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Aad, G and Abbott, B and Abbott, DC and Abed Abud, A and Abeling, K and Abhayasinghe, DK and Abidi, SH and Aboulhorma, A and Abramowicz, H and Abreu, H and Abulaiti, Y and Abusleme Hoffman, AC and Acharya, BS and Achkar, B and Adam, L and Adam Bourdarios, C and Adamczyk, L and Adamek, L and Addepalli, SV and Adelman, J and Adiguzel, A and Adorni, S and Adye, T and Affolder, AA and Afik, Y and Agapopoulou, C and Agaras, MN and Agarwala, J and Aggarwal, A and Agheorghiesei, C and Aguilar-Saavedra, JA and Ahmad, A and Ahmadov, F and Ahmed, WS and Ai, X and Aielli, G and Aizenberg, I and Akatsuka, S and Akbiyik, M and à kesson, TPA and Akimov, AV and Al Khoury, K and Alberghi, GL and Albert, J and Albicocco, P and Alconada Verzini, MJ and Alderweireldt, S and Aleksa, M and Aleksandrov, IN and Alexa, C and Alexopoulos, T and Alfonsi, A and Alfonsi, F and Alhroob, M and Ali, B and Ali, S and Aliev, M and Alimonti, G and Allaire, C and Allbrooke, BMM and Allport, PP and Aloisio, A and Alonso, F and Alpigiani, C and Alunno Camelia, E and Alvarez Estevez, M and Alviggi, MG and Amaral Coutinho, Y and Ambler, A and Ambroz, L and Amelung, C and Amidei, D and Amor Dos Santos, SP and Amoroso, S and Amrouche, CS and Anastopoulos, C and Andari, N and Andeen, T and Anders, JK and Andrean, SY and Andreazza, A and Angelidakis, S and Angerami, A and Anisenkov, AV and Annovi, A and Antel, C and Anthony, MT and Antipov, E and Antonelli, M and Antrim, DJA and Anulli, F and Aoki, M and Aparisi Pozo, JA and Aparo, MA and Aperio Bella, L and Aranzabal, N and Araujo Ferraz, V and Arcangeletti, C and Arce, ATH and Arena, E and Arguin, J-F and Argyropoulos, S and Arling, J-H and Armbruster, AJ and Armstrong, A and Arnaez, O and Arnold, H and Arrubarrena Tame, ZP and Artoni, G and Asada, H and Asai, K and Asai, S and Asbah, NA and Asimakopoulou, EM and Asquith, L and Assahsah, J and Assamagan, K and Astalos, R and Atkin, RJ and Atkinson, M and Atlay, NB and Atmani, H and Atmasiddha, PA and Augsten, K and Auricchio, S and Austrup, VA and Avner, G and Avolio, G and Ayoub, MK and Azuelos, G and Babal, D and Bachacou, H and Bachas, K and Bachiu, A and Backman, F and Badea, A and Bagnaia, P and Bahrasemani, H and Bailey, AJ and Bailey, VR and Baines, JT and Bakalis, C and Baker, OK and Bakker, PJ and Bakos, E and Bakshi Gupta, D and Balaji, S and Balasubramanian, R and Baldin, EM and Balek, P and Ballabene, E and Balli, F and Balunas, WK and Balz, J and Banas, E and Bandieramonte, M and Bandyopadhyay, A and Bansal, S and Barak, L and Barberio, EL and Barberis, D and Barbero, M and Barbour, G and Barends, KN and Barillari, T and Barisits, M-S and Barkeloo, J and Barklow, T and Barnett, BM and Barnett, RM and Baroncelli, A and Barone, G and Barr, AJ and Barranco Navarro, L and Barreiro, F and Barreiro Guimarães da Costa, J and Barron, U and Barsov, S and Bartels, F and Bartoldus, R and Bartolini, G and Barton, AE and Bartos, P and Basalaev, A and Basan, A and Baselga, M and Bashta, I and Bassalat, A and Basso, MJ and Basson, CR and Bates, RL and Batlamous, S and Batley, JR and Batool, B and Battaglia, M and Bauce, M and Bauer, F and Bauer, P and Bawa, HS and Bayirli, A and Beacham, JB and Beau, T and Beauchemin, PH and Becherer, F and Bechtle, P and Beck, HP and Becker, K and Becot, C and Beddall, AJ and Bednyakov, VA and Bee, CP and Beermann, TA and Begalli, M and Begel, M and Behera, A and Behr, JK and Beirao Da Cruz E Silva, C and Beirer, JF and Beisiegel, F and Belfkir, M and Bella, G and Bellagamba, L and Bellerive, A and Bellos, P and Beloborodov, K and Belotskiy, K and Belyaev, NL and Benchekroun, D and Benhammou, Y and Benjamin, DP and Benoit, M and Bensinger, JR and Bentvelsen, S and Beresford, L and Beretta, M and Berge, D and Bergeaas Kuutmann, E and Berger, N and Bergmann, B and Bergsten, LJ and Beringer, J and Berlendis, S and Bernardi, G and Bernius, C and Bernlochner, FU and Berry, T and Berta, P and Berthold, A and Bertram, IA and Bessidskaia Bylund, O and Bethke, S and Betti, A and Bevan, AJ and Bhatta, S and Bhattacharya, DS and Bhattarai, P and Bhopatkar, VS and Bi, R and Bianchi, RM and Biebel, O and Bielski, R and Biesuz, NV and Biglietti, M and Billoud, TRV and Bindi, M and Bingul, A and Bini, C and Biondi, S and Biondini, A and Birch-sykes, CJ and Bird, GA and Birman, M and Bisanz, T and Biswas, D and Bitadze, A and Bittrich, C and Bjørke, K and Bloch, I and Blocker, C and Blue, A and Blumenschein, U and Blumenthal, J and Bobbink, GJ and Bobrovnikov, VS and Boehler, M and Bogavac, D and Bogdanchikov, AG and Bohm, C and Boisvert, V and Bokan, P and Bold, T and Bomben, M and Bona, M and Boonekamp, M and Booth, CD and Borbély, AG and Borecka-Bielska, HM and Borgna, LS and Borissov, G and Bortoletto, D and Boscherini, D and Bosman, M and Bossio Sola, JD and Bouaouda, K and Boudreau, J and Bouhova-Thacker, EV and Boumediene, D and Bouquet, R and Boveia, A and Boyd, J and Boye, D and Boyko, IR and Bozson, AJ and Bracinik, J and Brahimi, N and Brandt, G and Brandt, O and Braren, F and Brau, B and Brau, JE and Breaden Madden, WD and Brendlinger, K and Brener, R and Brenner, L and Brenner, R and Bressler, S and Brickwedde, B and Briglin, DL and Britton, D and Britzger, D and Brock, I and Brock, R and Brooijmans, G and Brooks, WK and Brost, E and Bruckman de Renstrom, PA and Brüers, B and Bruncko, D and Bruni, A and Bruni, G and Bruschi, M and Bruscino, N and Bryngemark, L and Buanes, T and Buat, Q and Buchholz, P and Buckley, AG and Budagov, IA and Bugge, MK and Bulekov, O and Bullard, BA and Burdin, S and Burgard, CD and Burger, AM and Burghgrave, B and Burr, JTP and Burton, CD and Burzynski, JC and Busch, EL and Büscher, V and Bussey, PJ and Butler, JM and Buttar, CM and Butterworth, JM and Buttinger, W and Buxo Vazquez, CJ and Buzykaev, AR and Cabras, G and Cabrera Urbán, S