aleksandrov, A. and Antchev, G. and Hadjiiska, R. and Iaydjiev, P. and Misheva, M. and Rodozov, M. and Shopova, M. and Sultanov, G. and Bonchev, M. and Dimitrov, A. and Ivanov, T. and Litov, L. and Pavlov, B. and Petkov, P. and Petrov, A. and Fang, W. and Gao, X. and Yuan, L. and Ahmad, M. and Hu, Z. and Wang, Y. and Chen, G.M. and Chen, H.S. and Chen, M. and Jiang, C.H. and Leggat, D. and Liao, H. and Liu, Z. and Spiezia, A. and Tao, J. and Yazgan, E. and Zhang, H. and Zhang, S. and Zhao, J. and Agapitos, A. and Ban, Y. and Chen, G. and Levin, A. and Li, J. and Li, L. and Li, Q. and Mao, Y. and Qian, S.J. and Wang, D. and Wang, Q. and Xiao, M. and Avila, C. and Cabrera, A. and Florez, C. and González Hernández, C.F. and Segura Delgado, M.A. and Mejia Guisao, J. and Ruiz Alvarez, J.D. and Salazar González, C.A. and Vanegas Arbelaez, N. and GiljanoviÄ�, D. and Godinovic, N. and Lelas, D. and Puljak, I. and Sculac, T. and Antunovic, Z. and Kovac, M. and Brigljevic, V. and Ferencek, D. and Kadija, K. and Mesic, B. and Roguljic, M. and Starodumov, A. and Susa, T. and Ather, M.W. and Attikis, A. and Erodotou, E. and Ioannou, A. and Kolosova, M. and Konstantinou, S. and Mavromanolakis, G. and Mousa, J. and Nicolaou, C. and Ptochos, F. and Razis, P.A. and Rykaczewski, H. and Saka, H. and Tsiakkouri, D. and Finger, M. and Finger, Jr and Kveton, A. and Tomsa, J. and Ayala, E. and Carrera Jarrin, E. and Abdelalim, A.A. and Abu Zeid, S. and Bhowmik, S. and Carvalho Antunes De Oliveira, A. and Dewanjee, R.K. and Ehataht, K. and Kadastik, M. and Raidal, M. and Veelken, C. and Eerola, P. and Forthomme, L. and Kirschenmann, H. and Osterberg, K. and Voutilainen, M. and Garcia, F. and Havukainen, J. and Heikkilä, J.K. and Karimäki, V. and Kim, M.S. and Kinnunen, R. and Lampén, T. and Lassila-Perini, K. and Laurila, S. and Lehti, S. and Lindén, T. and Siikonen, H. and Tuominen, E. and Tuominiemi, J. and Luukka, P. and Tuuva, T. and Besancon, M. and Couderc, F. and Dejardin, M. and Denegri, D. and Fabbro, B. and Faure, J.L. and Ferri, F. and Ganjour, S. and Givernaud, A. and Gras, P. and Hamel de Monchenault, G. and Jarry, P. and Leloup, C. and Lenzi, B. and Locci, E. and Malcles, J. and Rander, J. and Rosowsky, A. and Sahin, M.Ã�. and Savoy-Navarro, A. and Titov, M. and Yu, G.B. and Ahuja, S. and Amendola, C. and Beaudette, F. and Bonanomi, M. and Busson, P. and Charlot, C. and Diab, B. and Falmagne, G. and Granier de Cassagnac, R. and Kucher, I. and Lobanov, A. and Martin Perez, C. and Nguyen, M. and Ochando, C. and Paganini, P. and Rembser, J. and Salerno, R. and Sauvan, J.B. and Sirois, Y. and Zabi, A. and Zghiche, A. and Agram, J.-L. and Andrea, J. and Bloch, D. and Bourgatte, G. and Brom, J.-M. and Chabert, E.C. and Collard, C. and Conte, E. and Fontaine, J.-C. and Gelé, D. and Goerlach, U. and Grimault, C. and Le Bihan, A.-C. and Tonon, N. and Van Hove, P. and Gadrat, S. and Beauceron, S. and Bernet, C. and Boudoul, G. and Camen, C. and Carle, A. and Chanon, N. and Chierici, R. and Contardo, D. and Depasse, P. and El Mamouni, H. and Fay, J. and Gascon, S. and Gouzevitch, M. and Ille, B. and Jain, S. and Laktineh, I.B. and Lattaud, H. and Lesauvage, A. and Lethuillier, M. and Mirabito, L. and Perries, S. and Sordini, V. and Torterotot, L. and Touquet, G. and Vander Donckt, M. and Viret, S. and Khvedelidze, A. and Tsamalaidze, Z. and Autermann, C. and Feld, L. and Klein, K. and Lipinski, M. and Meuser, D. and Pauls, A. and Preuten, M. and Rauch, M.P. and Schulz, J. and Teroerde, M. and Erdmann, M. and Fischer, B. and Ghosh, S. and Hebbeker, T. and Hoepfner, K. and Keller, H. and Mastrolorenzo, L. and Merschmeyer, M. and Meyer, A. and Millet, P. and Mocellin, G. and Mondal, S. and Mukherjee, S. and Noll, D. and Novak, A. and Pook, T. and Pozdnyakov, A. and Quast, T. and Radziej, M. and Rath, Y. and Reithler, H. and Roemer, J. and Schmidt, A. and Schuler, S.C. and Sharma, A. and Wiedenbeck, S. and Zaleski, S. and Flügge, G. and Haj Ahmad, W. and Hlushchenko, O. and Kress, T. and Müller, T. and Nowack, A. and Pistone, C. and Pooth, O. and Roy, D. and Sert, H. and Stahl, A. and Aldaya Martin, M. and Asmuss, P. and Babounikau, I. and Bakhshiansohi, H. and Beernaert, K. and Behnke, O. and Bermúdez Martínez, A. and Bin Anuar, A.A. and Borras, K. and Botta, V. and Campbell, A. and Cardini, A. and Connor, P. and Consuegra Rodríguez, S. and Contreras-Campana, C. and Danilov, V. and De Wit, A. and Defranchis, M.M. and Diez Pardos, C. and Domínguez Damiani, D. and Eckerlin, G. and Eckstein, D. and Eichhorn, T. and Elwood, A. and Eren, E. and Gallo, E. and Geiser, A. and Grohsjean, A. and Guthoff, M. and Haranko, M. and Harb, A. and Jafari, A. and Jomhari, N.Z. and Jung, H. and Kasem, A. and Kasemann, M. and Kaveh, H. and Keaveney, J. and Kleinwort, C. and Knolle, J. and Krücker, D. and Lange, W. and Lenz, T. and Lidrych, J. and Lipka, K. and Lohmann, W. and Mankel, R. and Melzer-Pellmann, I.-A. and Meyer, A.B. and Meyer, M. and Missiroli, M. and Mnich, J. and Mussgiller, A. and Myronenko, V. and Pérez Adán, D. and Pflitsch, S.K. and Pitzl, D. and Raspereza, A. and Saibel, A. and Savitskyi, M. and Scheurer, V. and Schütze, P. and Schwanenberger, C. and Shevchenko, R. and Singh, A. and Sosa Ricardo, R.E. and Tholen, H. and Turkot, O. and Vagnerini, A. and Van De Klundert, M. and Walsh, R. and Wen, Y. and Wichmann, K. and Wissing, C. and Zenaiev, O. and Zlebcik, R. and Aggleton, R. and Bein, S. and Benato, L. and Benecke, A. and Dreyer, T. and Ebrahimi, A. and Feindt, F. and Fröhlich, A. and Garbers, C. and Garutti, E. and Gonzalez, D. and Gunnellini, P. and Haller, J. and Hinzmann, A. and Karavdina, A. and Kasieczka, G. and Klanner, R. and Kogler, R. and Kovalchuk, N. and Kurz, S. and Kutzner, V. and Lange, J. and Lange, T. and Malara, A. and Multhaup, J. and Niemeyer, C.E.N. and Reimers, A. and Rieger, O. and Schleper, P. and Schumann, S. and Schwandt, J. and Sonneveld, J. and Stadie, H. and Steinbrück, G. and Vormwald, B. and Zoi, I. and Akbiyik, M. and Baselga, M. and Baur, S. and Berger, T. and Butz, E. and Caspart, R. and Chwalek, T. and De Boer, W. and Dierlamm, A. and El Morabit, K. and Faltermann, N. and Giffels, M. and Gottmann, A. and Hartmann, F. and Heidecker, C. and Husemann, U. and Iqbal, M.A. and Kudella, S. and Maier, S. and Mitra, S. and Mozer, M.U. and Müller, D. and Müller, T. and Musich, M. and Nürnberg, A. and Quast, G. and Rabbertz, K. and Savoiu, D. and Schäfer, D. and Schnepf, M. and Schröder, M. and Shvetsov, I. and Simonis, H.J. and Ulrich, R. and Wassmer, M. and Weber, M. and Wöhrmann, C. and Wolf, R. and Wozniewski, S. and Anagnostou, G. and Asenov, P. and Daskalakis, G. and Geralis, T. and Kyriakis, A. and Loukas, D. and Paspalaki, G. and Stakia, A. and Diamantopoulou, M. and Karathanasis, G. and Kontaxakis, P. and Manousakis-katsikakis, A. and Panagiotou, A. and Papavergou, I. and Saoulidou, N. and Theofilatos, K. and Vellidis, K. and Vourliotis, E. and Bakas, G. and Kousouris, K. and Papakrivopoulos, I. and Tsipolitis, G. and Zacharopoulou, A. and Evangelou, I. and Foudas, C. and Gianneios, P. and Katsoulis, P. and Kokkas, P. and Mallios, S. and Manitara, K. and Manthos, N. and Papadopoulos, I. and Strologas, J. and Triantis, F.A. and Tsitsonis, D. and Bartók, M. and Chudasama, R. and Csanad, M. and Major, P. and Mandal, K. and Mehta, A. and Pasztor, G. and Surányi, O. and Veres, G.I. and Bencze, G. and Hajdu, C. and Horvath, D. and Sikler, F. and Veszpremi, V. and Vesztergombi, G. and Beni, N. and Czellar, S. and Karancsi, J. and Molnar, J. and Szillasi, Z. and Raics, P. and Teyssier, D. and Trocsanyi, Z.L. and Ujvari, B. and Csorgo, T. and Metzger, W.J. and Nemes, F. and Novak, T. and Choudhury, S. and Komaragiri, J.R. and Tiwari, P.C. and Bahinipati, S. and Kar, C. and Kole, G. and Mal, P. and Muraleedharan Nair Bindhu, V.K. and Nayak, A. and Sahoo, D.K. and Swain, S.K. and Bansal, S. and Beri, S.B. and Bhatnagar, V. and Chauhan, S. and Dhingra, N. and Gupta, R. and Kaur, A. and Kaur, M. and Kaur, S. and Kumari, P. and Lohan, M. and Meena, M. and Sandeep, K. and Sharma, S. and Singh, J.B. and Virdi, A.K. and Walia, G. and Bhardwaj, A. and Choudhary, B.C. and Garg, R.B. and Gola, M. and Keshri, S. and Kumar, A. and Naimuddin, M. and Priyanka, P. and Ranjan, K. and Shah, A. and Sharma, R. and Bhardwaj, R. and Bharti, M. and