and Caforio, D and Cai, H and Cairo, VMM and Cakir, O and Calace, N and Calafiura, P and Calderini, G and Calfayan, P and Callea, G and Caloba, LP and Calvente Lopez, S and Calvet, D and Calvet, S and Calvet, TP and Calvetti, M and Camacho Toro, R and Camarda, S and Camarero Munoz, D and Camarri, P and Camerlingo, MT and Cameron, D and Camincher, C and Campanelli, M and Camplani, A and Canale, V and Canesse, A and Cano Bret, M and Cantero, J and Cao, Y and Capocasa, F and Capua, M and Carbone, A and Cardarelli, R and Cardenas, JCJ and Cardillo, F and Carli, T and Carlino, G and Carlson, BT and Carlson, EM and Carminati, L and Carnesale, M and Carney, RMD and Caron, S and Carquin, E and Carrá, S and Carratta, G and Carter, JWS and Carter, TM and Casadei, D and Casado, MP and Casha, AF and Castiglia, EG and Castillo, FL and Castillo Garcia, L and Castillo Gimenez, V and Castro, NF and Catinaccio, A and Catmore, JR and Cattai, A and Cavaliere, V and Cavalli, N and Cavasinni, V and Celebi, E and Celli, F and Centonze, MS and Cerny, K and Cerqueira, AS and Cerri, A and Cerrito, L and Cerutti, F and Cervelli, A and Cetin, SA and Chadi, Z and Chakraborty, D and Chala, M and Chan, J and Chan, WS and Chan, WY and Chapman, JD and Chargeishvili, B and Charlton, DG and Charman, TP and Chatterjee, M and Chekanov, S and Chekulaev, SV and Chelkov, GA and Chen, A and Chen, B and Chen, B and Chen, C and Chen, CH and Chen, H and Chen, H and Chen, J and Chen, J and Chen, S and Chen, SJ and Chen, X and Chen, X and Chen, Y and Chen, Y-H and Cheng, CL and Cheng, HC and Cheplakov, A and Cheremushkina, E and Cherepanova, E and Cherkaoui El Moursli, R and Cheu, E and Cheung, K and Chevalier, L and Chiarella, V and Chiarelli, G and Chiodini, G and Chisholm, AS and Chitan, A and Chiu, YH and Chizhov, MV and Choi, K and Chomont, AR and Chou, Y and Chow, EYS and Chowdhury, T and Christopher, LD and Chu, MC and Chu, X and Chudoba, J and Chwastowski, JJ and Cieri, D and Ciesla, KM and Cindro, V and CioarÄ�, IA and Ciocio, A and Cirotto, F and Citron, ZH and Citterio, M and Ciubotaru, DA and Ciungu, BM and Clark, A and Clark, PJ and Clavijo Columbie, JM and Clawson, SE and Clement, C and Clissa, L and Coadou, Y and Cobal, M and Coccaro, A and Cochran, J and Coelho Barrue, RF and Coelho Lopes De Sa, R and Coelli, S and Cohen, H and Coimbra, AEC and Cole, B and Collot, J and Conde Muiño, P and Connell, SH and Connelly, IA and Conroy, EI and Conventi, F and Cooke, HG and Cooper-Sarkar, AM and Cormier, F and Corpe, LD and Corradi, M and Corrigan, EE and Corriveau, F and Costa, MJ and Costanza, F and Costanzo, D and Cote, BM and Cowan, G and Cowley, JW and Cranmer, K and Crépé-Renaudin, S and Crescioli, F and Cristinziani, M and Cristoforetti, M and Croft, V and Crosetti, G and Cueto, A and Cuhadar Donszelmann, T and Cui, H and Cukierman, AR and Cunningham, WR and Curcio, F and Czodrowski, P and Czurylo, MM and Da Cunha Sargedas De Sousa, MJ and Da Fonseca Pinto, JV and Da Via, C and Dabrowski, W and Dado, T and Dahbi, S and Dai, T and Dallapiccola, C and Dam, M and Dâ��amen, G and Dâ��Amico, V and Damp, J and Dandoy, JR and Daneri, MF and Danninger, M and Dao, V and Darbo, G and Darmora, S and Dattagupta, A and Dâ��Auria, S and David, C and Davidek, T and Davis, DR and Davis-Purcell, B and Dawson, I and De, K and De Asmundis, R and De Beurs, M and De Castro, S and De Groot, N and de Jong, P and De la Torre, H and De Maria, A and De Pedis, D and De Salvo, A and De Sanctis, U and De Santis, M and De Santo, A and De Vivie De Regie, JB and Dedovich, DV and Degens, J and Deiana, AM and Del Peso, J and Delabat Diaz, Y and Deliot, F and Delitzsch, CM and Della Pietra, M and Della Volpe, D and Dellâ��Acqua, A and Dellâ��Asta, L and Delmastro, M and Delsart, PA and Demers, S and Demichev, M and Denisov, SP and Dâ��Eramo, L and Derendarz, D and Derkaoui, JE and Derue, F and Dervan, P and Desch, K and Dette, K and Deutsch, C and Deviveiros, PO and Di Bello, FA and Di Ciaccio, A and Di Ciaccio, L and Di Domenico, A and Di Donato, C and Di Girolamo, A and Di Gregorio, G and Di Luca, A and Di Micco, B and Di Nardo, R and Diaconu, C and Dias, FA and Dias Do Vale, T and Diaz, MA and Diaz Capriles, FG and Dickinson, J and Didenko, M and Diehl, EB and Dietrich, J and DÃez Cornell, S and Diez Pardos, C and Dimitrievska, A and Ding, W and Dingfelder, J and Dinu, I-M and Dittmeier, SJ and Dittus, F and Djama, F and Djobava, T and Djuvsland, JI and Do Vale, MAB and Dodsworth, D and Doglioni, C and Dolejsi, J and Dolezal, Z and Donadelli, M and Dong, B and Donini, J and Dâ��Onofrio, A and Dâ��Onofrio, M and Dopke, J and Doria, A and Dova, MT and Doyle, AT and Drechsler, E and Dreyer, E and Dreyer, T and Drobac, AS and Du, D and du Pree, TA and Dubinin, F and Dubovsky, M and Dubreuil, A and Duchovni, E and Duckeck, G and Ducu, OA and Duda, D and Dudarev, A and Dâ��uffizi, M and Duflot, L and Dührssen, M and Dülsen, C and Dumitriu, AE and Dunford, M and Dungs, S and Dunne, K and Duperrin, A and Duran Yildiz, H and Düren, M and Durglishvili, A and Dutta, B and Dwyer, BL and Dyckes, GI and Dyndal, M and Dysch, S and Dziedzic, BS and Eckerova, B and Eggleston, MG and Egidio Purcino De Souza, E and Ehrke, LF and Eifert, T and Eigen, G and Einsweiler, K and Ekelof, T and El Ghazali, Y and El Jarrari, H and El Moussaouy, A and Ellajosyula, V and Ellert, M and Ellinghaus, F and Elliot, AA and Ellis, N and Elmsheuser, J and Elsing, M and Emeliyanov, D and Emerman, A and Enari, Y and Erdmann, J and Ereditato, A and Erland, PA and Errenst, M and Escalier, M and Escobar, C and Estrada Pastor, O and Etzion, E and Evans, G and Evans, H and Evans, MO and Ezhilov, A and Fabbri, F and Fabbri, L and Facini, G and Fadeyev, V and Fakhrutdinov, RM and Falciano, S and Falke, PJ and Falke, S and Faltova, J and Fan, Y and Fang, Y and Fang, Y and Fanourakis, G and Fanti, M and Faraj, M and