Bhattacharya, R. and Bhattacharya, S. and Bhawandeep, U. and Bhowmik, D. and Dutta, S. and Ghosh, S. and Gomber, B. and Maity, M. and Mondal, K. and Nandan, S. and Purohit, A. and Rout, P.K. and Saha, G. and Sarkar, S. and Sharan, M. and Singh, B. and Thakur, S. and Behera, P.K. and Behera, S.C. and Kalbhor, P. and Muhammad, A. and Pujahari, P.R. and Sharma, A. and Sikdar, A.K. and Dutta, D. and Jha, V. and Mishra, D.K. and Netrakanti, P.K. and Pant, L.M. and Shukla, P. and Aziz, T. and Bhat, M.A. and Dugad, S. and Mohanty, G.B. and Sur, N. and Verma, R.K. and Banerjee, S. and Bhattacharya, S. and Chatterjee, S. and Das, P. and Guchait, M. and Karmakar, S. and Kumar, S. and Majumder, G. and Mazumdar, K. and Sahoo, N. and Sawant, S. and Dube, S. and Kansal, B. and Kapoor, A. and Kothekar, K. and Pandey, S. and Rane, A. and Rastogi, A. and Sharma, S. and Chenarani, S. and Etesami, S.M. and Khakzad, M. and Mohammadi Najafabadi, M. and Naseri, M. and Rezaei Hosseinabadi, F. and Felcini, M. and Grunewald, M. and Abbrescia, M. and Aly, R. and Calabria, C. and Colaleo, A. and Creanza, D. and Cristella, L. and De Filippis, N. and De Palma, M. and Di Florio, A. and Elmetenawee, W. and Fiore, L. and Gelmi, A. and Iaselli, G. and Ince, M. and Lezki, S. and Maggi, G. and Maggi, M. and Merlin, J.A. and Miniello, G. and My, S. and Nuzzo, S. and Pompili, A. and Pugliese, G. and Radogna, R. and Ranieri, A. and Selvaggi, G. and Silvestris, L. and Simone, F.M. and Venditti, R. and Verwilligen, P. and Abbiendi, G. and Battilana, C. and Bonacorsi, D. and Borgonovi, L. and Braibant-Giacomelli, S. and Campanini, R. and Capiluppi, P. and Castro, A. and Cavallo, F.R. and Ciocca, C. and Codispoti, G. and Cuffiani, M. and Dallavalle, G.M. and Fabbri, F. and Fanfani, A. and Fontanesi, E. and Giacomelli, P. and Grandi, C. and Guiducci, L. and Iemmi, F. and Meo, S.L. and Marcellini, S. and Masetti, G. and Navarria, F.L. and Perrotta, A. and Primavera, F. and Rossi, A.M. and Rovelli, T. and Siroli, G.P. and Tosi, N. and Albergo, S. and Costa, S. and Di Mattia, A. and Potenza, R. and Tricomi, A. and Tuve, C. and Barbagli, G. and Cassese, A. and Ceccarelli, R. and Ciulli, V. and Civinini, C. and Dâ��Alessandro, R. and Fiori, F. and Focardi, E. and Latino, G. and Lenzi, P. and Meschini, M. and Paoletti, S. and Sguazzoni, G. and Viliani, L. and Benussi, L. and Bianco, S. and Piccolo, D. and Bozzo, M. and Ferro, F. and Mulargia, R. and Robutti, E. and Tosi, S. and Benaglia, A. and Beschi, A. and Brivio, F. and Ciriolo, V. and Dinardo, M.E. and Dini, P. and Gennai, S. and Ghezzi, A. and Govoni, P. and Guzzi, L. and Malberti, M. and Malvezzi, S. and Menasce, D. and Monti, F. and Moroni, L. and Paganoni, M. and Pedrini, D. and Ragazzi, S. and Tabarelli de Fatis, T. and Valsecchi, D. and Zuolo, D. and Buontempo, S. and Cavallo, N. and De Iorio, A. and Di Crescenzo, A. and Fabozzi, F. and Fienga, F. and Galati, G. and Iorio, A.O.M. and Layer, L. and Lista, L. and Meola, S. and Paolucci, P. and Rossi, B. and Sciacca, C. and Voevodina, E. and Azzi, P. and Bacchetta, N. and Bisello, D. and Boletti, A. and Bragagnolo, A. and Carlin, R. and Checchia, P. and De Castro Manzano, P. and Dorigo, T. and Dosselli, U. and Gasparini, F. and Gasparini, U. and Gozzelino, A. and Hoh, S.Y. and Margoni, M. and Meneguzzo, A.T. and Pazzini, J. and Presilla, M. and Ronchese, P. and Rossin, R. and Simonetto, F. and Tiko, A. and Tosi, M. and Zanetti, M. and Zotto, P. and Zucchetta, A. and Zumerle, G. and Braghieri, A. and Fiorina, D. and Montagna, P. and Ratti, S.P. and Re, V. and Ressegotti, M. and Riccardi, C. and Salvini, P. and Vai, I. and Vitulo, P. and Biasini, M. and Bilei, G.M. and Ciangottini, D. and Fanò, L. and Lariccia, P. and Leonardi, R. and Manoni, E. and Mantovani, G. and Mariani, V. and Menichelli, M. and Rossi, A. and Santocchia, A. and Spiga, D. and Androsov, K. and Azzurri, P. and Bagliesi, G. and Bertacchi, V. and Bianchini, L. and Boccali, T. and Castaldi, R. and Ciocci, M.A. and Dellâ��Orso, R. and Donato, S. and Giannini, L. and Giassi, A. and Grippo, M.T. and Ligabue, F. and Manca, E. and Mandorli, G. and Messineo, A. and Palla, F. and Rizzi, A. and Rolandi, G. and Roy Chowdhury, S. and Scribano, A. and Spagnolo, P. and Tenchini, R. and Tonelli, G. and Turini, N. and Venturi, A. and Verdini, P.G. and Cavallari, F. and Cipriani, M. and Del Re, D. and Di Marco, E. and Diemoz, M. and Longo, E. and Meridiani, P. and Organtini, G. and Pandolfi, F. and Paramatti, R. and Quaranta, C. and Rahatlou, S. and Rovelli, C. and Santanastasio, F. and Soffi, L. and Tramontano, R. and Amapane, N. and Arcidiacono, R. and Argiro, S. and Arneodo, M. and Bartosik, N. and Bellan, R. and Bellora, A. and Biino, C. and Cappati, A. and Cartiglia, N. and Cometti, S. and Costa, M. and Covarelli, R. and Demaria, N. and González Fernández, J.R. and Kiani, B. and Legger, F. and Mariotti, C. and Maselli, S. and Migliore, E. and Monaco, V. and Monteil, E. and Monteno, M. and Obertino, M.M. and Ortona, G. and Pacher, L. and Pastrone, N. and Pelliccioni, M. and Pinna Angioni, G.L. and Romero, A. and Ruspa, M. and Salvatico, R. and Sola, V. and Solano, A. and Soldi, D. and Staiano, A. and Trocino, D. and Belforte, S. and Candelise, V. and Casarsa, M. and Cossutti, F. and Da Rold, A. and Della Ricca, G. and Vazzoler, F. and Zanetti, A. and Kim, B. and Kim, D.H. and Kim, G.N. and Lee, J. and Lee, S.W. and Moon, C.S. and Oh, Y.D. and Pak, S.I. and Sekmen, S. and Son, D.C. and Yang, Y.C. and Kim, H. and Moon, D.H. and Francois, B. and Kim, T.J. and Park, J. and Cho, S. and Choi, S. and Go, Y. and Ha, S. and Hong, B. and Lee, K. and Lee, K.S. and Lim, J. and Park, J. and Park, S.K. and Roh, Y. and Yoo, J. and Goh, J. and Kim, H.S. and Almond, J. and Bhyun, J.H. and Choi, J. and Jeon, S. and Kim, J. and Kim, J.S. and Lee, H. and Lee, K. and Lee, S. and Nam, K. and Oh, M. and Oh, S.B. and Radburn-Smith, B.C. and Yang, U.K. and Yoo, H.D. and Yoon, I. and Jeon, D. and Kim, J.H. and Lee, J.S.H. and Park, I.C. and Watson, I.J. and Choi, Y. and Hwang, C. and Jeong, Y. and Lee, J. and Lee, Y. and Yu, I. and Veckalns, V. and Dudenas, V. and Juodagalvis, A. and Rinkevicius, A. and Tamulaitis, G. and Vaitkus, J. and Mohamad Idris, F. and Wan Abdullah, W.A.T. and Yusli, M.N. and Zolkapli, Z. and Benitez, J.F. and Castaneda Hernandez, A. and Murillo Quijada, J.A. and Valencia Palomo, L. and Castilla-Valdez, H. and De La Cruz-Burelo, E. and Heredia-De La Cruz, I. and Lopez-Fernandez, R. and Sanchez-Hernandez, A. and Carrillo Moreno, S. and Oropeza Barrera, C. and Ramirez-Garcia, M. and Vazquez Valencia, F. and Eysermans, J. and Pedraza, I. and Salazar Ibarguen, H.A. and Uribe Estrada, C. and Morelos Pineda, A. and Mijuskovic, J. and Raicevic, N. and Krofcheck, D. and Bheesette, S. and Butler, P.H. and Lujan, P. and Ahmad, A. and Ahmad, M. and Awan, M.I.M. and Hassan, Q. and Hoorani, H.R. and Khan, W.A. and Shah, M.A. and Shoaib, M. and Waqas, M. and Avati, V. and Grzanka, L. and Malawski, M. and Bialkowska, H. and Bluj, M. and Boimska, B. and Górski, M. and Kazana, M. and Szleper, M. and Zalewski, P. and Bunkowski, K. and Byszuk, A. and Doroba, K. and Kalinowski, A. and Konecki, M. and Krolikowski, J. and Olszewski, M. and Walczak, M. and Araujo, M. and Bargassa, P. and Bastos, D. and Di Francesco, A. and Faccioli, P. and Galinhas, B. and Gallinaro, M. and Hollar, J. and Leonardo, N. and Niknejad, T. and Seixas, J. and Shchelina, K. and Strong, G. and Toldaiev, O. and Varela, J. and Afanasiev, S. and Alexakhin, V. and Bunin, P. and Gavrilenko, M. and Golutvin, I. and Gorbunov, I. and Kamenev, A. and Karjavine, V. and Lanev, A. and Malakhov, A. and Matveev, V. and Moisenz, P. and Palichik, V. and Perelygin, V. and Savina, M. and Shmatov, S. and Shulha, S. and Smirnov, V. and Voytishin, N. and Zarubin, A. and Chtchipounov, L. and Golovtcov, V. and Ivanov, Y. and Kim, V. and Kuznetsova, E. and Levchenko, P. and Murzin, V. and Oreshkin, V. and Smirnov, I. and Sosnov, D. and Sulimov, V. and Uvarov, L. and Vorobyev, A. and Andreev, Y. and Dermenev, A. and Gninenko, S. and Golubev, N. and Karneyeu, A. and Kirsanov, M. and Krasnikov, N. and Pashenkov, A. and Tlisov, D. and Toropin, A. and Epshteyn, V. and Gavrilov, V. and Lychkovskaya, N. and Nikitenko, A. and Popov, V. and Pozdnyakov, I. and Safronov, G. and Spiridonov, A. and Stepennov, A. and Toms, M. and Vlasov, E. and Zhokin, A. and Aushev, T. and Chadeeva, M. and Parygin, P. and Philippov, D. and Rusinov, V. and Zhemchugov, E. and Andreev, V. and Azarkin, M. and Dremin, I. and Kirakosyan, M. and Terkulov, A. and Baskakov, A. and Belyaev, A. and Boos, E. and Bunichev, V. and Dubinin, M. and Dudko, L. and Klyukhin, V. and Korneeva, N. and Lokhtin, I. and Obraztsov, S. and Perfilov, M. and Savrin, V. and Volkov, P. and Barnyakov, A. and Blinov, V. and Dimova, T. and Kardapoltsev, L. and Skovpen, Y. and Azhgirey, I. and Bayshev, I. and Bitioukov, S. and Kachanov, V. and Konstantinov, D. and Mandrik, P. and Petrov, V. and Ryutin, R. and Slabospitskii, S. and Sobol, A. and Troshin, S. and Tyurin, N. and Uzunian, A. and Volkov, A. and Babaev, A. and Iuzhakov, A. and Okhotnikov, V. and Borchsh, V. and Ivanchenko, V. and Tcherniaev, E. and Adzic, P. and Cirkovic, P. and Dordevic, M. and Milenovic, P. and Milosevic, J. and Stojanovic, M. and Aguilar-Benitez, M. and Alcaraz Maestre, J. and Ã�lvarez Fernández, A. and Bachiller, I. and Barrio Luna, M. and Bedoya, C.F. and Brochero Cifuentes, J.A. and Carrillo Montoya, C.A. and Cepeda, M. and Cerrada, M. and Colino, N. and De La Cruz, B. and Delgado Peris, A. and Fernández Ramos, J.P. and Flix, J. and Fouz, M.C. and Gonzalez Lopez, O. and Goy Lopez, S. and Hernandez, J.M. and Josa, M.I. and Moran, D. and Navarro Tobar, Ã�. and Pérez-Calero Yzquierdo, A. and Puerta Pelayo, J. and Redondo, I. and Romero, L. and Sánchez Navas, S. and Soares, M.S. and Triossi, A. and Willmott, C. and Albajar, C. and de Trocóniz, J.F. and Reyes-Almanza, R. and Alvarez Gonzalez, B. and Cuevas, J. and Erice, C. and Fernandez Menendez, J. and Folgueras, S. and Gonzalez Caballero, I. and Palencia Cortezon, E. and Ramón Ã�lvarez, C. and Rodríguez Bouza, V. and Sanchez Cruz, S. and Cabrillo, I.J. and Calderon, A. and Chazin Quero, B. and Duarte Campderros, J. and Fernandez, M. and Fernández Manteca, P.J. and García Alonso, A. and Gomez, G. and Martinez Rivero, C. and Martinez Ruiz del Arbol, P. and Matorras, F. and Piedra Gomez, J. and Prieels, C. and Ricci-Tam, F. and Rodrigo, T. and Ruiz-Jimeno, A. and Russo, L. and Scodellaro, L. and Vila, I. and Vizan Garcia, J.M. and Sonnadara, D.U.J. and Dharmaratna, W.G.D. and Wickramage, N. and Aarrestad, T.K. and Abbaneo, D. and Akgun, B. and Auffray, E. and Auzinger, G. and Baechler, J. and Baillon, P. and Ball, A.H. and Barney, D. and Bendavid, J. and Bianco, M. and Bocci, A. and Bortignon, P. and Bossini, E. and Brondolin, E. and Camporesi, T. and Caratelli, A. and Cerminara, G. and Chapon, E. and Cucciati, G. and dâ��Enterria, D. and Dabrowski, A. and Daci, N. and Daponte, V. and David, A. and Davignon, O. and De Roeck, A. and Deile, M. and Di Maria, R. and Dobson, M. and Dünser, M. and Dupont, N. and Elliott-Peisert, A. and Emriskova, N. and Fallavollita, F. and Fasanella, D. and Fiorendi, S. and Franzoni, G. and Fulcher, J. and Funk, W. and Giani, S. and Gigi, D. and Gill, K. and Glege, F. and Gouskos, L. and Gruchala, M. and Guilbaud, M. and Gulhan, D. and Hegeman, J. and Heidegger, C. and Iiyama, Y. and Innocente, V. and James, T. and Janot, P. and Karacheban, O. and Kaspar, J. and Kieseler, J. and Krammer, M. and Kratochwil, N. and Lange, C. and Lecoq, P. and Long, K. and Lourenço, C. and Malgeri, L. and Mannelli, M. and Massironi, A. and Meijers, F. and Mersi, S. and Meschi, E. and Moortgat, F. and Mulders, M. and Ngadiuba, J. and Niedziela, J. and Nourbakhsh, S. and Orfanelli, S. and Orsini, L. and Pantaleo, F. and Pape, L. and Perez, E. and Peruzzi, M. and Petrilli, A. and Petrucciani, G. and Pfeiffer, A. and Pierini, M. and Pitters, F.M. and Rabady, D. and Racz, A. and Rieger, M. and Rovere, M. and Sakulin, H. and Salfeld-Nebgen, J. and Scarfi, S. and Schäfer, C. and Schwick, C. and Selvaggi, M. and Sharma, A. and Silva, P. and Snoeys, W. and Sphicas, P. and Steggemann, J. and Summers, S. and Tavolaro, V.R. and Treille, D. and Tsirou, A. and Van Onsem, G.P. and Vartak, A. and Verzetti, M. and Wozniak, K.A. and Zeuner, W.D. and Caminada, L. and Deiters, K. and Erdmann, W. and Horisberger, R. and Ingram, Q. and Kaestli, H.C. and