Farbin, A and Farilla, A and Farina, EM and Farooque, T and Farrington, SM and Farthouat, P and Fassi, F and Fassouliotis, D and Faucci Giannelli, M and Fawcett, WJ and Fayard, L and Fedin, OL and Feickert, M and Feligioni, L and Fell, A and Feng, C and Feng, M and Fenton, MJ and Fenyuk, AB and Ferguson, SW and Ferrando, J and Ferrari, A and Ferrari, P and Ferrari, R and Ferrere, D and Ferretti, C and Fiedler, F and FilipÄ�iÄ�, A and Filthaut, F and Fiolhais, MCN and Fiorini, L and Fischer, F and Fisher, WC and Fitschen, T and Fleck, I and Fleischmann, P and Flick, T and Flierl, BM and Flores, L and Flores, M and Flores Castillo, LR and Follega, FM and Fomin, N and Foo, JH and Forland, BC and Formica, A and Förster, FA and Forti, AC and Fortin, E and Foti, MG and Fountas, L and Fournier, D and Fox, H and Francavilla, P and Francescato, S and Franchini, M and Franchino, S and Francis, D and Franco, L and Franconi, L and Franklin, M and Frattari, G and Freegard, AC and Freeman, PM and Freund, WS and Freundlich, EM and Froidevaux, D and Frost, JA and Fu, Y and Fujimoto, M and Fullana Torregrosa, E and Fuster, J and Gabrielli, A and Gabrielli, A and Gadow, P and Gagliardi, G and Gagnon, LG and Gallardo, GE and Gallas, EJ and Gallop, BJ and Gamboa Goni, R and Gan, KK and Ganguly, S and Gao, J and Gao, Y and Gao, YS and Garay Walls, FM and GarcÃa, C and GarcÃa Navarro, JE and GarcÃa Pascual, JA and Garcia-Sciveres, M and Gardner, RW and Garg, D and Garg, RB and Gargiulo, S and Garner, CA and Garonne, V and Gasiorowski, SJ and Gaspar, P and Gaudio, G and Gauzzi, P and Gavrilenko, IL and Gavrilyuk, A and Gay, C and Gaycken, G and Gazis, EN and Geanta, AA and Gee, CM and Gee, CNP and Geisen, J and Geisen, M and Gemme, C and Genest, MH and Gentile, S and George, S and George, WF and Geralis, T and Gerlach, LO and Gessinger-Befurt, P and Ghasemi Bostanabad, M and Ghneimat, M and Ghosh, A and Ghosh, A and Giacobbe, B and Giagu, S and Giangiacomi, N and Giannetti, P and Giannini, A and Gibson, SM and Gignac, M and Gil, DT and Gilbert, BJ and Gillberg, D and Gilles, G and Gillwald, NEK and Gingrich, DM and Giordani, MP and Giraud, PF and Giugliarelli, G and Giugni, D and Giuli, F and Gkialas, I and Gkountoumis, P and Gladilin, LK and Glasman, C and Gledhill, GR and Glisic, M and Gnesi, I and Goblirsch-Kolb, M and Godin, D and Goldfarb, S and Golling, T and Golubkov, D and Gombas, JP and Gomes, A and Goncalves Gama, R and Gonçalo, R and Gonella, G and Gonella, L and Gongadze, A and Gonnella, F and Gonski, JL and González de la Hoz, S and Gonzalez Fernandez, S and Gonzalez Lopez, R and Gonzalez Renteria, C and Gonzalez Suarez, R and Gonzalez-Sevilla, S and Gonzalvo Rodriguez, GR and González Andana, RY and Goossens, L and Gorasia, NA and Gorbounov, PA and Gorini, B and Gorini, E and GoriÅ¡ek, A and Goshaw, AT and Gostkin, MI and Gottardo, CA and Gouighri, M and Goumarre, V and Goussiou, AG and Govender, N and Goy, C and Grabowska-Bold, I and Graham, K and Gramstad, E and Grancagnolo, S and Grandi, M and Gratchev, V and Gravila, PM and Gravili, FG and Gray, HM and Grefe, C and Gregor, IM and Grenier, P and Grevtsov, K and Grieco, C and Grieser, NA and Grillo, AA and Grimm, K and Grinstein, S and Grivaz, J-F and Groh, S and Gross, E and Grosse-Knetter, J and Grud, C and Grummer, A and Grundy, JC and Guan, L and Guan, W and Gubbels, C and Guenther, J and Guerrero Rojas, JGR and Guescini, F and Gugel, R and Guida, A and Guillemin, T and Guindon, S and Guo, J and Guo, L and Guo, Y and Gupta, R and Gurbuz, S and Gustavino, G and Guth, M and Gutierrez, P and Gutierrez Zagazeta, LF and Gutschow, C and Guyot, C and Gwenlan, C and Gwilliam, CB and Haaland, ES and Haas, A and Habedank, M and Haber, C and Hadavand, HK and Hadef, A and Hadzic, S and Haleem, M and Haley, J and Hall, JJ and Halladjian, G and Hallewell, GD and Halser, L and Hamano, K and Hamdaoui, H and Hamer, M and Hamity, GN and Han, K and Han, L and Han, L and Han, S and Han, YF and Hanagaki, K and Hance, M and Hank, MD and Hankache, R and Hansen, E and Hansen, JB and Hansen, JD and Hansen, MC and Hansen, PH and Hara, K and Harenberg, T and Harkusha, S and Harris, YT and Harrison, PF and Hartman, NM and Hartmann, NM and Hasegawa, Y and Hasib, A and Hassani, S and Haug, S and Hauser, R and Havranek, M and Hawkes, CM and Hawkings, RJ and Hayashida, S and Hayden, D and Hayes, C and Hayes, RL and Hays, CP and Hays, JM and Hayward, HS and Haywood, SJ and He, F and He, Y and He, Y and Heath, MP and Hedberg, V and Heggelund, AL and Hehir, ND and Heidegger, C and Heidegger, KK and Heidorn, WD and Heilman, J and Heim, S and Heim, T and Heinemann, B and Heinlein, JG and Heinrich, JJ and Heinrich, L and Hejbal, J and Helary, L and Held, A and Hellesund, S and Helling, CM and Hellman, S and Helsens, C and Henderson, RCW and Henkelmann, L and Henriques Correia, AM and Herde, H and Hernández Jiménez, Y and Herr, H and Herrmann, MG and Herrmann, T and Herten, G and Hertenberger, R and Hervas, L and Hessey, NP and Hibi, H and Higashino, S and Higón-Rodriguez, E and Hiller, KH and Hillier, SJ and Hils, M and Hinchliffe, I and Hinterkeuser, F and Hirose, M and Hirose, S and Hirschbuehl, D and Hiti, B and Hladik, O and Hobbs, J and Hobincu, R and Hod, N and Hodgkinson, MC and Hodkinson, BH and Hoecker, A and Hofer, J and Hohn, D and Holm, T and Holmes, TR and Holzbock, M and Hommels, LBAH and Honan, BP and Hong, J and Hong, TM and Hong, Y and Honig, JC and Hönle, A and Hooberman, BH and Hopkins, WH and Horii, Y and Horyn, LA and Hou, S and Howarth, J and Hoya, J and Hrabovsky, M and Hrynevich, A and Hrynâ��ova, T and Hsu, PJ and Hsu, S-C and Hu, Q and Hu, S and Hu, YF and Huang, DP and Huang, X and Huang, Y and Huang, Y and Hubacek, Z and Hubaut, F and Huebner, M and Huegging, F and Huffman, TB and Huhtinen, M and Huiberts, SK and Hulsken, R and Huseynov, N and Huston, J and Huth, J and Hyneman, R and Hyrych, S and Iacobucci, G and Iakovidis, G and Ibragimov, I and Iconomidou-Fayard, L and Iengo, P and Iguchi, R and Iizawa, T and Ikegami, Y and Ilg, A and Ilic, N and Imam, H and Ingebretsen Carlson, T and Introzzi, G and Iodice, M and Ippolito, V and Ishino, M and Islam, W and Issever, C and Istin, S and Iturbe Ponce, JM and Iuppa, R and Ivina, A and Izen, JM and Izzo, V and Jacka, P and Jackson, P and Jacobs, RM and Jaeger, BP and Jagfeld, CS and Jäkel, G and Jakobs, K and Jakoubek, T and Jamieson, J and Janas, KW and Jarlskog, G and Jaspan, AE and Javadov, N and Javůrek, T and Javurkova, M and Jeanneau, F and Jeanty, L and Jejelava, J and Jenni, P and Jézéquel, S and Jia, J and Jia, Z and Jiang, Y and Jiggins, S and Jimenez Pena, J and Jin, S and Jinaru, A and Jinnouchi, O and Jivan, H and Johansson, P and Johns, KA and Johnson, CA and Jones, DM and Jones, E and Jones, RWL and Jones, TJ and Jovicevic, J and Ju, X and Junggeburth, JJ and Juste Rozas, A and Kabana, S and Kaczmarska, A and Kado, M and Kagan, H and Kagan, M and Kahn, A and Kahn, A and Kahra, C and Kaji, T and Kajomovitz, E and Kalderon, CW and Kamenshchikov, A and Kaneda, M and Kang, NJ and Kang, S and Kano, Y and Kanzaki, J and Kar, D and Karava, K and Kareem, MJ and Karkanias, I and Karpov, SN and Karpova, ZM and Kartvelishvili, V and Karyukhin, AN and Kasimi, E and Kato, C and Katzy, J and Kawade, K and Kawagoe, K and Kawaguchi, T and Kawamoto, T and Kawamura, G and Kay, EF and Kaya, FI and Kazakos, S and Kazanin, VF and Ke, Y and Keaveney, JM and Keeler, R and Keller, JS and Kelsey, D and Kempster, JJ and Kendrick, J and Kennedy, KE and Kepka, O and Kersten, S and KerÅ¡evan, BP and Ketabchi Haghighat, S and Khandoga, M and Khanov, A and Kharlamov, AG and Kharlamova, T and Khoda, EE and Khoo, TJ and Khoriauli, G and Khubua, J and Kido, S and Kiehn, M and Kilgallon, A and Kim, E and Kim, YK and Kimura, N and Kirchhoff, A and Kirchmeier, D and Kirfel, C and Kirk, J and Kiryunin, AE and Kishimoto, T and Kisliuk, DP and Kitsaki, C and Kivernyk, O and Klapdor-Kleingrothaus, T and Klassen, M and Klein, C and Klein, L and Klein, MH and Klein, M and Klein, U and Klimek, P and Klimentov, A and Klimpel, F and Klingl, T and Klioutchnikova, T and Klitzner, FF and Kluit, P and Kluth, S and Kneringer, E and Knight, TM and Knue, A and Kobayashi, D and Kobel, M and Kocian, M and Kodama, T and KodyÅ¡, P and Koeck, DM and Koenig, PT and Koffas, T and Köhler, NM and Kolb, M and Koletsou, I and Komarek, T and Köneke, K and Kong, AXY and Kono, T and Konstantinides, V and Konstantinidis, N and Konya, B and Kopeliansky, R and Koperny, S and Korcyl, K and Kordas, K and Koren, G and Korn, A and Korn, S and Korolkov, I and Korolkova, EV and Korotkova, N and Kortman, B and Kortner, O and Kortner, S and Kostecka, WH and Kostyukhin, VV and Kotsokechagia, A and Kotwal, A and Koulouris, A and Kourkoumeli-Charalampidi, A and Kourkoumelis, C and Kourlitis, E and Kovanda, O and Kowalewski, R and Kozanecki, W and Kozhin, AS and Kramarenko, VA and Kramberger, G and Krasnopevtsev, D and Krasny, MW and Krasznahorkay, A and Kremer, JA and Kretzschmar, J and Kreul, K and Krieger, P and Krieter, F and Krishnamurthy, S and Krishnan, A and Krivos, M and Krizka, K and Kroeninger, K and Kroha, H and Kroll, J and Kroll, J and Krowpman, KS and Kruchonak, U and Krüger, H and Krumnack, N and Kruse, MC and Krzysiak, JA and Kubota, A and Kuchinskaia, O and Kuday, S and Kuechler, D and Kuechler, JT and Kuehn, S and Kuhl, T and Kukhtin, V and Kulchitsky, Y and Kuleshov, S and Kumar, M and Kumari, N and Kuna, M and Kupco, A and Kupfer, T and Kuprash, O and Kurashige, H and Kurchaninov, LL and Kurochkin, YA and Kurova, A and Kurth, MG and Kuwertz, ES and Kuze, M and Kvam, AK and Kvita, J and Kwan, T and Kwok, KW and Lacasta, C and Lacava, F and Lacker, H and Lacour, D and Lad, NN and Ladygin, E and Lafaye, R and Laforge, B and Lagouri, T and Lai, S and Lakomiec, IK and Lalloue, N and Lambert, JE and Lammers, S and Lampl, W and Lampoudis, C and Lançon, E and Landgraf, U and Landon, MPJ and Lang, VS and Lange, JC and Langenberg, RJ and Lankford, AJ and Lanni, F and Lantzsch, K and Lanza, A and Lapertosa, A and Laporte, JF and Lari, T and Lasagni Manghi, F and Lassnig, M and Latonova, V and Lau, TS and Laudrain, A and Laurier, A and Lavorgna, M and Lawlor, SD and Lawrence, Z and Lazzaroni, M and Le, B and Leban, B and Lebedev, A and LeBlanc, M and LeCompte, T and Ledroit-Guillon, F and Lee, ACA and Lee, GR and Lee, L and Lee, SC and Lee, S and Leeuw, LL and Lefebvre, B and Lefebvre, HP and Lefebvre, M and Leggett, C and Lehmann, K and Lehmann, N and Lehmann Miotto, G and Leight, WA and Leisos, A and Leite, MAL and Leitgeb, CE and Leitner, R and Leney, KJC and Lenz, T and Leone, S and Leonidopoulos, C and Leopold, A and Leroy, C and Les, R and Lester, CG and Levchenko, M and Levêque, J and Levin, D and Levinson, LJ and Lewis, DJ and Li, B and Li, B and Li, C and Li, C-Q and Li, H and Li, H and Li, H and Li, J and Li, K and Li, L and Li, M and Li, QY and Li, S and Li, T and Li, X and Li, Y and Li, Z and Li, Z and Li, Z and Li, Z and Liang, Z and Liberatore, M and Liberti, B and Lie, K and Lieber Marin, J and Lin, K and Linck, RA and Lindley, RE and Lindon, JH and Linss, A and Lipeles, E and Lipniacka, A and Liss, TM and Lister, A and Little, JD and Liu, B and Liu, BX and Liu, JB and Liu, JKK and Liu, K and Liu, M and Liu, MY and Liu, P and Liu, X and Liu, Y and Liu, Y and Liu, YL and Liu, YW and Livan, M and Lleres, A and Llorente Merino, J and Lloyd, SL and Lobodzinska, EM and Loch, P and Loffredo, S and Lohse, T and Lohwasser, K and Lokajicek, M and Long, JD and Longarini, I and Longo, L and Longo, R and Lopez Paz, I and Lopez Solis, A and Lorenz, J and Lorenzo Martinez, N and Lory, AM and Lösle, A and Lou, X and Lou, X and Lounis, A and Love, J and Love, PA and Lozano Bahilo, JJ and Lu, G and Lu, M and Lu, S and Lu, YJ and Lubatti, HJ and Luci, C and Lucio Alves, FL and Lucotte, A and Luehring, F and Luise, I and Luminari, L and Lundberg, O and Lund-Jensen, B and Luongo, NA and Lutz, MS and Lynn, D and Lyons, H and Lysak, R and Lytken, E and Lyu, F and Lyubushkin, V and Lyubushkina, T and Ma, H and Ma, LL and Ma, Y and Mac Donell, DM and Maccarrone, G and Macdonald, CM and MacDonald, JC and Madar, R and Mader, WF and Madugoda Ralalage Don, M and Madysa, N and Maeda, J and Maeno, T and Maerker, M and Magerl, V and Magro, J and Mahon, DJ and Maidantchik, C and Maio, A and Maj, K and Majersky, O and Majewski, S and Makovec, N and Maksimovic, V and Malaescu, B and Malecki, P and Maleev, VP and Malek, F and Malito, D and Mallik, U and Malone, C and Maltezos, S and Malyukov, S and Mamuzic, J and Mancini, G and Mandalia, JP and MandiÄ�, I and Manhaes de Andrade Filho, L and Maniatis, IM and Manisha, M and Manjarres Ramos, J and Mankinen, KH and Mann, A and Manousos, A and Mansoulie, B and Manthos, I and Manzoni, S and Marantis, A and Marchiori, G and Marcisovsky, M and Marcoccia, L and Marcon, C and Marjanovic, M and Marshall, Z and Marti-Garcia, S and Martin, TA and Martin, VJ and Martin dit Latour, B and Martinelli, L and Martinez, M and Martinez Agullo, P and Martinez Outschoorn, VI and Martin-Haugh, S and Martoiu, VS and Martyniuk, AC and Marzin, A and Maschek, SR and Masetti, L and Mashimo, T and Masik, J and Maslennikov, AL and Massa, L and Massarotti, P and Mastrandrea, P and Mastroberardino, A and Masubuchi, T and Matakias, D and Mathisen, T and Matic, A and Matsuzawa, N and Maurer, J and MaÄ�ek, B and Maximov, DA and Mazini, R and Maznas, I and Mazza, SM and Mc Ginn, C and Mc Gowan, JP and Mc Kee, SP and McCarthy, TG and McCormack, WP and McDonald, EF and McDougall, AE and Mcfayden, JA and Mchedlidze, G and McKay, MA and McLean, KD and McMahon, SJ and McNamara, PC and McPherson, RA and Mdhluli, JE and Meadows, ZA and Meehan, S and Megy, T and Mehlhase, S and Mehta, A and Meirose, B and Melini, D and Mellado Garcia, BR and Melo, AH and Meloni, F and Melzer, A and Mendes Gouveia, ED and Mendes Jacques Da Costa, AM and Meng, HY and Meng, L and Menke, S and Mentink, M and Meoni, E and Merlassino, C and Mermod, P and Merola, L and Meroni, C and Merz, G and Meshkov, O and Meshreki, JKR and Metcalfe, J and Mete, AS and Meyer, C and Meyer, J-P and Michetti, M and Middleton, RP and MijoviÄ�, L and Mikenberg, G and Mikestikova, M and Mikuž, M and Mildner, H and Milic, A and Milke, CD and Miller, DW and Miller, LS and Milov, A and Milstead, DA and Min, T and Minaenko, AA and Minashvili, IA and Mince, L and Mincer, AI and Mindur, B and Mineev, M and Minegishi, Y and Mino, Y and Mir, LM and Miralles Lopez, M and Mironova, M and Mitani, T and Mitsou, VA and Mittal, M and Miu, O and Miyagawa, PS and Miyazaki, Y and Mizukami, A and Mjörnmark, JU and Mkrtchyan, T and Mlynarikova, M and Moa, T and Mobius, S and Mochizuki, K and Moder, P and Mogg, P and Mohammed, AF and Mohapatra, S and Mokgatitswane, G and Mondal, B and Mondal, S and Mönig, K and Monnier, E and Monsonis Romero, L and Montalbano, A and Montejo Berlingen, J and Montella, M and Monticelli, F and Morange, N and Moreira De Carvalho, AL and Moreno Llácer, M and Moreno Martinez, C and Morettini, P and Morgenstern, S and Mori, D and Morii, M and Morinaga, M and Morisbak, V and Morley, AK and Morris, AP and Morvaj, L and Moschovakos, P and Moser, B and Mosidze, M and Moskalets, T and Moskvitina, P and Moss, J and Moyse, EJW and Muanza, S and Mueller, J and Muenstermann, D and Müller, R and Mullier, GA and Mullin, JJ and Mungo, DP and Munoz Martinez, JL and Munoz Sanchez, FJ and Murin, M and Murin, P and Murray, WJ and Murrone, A and Muse, JM and MuÅ¡kinja, M and Mwewa, C and Myagkov, AG and Myers, AJ and Myers, AA and Myers, G and Myska, M and Nachman, BP and Nackenhorst, O and Nag, A and Nagai, K and Nagano, K and Nagle, JL and Nagy, E and Nairz, AM and Nakahama, Y and Nakamura, K and Nanjo, H and Napolitano, F and Narayan, R and Narayanan, EA and Naryshkin, I and Naseri, M and Nass, C and Naumann, T and Navarro, G and Navarro-Gonzalez, J and Nayak, R and Nechaeva, PY and Nechansky, F and Neep, TJ and Negri, A and Negrini, M and Nellist, C and Nelson, C and Nelson, K and Nemecek, S and Nessi, M and Neubauer, MS and Neuhaus, F and Neundorf, J and Newhouse, R and Newman, PR and Ng, CW and Ng, YS and Ng, YWY and Ngair, B and Nguyen, HDN and Nickerson, RB and Nicolaidou, R and Nielsen, DS and Nielsen, J and Niemeyer, M and Nikiforou, N and Nikolaenko, V and Nikolic-Audit, I and Nikolopoulos, K and Nilsson, P and Nindhito, HR and Nisati, A and Nishu, N and Nisius, R and Nitta, T and Nobe, T and Noel, DL and Noguchi, Y and Nomidis, I and Nomura, MA and Norfolk, MB and Norisam, RRB and Novak, J and Novak, T and Novgorodova, O and Novotny, L and Novotny, R and Nozka, L and Ntekas, K and Nurse, E and Oakham, FG and Ocariz, J and Ochi, A and Ochoa, I and Ochoa-Ricoux, JP and Oda, S and Odaka, S and Oerdek, S and Ogrodnik, A and Oh, A and Ohm, CC and Oide, H and Oishi, R and Ojeda, ML and Okazaki, Y and Oâ��Keefe, MW and Okumura, Y and Olariu, A and Oleiro Seabra, LF and Olivares Pino, SA and Oliveira Damazio, D and Oliveira Goncalves, D and Oliver, JL and Olsson, MJR and Olszewski, A and Olszowska, J and Ã�ncel, Ã�O and Oâ��Neil, DC and Oâ��Neill, AP and Onofre, A and Onyisi, PUE and Oreamuno Madriz, RG and Oreglia, MJ and Orellana, GE and Orestano, D and Orlando, N and Orr, RS and Oâ��Shea, V and Ospanov, R and Otero y Garzon, G and Otono, H and Ott, PS and Ottino, GJ and Ouchrif, M and Ouellette, J and Ould-Saada, F and Ouraou, A and Ouyang, Q and Owen, M and Owen, RE and Oyulmaz, KY and Ozcan, VE and Ozturk, N and Ozturk, S and Pacalt, J and Pacey, HA and Pachal, K and Pacheco Pages, A and Padilla Aranda, C and Pagan Griso, S and Palacino, G