Kotlinski, D. and Langenegger, U. and Rohe, T. and Backhaus, M. and Berger, P. and Calandri, A. and Chernyavskaya, N. and Dissertori, G. and Dittmar, M. and DonegÃ, M. and Dorfer, C. and Gómez Espinosa, T.A. and Grab, C. and Hits, D. and Lustermann, W. and Manzoni, R.A. and Meinhard, M.T. and Micheli, F. and Musella, P. and Nessi-Tedaldi, F. and Pauss, F. and Perovic, V. and Perrin, G. and Perrozzi, L. and Pigazzini, S. and Ratti, M.G. and Reichmann, M. and Reissel, C. and Reitenspiess, T. and Ristic, B. and Ruini, D. and Sanz Becerra, D.A. and Schönenberger, M. and Shchutska, L. and Vesterbacka Olsson, M.L. and Wallny, R. and Zhu, D.H. and Amsler, C. and Botta, C. and Brzhechko, D. and Canelli, M.F. and De Cosa, A. and Del Burgo, R. and Kilminster, B. and Leontsinis, S. and Mikuni, V.M. and Neutelings, I. and Rauco, G. and Robmann, P. and Schweiger, K. and Takahashi, Y. and Wertz, S. and Kuo, C.M. and Lin, W. and Roy, A. and Sarkar, T. and Yu, S.S. and Chang, P. and Chao, Y. and Chen, K.F. and Chen, P.H. and Hou, W.-S. and Li, Y. and Lu, R.-S. and Paganis, E. and Psallidas, A. and Steen, A. and Asavapibhop, B. and Asawatangtrakuldee, C. and Srimanobhas, N. and Suwonjandee, N. and Bat, A. and Boran, F. and Celik, A. and Damarseckin, S. and Demiroglu, Z.S. and Dolek, F. and Dozen, C. and Dumanoglu, I. and Gokbulut, G. and Guler, E.G. and Guler, Y. and Hos, I. and Isik, C. and Kangal, E.E. and Kara, O. and Kayis Topaksu, A. and Kiminsu, U. and Onengut, G. and Ozdemir, K. and Simsek, A.E. and Tok, U.G. and Turkcapar, S. and Zorbakir, I.S. and Zorbilmez, C. and Isildak, B. and Karapinar, G. and Yalvac, M. and Atakisi, I.O. and Gülmez, E. and Kaya, M. and Kaya, O. and Ã�zçelik, Ã�. and Tekten, S. and Yetkin, E.A. and Cakir, A. and Cankocak, K. and Komurcu, Y. and Sen, S. and Cerci, S. and Kaynak, B. and Ozkorucuklu, S. and Sunar Cerci, D. and Grynyov, B. and Levchuk, L. and Bhal, E. and Bologna, S. and Brooke, J.J. and Burns, D. and Clement, E. and Cussans, D. and Flacher, H. and Goldstein, J. and Heath, G.P. and Heath, H.F. and Kreczko, L. and Krikler, B. and Paramesvaran, S. and Sakuma, T. and Seif El Nasr-Storey, S. and Smith, V.J. and Taylor, J. and Titterton, A. and Bell, K.W. and Belyaev, A. and Brew, C. and Brown, R.M. and Cockerill, D.J.A. and Coughlan, J.A. and Harder, K. and Harper, S. and Linacre, J. and Manolopoulos, K. and Newbold, D.M. and Olaiya, E. and Petyt, D. and Reis, T. and Schuh, T. and Shepherd-Themistocleous, C.H. and Thea, A. and Tomalin, I.R. and Williams, T. and Bainbridge, R. and Bloch, P. and Bonomally, S. and Borg, J. and Breeze, S. and Buchmuller, O. and Bundock, A. and Chahal, G.S. and Colling, D. and Dauncey, P. and Davies, G. and Della Negra, M. and Everaerts, P. and Hall, G. and Iles, G. and Komm, M. and Langford, J. and Lyons, L. and Magnan, A.-M. and Malik, S. and Martelli, A. and Milosevic, V. and Morton, A. and Nash, J. and Palladino, V. and Pesaresi, M. and Raymond, D.M. and Richards, A. and Rose, A. and Scott, E. and Seez, C. and Shtipliyski, A. and Stoye, M. and Strebler, T. and Tapper, A. and Uchida, K. and Virdee, T. and Wardle, N. and Webb, S.N. and Winterbottom, D. and Zecchinelli, A.G. and Zenz, S.C. and Cole, J.E. and Hobson, P.R. and Khan, A. and Kyberd, P. and Mackay, C.K. and Reid, I.D. and Teodorescu, L. and Zahid, S. and Brinkerhoff, A. and Call, K. and Caraway, B. and Dittmann, J. and Hatakeyama, K. and Madrid, C. and McMaster, B. and Pastika, N. and Smith, C. and Bartek, R. and Dominguez, A. and Uniyal, R. and Vargas Hernandez, A.M. and Buccilli, A. and Cooper, S.I. and Gleyzer, S.V. and Henderson, C. and Rumerio, P. and West, C. and Albert, A. and Arcaro, D. and Demiragli, Z. and Gastler, D. and Richardson, C. and Rohlf, J. and Sperka, D. and Spitzbart, D. and Suarez, I. and Sulak, L. and Zou, D. and Benelli, G. and Burkle, B. and Coubez, X. and Cutts, D. and Duh, Y. and Hadley, M. and Heintz, U. and Hogan, J.M. and Kwok, K.H.M. and Laird, E. and Landsberg, G. and Lau, K.T. and Lee, J. and Narain, M. and Sagir, S. and Syarif, R. and Usai, E. and Wong, W.Y. and Yu, D. and Zhang, W. and Band, R. and Brainerd, C. and Breedon, R. and Calderon De La Barca Sanchez, M. and