and Palazzo, S and Palestini, S and Palka, M and Palni, P and Panchal, DK and Pandini, CE and Panduro Vazquez, JG and Pani, P and Panizzo, G and Paolozzi, L and Papadatos, C and Parajuli, S and Paramonov, A and Paraskevopoulos, C and Paredes Hernandez, D and Paredes Saenz, SR and Parida, B and Park, TH and Parker, AJ and Parker, MA and Parodi, F and Parrish, EW and Parsons, JA and Parzefall, U and Pascual Dominguez, L and Pascuzzi, VR and Pasquali, F and Pasqualucci, E and Passaggio, S and Pastore, F and Pasuwan, P and Pater, JR and Pathak, A and Patton, J and Pauly, T and Pearkes, J and Pedersen, M and Pedraza Diaz, L and Pedro, R and Peiffer, T and Peleganchuk, SV and Penc, O and Peng, C and Peng, H and Penzin, M and Peralva, BS and Pereira Peixoto, AP and Pereira Sanchez, L and Perepelitsa, DV and Perez Codina, E and Perganti, M and Perini, L and Pernegger, H and Perrella, S and Perrevoort, A and Peters, K and Peters, RFY and Petersen, BA and Petersen, TC and Petit, E and Petousis, V and Petridou, C and Petroff, P and Petrucci, F and Petrukhin, A and Pettee, M and Pettersson, NE and Petukhova, K and Peyaud, A and Pezoa, R and Pezzotti, L and Pezzullo, G and Pham, T and Phillips, PW and Phipps, MW and Piacquadio, G and Pianori, E and Piazza, F and Picazio, A and Piegaia, R and Pietreanu, D and Pilcher, JE and Pilkington, AD and Pinamonti, M and Pinfold, JL and Pitman Donaldson, C and Pizzi, DA and Pizzimento, L and Pizzini, A and Pleier, M-A and Plesanovs, V and Pleskot, V and Plotnikova, E and Podberezko, P and Poettgen, R and Poggi, R and Poggioli, L and Pogrebnyak, I and Pohl, D and Pokharel, I and Polesello, G and Poley, A and Policicchio, A and Polifka, R and Polini, A and Pollard, CS and Pollock, ZB and Polychronakos, V and Ponomarenko, D and Pontecorvo, L and Popa, S and Popeneciu, GA and Portales, L and Portillo Quintero, DM and Pospisil, S and Postolache, P and Potamianos, K and Potrap, IN and Potter, CJ and Potti, H and Poulsen, T and Poveda, J and Powell, TD and Pownall, G and Pozo Astigarraga, ME and Prades Ibanez, A and Pralavorio, P and Prapa, MM and Prell, S and Price, D and Primavera, M and Principe Martin, MA and Proffitt, ML and Proklova, N and Prokofiev, K and Protopopescu, S and Proudfoot, J and Przybycien, M and Pudzha, D and Puzo, P and Pyatiizbyantseva, D and Qian, J and Qin, Y and Qiu, T and Quadt, A and Queitsch-Maitland, M and Rabanal Bolanos, G and Ragusa, F and Raine, JA and Rajagopalan, S and Ran, K and Rassloff, DF and Rauch, DM and Rave, S and Ravina, B and Ravinovich, I and Raymond, M and Read, AL and Readioff, NP and Rebuzzi, DM and Redlinger, G and Reeves, K and Reikher, D and Reiss, A and Rej, A and Rembser, C and Renardi, A and Renda, M and Rendel, MB and Rennie, AG and Resconi, S and Ressegotti, M and Resseguie, ED and Rettie, S and Reynolds, B and Reynolds, E and Rezaei Estabragh, M and Rezanova, OL and Reznicek, P and Ricci, E and Richter, R and Richter, S and Richter-Was, E and Ridel, M and Rieck, P and Riedler, P and Rifki, O and Rijssenbeek, M and Rimoldi, A and Rimoldi, M and Rinaldi, L and Rinn, TT and Rinnagel, MP and Ripellino, G and Riu, I and Rivadeneira, P and Rivera Vergara, JC and Rizatdinova, F and Rizvi, E and Rizzi, C and Roberts, BA and Robertson, SH and Robin, M and Robinson, D and Robles Gajardo, CM and Robles Manzano, M and Robson, A and Rocchi, A and Roda, C and Rodriguez Bosca, S and Rodriguez Rodriguez, A and RodrÃguez Vera, AM and Roe, S and Roepe-Gier, AR and Roggel, J and Røhne, O and Rojas, RA and Roland, B and Roland, CPA and Roloff, J and Romaniouk, A and Romano, M and Romero Hernandez, AC and Rompotis, N and Ronzani, M and Roos, L and Rosati, S and Rosser, BJ and Rossi, E and Rossi, E and Rossi, E and Rossi, LP and Rossini, L and Rosten, R and Rotaru, M and Rottler, B and Rousseau, D and Rousso, D and Rovelli, G and Roy, A and Rozanov, A and Rozen, Y and Ruan, X and Ruby, AJ and Ruggeri, TA and Rühr, F and Ruiz-Martinez, A and Rummler, A and Rurikova, Z and Rusakovich, NA and Russell, HL and Rustige, L and Rutherfoord, JP and Rüttinger, EM and Rybar, M and Rye, EB and Ryzhov, A and Sabater Iglesias, JA and Sabatini, P and Sabetta, L and Sadrozinski, HFW and Safai Tehrani, F and Safarzadeh Samani, B and Safdari, M and Saha, P and Saha, S and Sahinsoy, M and Sahu, A and Saimpert, M and Saito, M and Saito, T and Salamani, D and Salamanna, G and Salnikov, A and Salt, J and Salvador Salas, A and Salvatore, D and Salvatore, F and Salzburger, A and Sammel, D and Sampsonidis, D and Sampsonidou, D and Sánchez, J and Sanchez Pineda, A and Sanchez Sebastian, V and Sandaker, H and Sander, CO and Sanderswood, IG and Sandesara, JA and Sandhoff, M and Sandoval, C and Sankey, DPC and Sannino, M and Sansoni, A and Santoni, C and Santos, H and Santpur, SN and Santra, A and Saoucha, KA and Saraiva, JG and Sardain, J and Sasaki, O and Sato, K and Sauer, C and Sauerburger, F and Sauvan, E and Savard, P and Sawada, R and Sawyer, C and Sawyer, L and Sayago Galvan, I and Sbarra, C and Sbrizzi, A and Scanlon, T and Schaarschmidt, J and Schacht, P and Schaefer, D and Schäfer, U and Schaffer, AC and Schaile, D and Schamberger, RD and Schanet, E and Scharf, C and Scharmberg, N and Schegelsky, VA and Scheirich, D and Schenck, F and Schernau, M and Schiavi, C and Schildgen, LK and Schillaci, ZM and Schioppa, EJ and Schioppa, M and Schlag, B and Schleicher, KE and Schlenker, S and Schmieden, K and Schmitt, C and Schmitt, S and Schoeffel, L and Schoening, A and Scholer, PG and Schopf, E and Schott, M and Schovancova, J and Schramm, S and Schroeder, F and Schultz-Coulon, H-C and Schumacher, M and Schumm, BA and Schune, P and Schwartzman, A and Schwarz, TA and Schwemling, P and Schwienhorst, R and Sciandra, A and Sciolla, G and Scuri, F and Scutti, F and Sebastiani, CD and Sedlaczek, K and Seema, P and Seidel, SC and Seiden, A and Seidlitz, BD and Seiss, T and Seitz, C and Seixas, JM and Sekhniaidze, G and Sekula, SJ and Selem, L and Semprini-Cesari, N and Sen, S and Serfon, C and Serin, L and Serkin, L and Sessa, M and Severini, H and Sevova, S and Sforza, F and Sfyrla, A and Shabalina, E and Shaheen, R and Shahinian, JD and Shaikh, NW and Shaked Renous, D and Shan, LY and Shapiro, M and Sharma, A and Sharma, AS and Sharma, S and Shatalov, PB and Shaw, K and Shaw, SM and Sherwood, P and Shi, L and Shimmin, CO and Shimogama, Y and Shinner, JD and Shipsey, IPJ and Shirabe, S and Shiyakova, M and Shlomi, J and Shochet, MJ and Shojaii, J and Shope, DR and Shrestha, S and Shrif, EM and Shroff, MJ and Shulga, E and Sicho, P and Sickles, AM and Sideras Haddad, E and Sidiropoulou, O and Sidoti, A and Siegert, F and Sijacki, D and Silva, JM and Silva Oliveira, MV and Silverstein, SB and Simion, S and Simoniello, R and Simpson, ND and Simsek, S and Sinervo, P and Sinetckii, V and Singh, S and Singh, S and Sinha, S and Sinha, S and Sioli, M and Siral, I and Sivoklokov, SY and Sjölin, J and Skaf, A and Skorda, E and Skubic, P and Slawinska, M and Sliwa, K and Smakhtin, V and Smart, BH and Smiesko, J and Smirnov, SY and Smirnov, Y and Smirnova, LN and Smirnova, O and Smith, EA and Smith, HA and Smizanska, M and Smolek, K and Smykiewicz, A and Snesarev, AA and Snoek, HL and Snyder, S and Sobie, R and Soffer, A and Sohns, F and Solans Sanchez, CA and Soldatov, EY and Soldevila, U and Solodkov, AA and Solomon, S and Soloshenko, A and Solovyanov, OV and Solovyev, V and Sommer, P and Son, H and Sonay, A and Song, WY and Sopczak, A and Sopio, AL and Sopkova, F and Sottocornola, S and Soualah, R and Soumaimi, Z and South, D and Spagnolo, S and Spalla, M and Spangenberg, M and Spanò, F and Sperlich, D and Spieker, TM and Spigo, G and Spina, M and Spiteri, DP and Spousta, M and Stabile, A and Stamen, R and Stamenkovic, M and Stampekis, A and Standke, M and Stanecka, E and Stanislaus, B and Stanitzki, MM and Stankaityte, M and Stapf, B and Starchenko, EA and Stark, GH and Stark, J and Starko, DM and Staroba, P and Starovoitov, P and Stärz, S and Staszewski, R and Stavropoulos, G and Steinberg, P and Steinhebel, AL and Stelzer, B and Stelzer, HJ and Stelzer-Chilton, O and Stenzel, H and Stevenson, TJ and Stewart, GA and Stockton, MC and Stoicea, G and Stolarski, M and Stonjek, S and Straessner, A and Strandberg, J and Strandberg, S and Strauss, M and Strebler, T and Strizenec, P and Ströhmer, R and Strom, DM and Strom, LR and Stroynowski, R and Strubig, A and Stucci, SA and Stugu, B and Stupak, J and Styles, NA and Su, D and Su, S and Su, W and Su, X and Sugizaki, K and Sulin, VV and Sullivan, MJ and Sultan, DMS and Sultanaliyeva, L and Sultansoy, S and Sumida, T and Sun, S and Sun, S and Sun, X and Sunneborn Gudnadottir, O and Suster, CJE and Sutton, MR and Svatos, M and Swiatlowski, M and Swirski, T and Sykora, I and Sykora, M and Sykora, T and Ta, D and Tackmann, K and Taffard, A and Tafirout, R and Taibah, RHM and Takashima, R and Takeda, K and Takeshita, T and Takeva, EP and Takubo, Y and Talby, M and Talyshev, AA and Tam, KC and Tamir, NM and Tanaka, A and Tanaka, J and Tanaka, R and Tang, J and Tao, Z and Tapia Araya, S and Tapprogge, S and Tarek Abouelfadl Mohamed, A and Tarem, S and Tariq, K and Tarna, G and Tartarelli, GF and Tas, P and Tasevsky, M and Tassi, E and Tateno, G and Tayalati, Y and Taylor, GN and Taylor, W and Teagle, H and Tee, AS and Teixeira De Lima, R and Teixeira-Dias, P and Ten Kate, H and Teoh, JJ and Terashi, K and Terron, J and Terzo, S and Testa, M and Teuscher, RJ and Themistokleous, N and Theveneaux-Pelzer, T and Thielmann, O and Thomas, DW and Thomas, JP and Thompson, EA and Thompson, PD and Thomson, E and Thorpe, EJ and Tian, Y and Tikhomirov, V and Tikhonov, YA and Timoshenko, S and Tipton, P and Tisserant, S and Tlou, SH and Tnourji, A and Todome, K and Todorova-Nova, S and Todt, S and Togawa, M and Tojo, J and Tokár, S and Tokushuku, K and Tolley, E and Tombs, R and Tomoto, M and Tompkins, L and Tornambe, P and Torrence, E and Torres, H and Torró Pastor, E and Toscani, M and Tosciri, C and Toth, J and Tovey, DR and Traeet, A and Treado, CJ and Trefzger, T and Tricoli, A and Trigger, IM and Trincaz-Duvoid, S and Trischuk, DA and Trocmé, B and Trofymov, A and Troncon, C and Trovato, F and Truong, L and Trzebinski, M and Trzupek, A and Tsai, F and Tsiamis, A and Tsiareshka, PV and Tsirigotis, A and Tsiskaridze, V and Tskhadadze, EG and Tsopoulou, M and Tsukerman, II and Tsulaia, V and Tsuno, S and Tsur, O and Tsybychev, D and Tu, Y and Tudorache, A and Tudorache, V and Tuna, AN and Turchikhin, S and Turk Cakir, I and Turner, RJ and Turra, R and Tuts, PM and Tzamarias, S and Tzanis, P and Tzovara, E and Uchida, K and Ukegawa, F and Unal, G and Unal, M and Undrus, A and Unel, G and Ungaro, FC and Uno, K and Urban, J and Urquijo, P and Usai, G and Ushioda, R and Usman, M and Uysal, Z and Vacek, V and Vachon, B and Vadla, KOH and Vafeiadis, T and Valderanis, C and Valdes Santurio, E and Valente, M and Valentinetti, S and Valero, A and Valéry, L and Vallance, RA and Vallier, A and Valls Ferrer, JA and Van Daalen, TR and Van Gemmeren, P and Van Stroud, S and Van Vulpen, I and Vanadia, M and Vandelli, W and Vandenbroucke, M and Vandewall, ER and Vannicola, D and Vannoli, L and Vari, R and Varnes, EW and Varni, C and Varol, T and Varouchas, D and Varvell, KE and Vasile, ME and Vaslin, L and Vasquez, GA and Vazeille, F and Vazquez Furelos, D and Vazquez Schroeder, T and Veatch, J and Vecchio, V and Veen, MJ and Veliscek, I and Veloce, LM and Veloso, F and Veneziano, S and Ventura, A and Verbytskyi, A and Verducci, M and Vergis, C and Verissimo De Araujo, M and Verkerke, W and Vermeulen, AT and Vermeulen, JC and Vernieri, C and Verschuuren, PJ and Vessella, M and Vesterbacka, ML and Vetterli, MC and Vgenopoulos, A and Viaux Maira, N and Vickey, T and Vickey Boeriu, OE