Chertok, M. and Conway, J. and Conway, R. and Cox, P.T. and Erbacher, R. and Flores, C. and Funk, G. and Jensen, F. and Ko, W. and Kukral, O. and Lander, R. and Mulhearn, M. and Pellett, D. and Pilot, J. and Shi, M. and Taylor, D. and Tos, K. and Tripathi, M. and Wang, Z. and Zhang, F. and Bachtis, M. and Bravo, C. and Cousins, R. and Dasgupta, A. and Florent, A. and Hauser, J. and Ignatenko, M. and Mccoll, N. and Nash, W.A. and Regnard, S. and Saltzberg, D. and Schnaible, C. and Stone, B. and Valuev, V. and Burt, K. and Chen, Y. and Clare, R. and Gary, J.W. and Ghiasi Shirazi, S.M.A. and Hanson, G. and Karapostoli, G. and Long, O.R. and Manganelli, N. and Olmedo Negrete, M. and Paneva, M.I. and Si, W. and Wimpenny, S. and Yates, B.R. and Zhang, Y. and Branson, J.G. and Chang, P. and Cittolin, S. and Cooperstein, S. and Deelen, N. and Derdzinski, M. and Duarte, J. and Gerosa, R. and Gilbert, D. and Hashemi, B. and Klein, D. and Krutelyov, V. and Letts, J. and Masciovecchio, M. and May, S. and Padhi, S. and Pieri, M. and Sharma, V. and Tadel, M. and Würthwein, F. and Yagil, A. and Zevi Della Porta, G. and Amin, N. and Bhandari, R. and Campagnari, C. and Citron, M. and Dutta, V. and Incandela, J. and Marsh, B. and Mei, H. and Ovcharova, A. and Qu, H. and Richman, J. and Sarica, U. and Stuart, D. and Wang, S. and Anderson, D. and Bornheim, A. and Cerri, O. and Dutta, I. and Lawhorn, J.M. and Lu, N. and Mao, J. and Newman, H.B. and Nguyen, T.Q. and Pata, J. and Spiropulu, M. and Vlimant, J.R. and Xie, S. and Zhang, Z. and Zhu, R.Y. and Alison, J. and Andrews, M.B. and Ferguson, T. and Mudholkar, T. and Paulini, M. and Sun, M. and Vorobiev, I. and Weinberg, M. and Cumalat, J.P. and Ford, W.T. and MacDonald, E. and Mulholland, T. and Patel, R. and Perloff, A. and Stenson, K. and Ulmer, K.A. and Wagner, S.R. and Alexander, J. and Cheng, Y. and Chu, J. and Datta, A. and Frankenthal, A. and Mcdermott, K. and Patterson, J.R. and Quach, D. and Ryd, A. and Tan, S.M. and Tao, Z. and Thom, J. and Wittich, P. and Zientek, M. and Abdullin, S. and Albrow, M. and Alyari, M. and Apollinari, G. and Apresyan, A. and Apyan, A. and Banerjee, S. and Bauerdick, L.A.T. and Beretvas, A. and Berry, D. and Berryhill, J. and Bhat, P.C. and Burkett, K. and Butler, J.N. and Canepa, A. and Cerati, G.B. and Cheung, H.W.K. and Chlebana, F. and Cremonesi, M. and Elvira, V.D. and Freeman, J. and Gecse, Z. and Gottschalk, E. and Gray, L. and Green, D. and Grünendahl, S. and Gutsche, O. and Hanlon, J. and Harris, R.M. and Hasegawa, S. and Heller, R. and Hirschauer, J. and Jayatilaka, B. and Jindariani, S. and Johnson, M. and Joshi, U. and Klijnsma, T. and Klima, B. and Kortelainen, M.J. and Kreis, B. and Lammel, S. and Lewis, J. and Lincoln, D. and Lipton, R. and Liu, M. and Liu, T. and Lykken, J. and Maeshima, K. and Marraffino, J.M. and Mason, D. and McBride, P. and Merkel, P. and Mrenna, S. and Nahn, S. and Oâ��Dell, V. and Papadimitriou, V. and Pedro, K. and Pena, C. and Ravera, F. and Reinsvold Hall, A. and Ristori, L. and Schneider, B. and Sexton-Kennedy, E. and Smith, N. and Soha, A. and Spalding, W.J. and Spiegel, L. and Stoynev, S. and Strait, J. and Taylor, L. and Tkaczyk, S. and Tran, N.V. and Uplegger, L. and Vaandering, E.W. and Vidal, R. and Wang, M. and Weber, H.A. and Woodard, A. and Acosta, D. and Avery, P. and Bourilkov, D. and Cadamuro, L. and Cherepanov, V. and Errico, F. and Field, R.D. and Guerrero, D. and Joshi, B.M. and Kim, M. and Konigsberg, J. and Korytov, A. and Lo, K.H. and Matchev, K. and Menendez, N. and Mitselmakher, G. and Rosenzweig, D. and Shi, K. and Wang, J. and Wang, S. and Zuo, X. and Joshi, Y.R. and Adams, T. and Askew, A. and Hagopian, S. and Hagopian, V. and Johnson, K.F. and Khurana, R. and Kolberg, T. and Martinez, G. and Perry, T. and Prosper, H. and Schiber, C. and Yohay, R. and Zhang, J. and Baarmand, M.M. and Hohlmann, M. and Noonan, D. and Rahmani, M. and Saunders, M. and Yumiceva, F. and Adams, M.R. and Apanasevich, L. and Betts, R.R. and Cavanaugh, R. and Chen, X. and Dittmer, S. and Evdokimov, O. and Gerber, C.E. and Hangal, D.A. and Hofman, D.J. and Kumar, V. and Mills, C. and Oh, G. and Roy, T. and Tonjes, M.B. and Varelas, N. and Viinikainen, J. and Wang, H. and Wang, X. and Wu, Z. and Alhusseini, M. and Bilki, B. and Dilsiz, K. and Durgut, S. and Gandrajula, R.P. and Haytmyradov, M. and Khristenko, V. and Köseyan, O.K. and Merlo, J.-P. and Mestvirishvili, A. and Moeller, A. and Nachtman, J. and Ogul, H. and Onel, Y. and Ozok, F. and Penzo, A. and Snyder, C. and Tiras, E. and Wetzel, J. and Yi, K. and Blumenfeld, B. and Cocoros, A. and Eminizer, N. and Gritsan, A.V. and Hung, W.T. and Kyriacou, S. and Maksimovic, P. and Mantilla, C. and Roskes, J. and Swartz, M. and Vámi, T.Ã�. and Baldenegro Barrera, C. and Baringer, P. and Bean, A. and Boren, S. and Bylinkin, A. and Isidori, T. and Khalil, S. and King, J. and Krintiras, G. and Kropivnitskaya, A. and Lindsey, C. and Majumder, D. and Mcbrayer, W. and Minafra, N. and Murray, M. and Rogan, C. and Royon, C. and Sanders, S. and Schmitz, E. and Tapia Takaki, J.D. and Wang, Q. and Williams, J. and Wilson, G. and Duric, S. and Ivanov, A. and Kaadze, K. and Kim, D. and Maravin, Y. and Mendis, D.R. and Mitchell, T. and Modak, A. and Mohammadi, A. and Rebassoo, F. and Wright, D. and Baden, A. and Baron, O. and Belloni, A. and Eno, S.C. and Feng, Y. and Hadley, N.J. and Jabeen, S. and Jeng, G.Y. and Kellogg, R.G. and Mignerey, A.C. and Nabili, S. and Seidel, M. and Skuja, A. and Tonwar, S.C. and Wang, L. and Wong, K. and Abercrombie, D. and Allen, B. and Bi, R. and Brandt, S. and Busza, W. and Cali, I.A. and Dâ��Alfonso, M. and Gomez Ceballos, G. and Goncharov, M. and Harris, P. and Hsu, D. and Hu, M. and Klute, M. and Kovalskyi, D. and Lee, Y.-J. and Luckey, P.D. and Maier, B. and Marini, A.C. and Mcginn, C. and Mironov, C. and Narayanan, S. and Niu, X. and Paus, C. and Rankin, D. and Roland, C. and Roland, G. and Shi, Z. and Stephans, G.S.F. and Sumorok, K. and Tatar, K. and Velicanu, D. and Wang, J. and Wang, T.W. and Wyslouch, B. and Chatterjee, R.M. and Evans, A. and Guts, S. and Hansen, P. and Hiltbrand, J. and Jain, S. and Kubota, Y. and Lesko, Z. and Mans, J. and Revering, M. and Rusack, R. and Saradhy, R. and Schroeder, N. and Strobbe, N. and Wadud, M.A. and Acosta, J.G. and Oliveros, S. and Bloom, K. and Chauhan, S. and Claes, D.R. and Fangmeier, C. and Finco, L. and Golf, F. and Kamalieddin, R. and Kravchenko, I. and Siado, J.E. and Snow, G.R. and Stieger, B. and Tabb, W. and Agarwal, G. and Harrington, C. and Iashvili, I. and Kharchilava, A. and McLean, C. and Nguyen, D. and Parker, A. and Pekkanen, J. and Rappoccio, S. and Roozbahani, B. and Alverson, G. and Barberis, E. and Freer, C. and Haddad, Y. and Hortiangtham, A. and Madigan, G. and Marzocchi, B. and Morse, D.M. and Nguyen, V. and Orimoto, T. and Skinnari, L. and 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Ghosh, S and Bagchi, S and Das, M and Kamilya, S and Mondal, A (2020) Stepwise spin-state switching in a manganese(iii) complex. In: Dalton Transactions, 49 (42). pp. 14776-14780.

Ghosh, S and Chatterjee, K (2020) Poly(Ethylene glycol) functionalized graphene oxide in tissue engineering: A review on recent advances. In: International Journal of Nanomedicine, 15 . pp. 5991-6006.

Ghosh, S and Gavaskar, RG and Panda, D and Chaudhury, KN (2020) Fast Scale-Adaptive Bilateral Texture Smoothing. In: IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 30 (7). pp. 2015-2026.

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Ghosh, S and Kamilya, S and Pramanik, T and Rouzières, M and Herchel, R and Mehta, S and Mondal, A (2020) ON/OFF Photoswitching and Thermoinduced Spin Crossover with Cooperative Luminescence in a 2D Iron(II) Coordination Polymer. In: Inorganic Chemistry .

Ghosh, S and Kamilya, S and Rouzières, M and Herchel, R and Mehta, S and Mondal, A (2020) Reversible Spin-State Switching and Tuning of Nuclearity and Dimensionality via Nonlinear Pseudohalides in Cobalt(II) Complexes. In: Inorganic Chemistry . (In Press)

Ghosh, S and Mukhopadhyay, B (2020) Hydrodynamical instability with noise in the Keplerian accretion discs: Modified Landau equation. In: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 496 (4). pp. 4191-4208.

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