and Viehhauser, GHA and Vigani, L and Villa, M and Villaplana Perez, M and Villhauer, EM and Vilucchi, E and Vincter, MG and Virdee, GS and Vishwakarma, A and Vittori, C and Vivarelli, I and Vladimirov, V and Voevodina, E and Vogel, M and Vokac, P and Von Ahnen, J and Von Toerne, E and Vorobel, V and Vorobev, K and Vos, M and Vossebeld, JH and Vozak, M and Vozdecky, L and Vranjes, N and Vranjes Milosavljevic, M and Vrba, V and Vreeswijk, M and Vuillermet, R and Vujinovic, O and Vukotic, I and Wada, S and Wagner, C and Wagner, W and Wahdan, S and Wahlberg, H and Wakasa, R and Wakida, M and Walbrecht, VM and Walder, J and Walker, R and Walker, SD and Walkowiak, W and Wang, AM and Wang, AZ and Wang, C and Wang, C and Wang, H and Wang, J and Wang, P and Wang, R-J and Wang, R and Wang, R and Wang, SM and Wang, S and Wang, T and Wang, WT and Wang, WX and Wang, X and Wang, X and Wang, Y and Wang, Z and Wanotayaroj, C and Warburton, A and Ward, CP and Ward, RJ and Warrack, N and Watson, AT and Watson, MF and Watts, G and Waugh, BM and Webb, AF and Weber, C and Weber, MS and Weber, SA and Weber, SM and Wei, C and Wei, Y and Weidberg, AR and Weingarten, J and Weirich, M and Weiser, C and Wenaus, T and Wendland, B and Wengler, T and Wenig, S and Wermes, N and Wessels, M and Whalen, K and Wharton, AM and White, AS and White, A and White, MJ and Whiteson, D and Wickremasinghe, L and Wiedenmann, W and Wiel, C and Wielers, M and Wieseotte, N and Wiglesworth, C and Wiik-Fuchs, LAM and Wilbern, DJ and Wilkens, HG and Wilkins, LJ and Williams, DM and Williams, HH and Williams, S and Willocq, S and Windischhofer, PJ and Wingerter-Seez, I and Winklmeier, F and Winter, BT and Wittgen, M and Wobisch, M and Wolf, A and Wölker, R and Wollrath, J and Wolter, MW and Wolters, H and Wong, VWS and Wongel, AF and Worm, SD and Wosiek, BK and Woźniak, KW and Wraight, K and Wu, J and Wu, SL and Wu, X and Wu, Y and Wu, Z and Wuerzinger, J and Wyatt, TR and Wynne, BM and Xella, S and Xia, L and Xia, M and Xiang, J and Xiao, X and Xie, M and Xie, X and Xiotidis, I and Xu, D and Xu, H and Xu, H and Xu, L and Xu, R and Xu, T and Xu, W and Xu, Y and Xu, Z and Xu, Z and Yabsley, B and Yacoob, S and Yamaguchi, N and Yamaguchi, Y and Yamatani, M and Yamauchi, H and Yamazaki, T and Yamazaki, Y and Yan, J and Yan, S and Yan, Z and Yang, HJ and Yang, HT and Yang, S and Yang, T and Yang, X and Yang, X and Yang, Y and Yang, Z and Yao, W-M and Yap, YC and Ye, H and Ye, J and Ye, S and Yeletskikh, I and Yexley, MR and Yin, P and Yorita, K and Yoshihara, K and Young, CJS and Young, C and Yuan, R and Yue, X and Zaazoua, M and Zabinski, B and Zacharis, G and Zaid, E and Zakareishvili, T and Zakharchuk, N and Zambito, S and Zanzi, D and ZeiÃ�ner, SV and Zeitnitz, C and Zeng, JC and Zenger, Jr and Zenin, O and ŽeniÅ¡, T and Zenz, S and Zerradi, S and Zerwas, D and Zhang, B and Zhang, DF and Zhang, G and Zhang, J and Zhang, K and Zhang, L and Zhang, M and Zhang, R and Zhang, S and Zhang, X and Zhang, X and Zhang, Z and Zhao, P and Zhao, Y and Zhao, Z and Zhemchugov, A and Zheng, Z and Zhong, D and Zhou, B and Zhou, C and Zhou, H and Zhou, N and Zhou, Y and Zhu, CG and Zhu, C and Zhu, HL and Zhu, H and Zhu, J and Zhu, Y and Zhuang, X and Zhukov, K and Zhulanov, V and Zieminska, D and Zimine, NI and Zimmermann, S and Zinsser, J and Ziolkowski, M and ŽivkoviÄ�, L and Zoccoli, A and Zoch, K and Zorbas, TG and Zormpa, O and Zou, W and Zwalinski, L and Tumasyan, A and Adam, W and Andrejkovic, JW and Bergauer, T and Chatterjee, S and Dragicevic, M and Escalante Del Valle, A and Frühwirth, R and Jeitler, M and Krammer, N and Lechner, L and Liko, D and Mikulec, I and Paulitsch, P and Pitters, FM and Schieck, J and Schöfbeck, R and Schwarz, D and Templ, S and Waltenberger, W and Wulz, C-E and Darwish, MR and De Wolf, EA and Janssen, T and Kello, T and Lelek, A and Rejeb Sfar, H and Van Mechelen, P and Van Putte, S and Van Remortel, N and Blekman, F and Bols, ES and Dâ��Hondt, J and Delcourt, M and El Faham, H and Lowette, S and Moortgat, S and Morton, A and Müller, D and Sahasransu, AR and Tavernier, S and Van Doninck, W and Van Mulders, P and Beghin, D and Bilin, B and Clerbaux, B and De Lentdecker, G and Favart, L and Grebenyuk, A and Kalsi, AK and Lee, K and Mahdavikhorrami, M and Makarenko, I and Moureaux, L and Pétré, L and Popov, A and Postiau, N and Starling, E and Thomas, L and Vanden Bemden, M and Vander Velde, C and Vanlaer, P and Wezenbeek, L and Cornelis, T and Dobur, D and Knolle, J and Lambrecht, L and Mestdach, G and Niedziela, M and Roskas, C and Samalan, A and Skovpen, K and Tytgat, M and Vermassen, B and Vit, M and Benecke, A and Bethani, A and Bruno, G and Bury, F and Caputo, C and David, P and Delaere, C and Donertas, IS and Giammanco, A and Jaffel, K and Jain, S and Lemaitre, V and Mondal, K and Prisciandaro, J and Taliercio, A and Teklishyn, M and Tran, TT and Vischia, P and Wertz, S and Alves, GA and Hensel, C and Moraes, A and Aldá Júnior, WL and Alves Gallo Pereira, M and Barroso Ferreira Filho, M and Brandao Malbouisson, H and Carvalho, W and Chinellato, J and Da Costa, EM and Da Silveira, GG and De Jesus Damiao, D and Fonseca De Souza, S and Matos Figueiredo, D and Mora Herrera, C and Mota Amarilo, K and Mundim, L and Nogima, H and Rebello Teles, P and Santoro, A and Silva Do Amaral, SM and Sznajder, A and Thiel, M and Torres Da Silva De Araujo, F and Vilela Pereira, A and Bernardes, CA and Calligaris, L and Fernandez Perez Tomei, TR and Gregores, EM and Lemos, DS and Mercadante, PG and Novaes, SF and Padula, SS and Aleksandrov, A and Antchev, G and Hadjiiska, R and Iaydjiev, P and Misheva, M and Rodozov, M and Shopova, M and Sultanov, G and Dimitrov, A and Ivanov, T and Litov, L and Pavlov, B and Petkov, P and Petrov, A and Cheng, T and Javaid, T and Mittal, M and Yuan, L and Ahmad, M and Bauer, G and Dozen, C and Hu, Z and Martins, J and Wang, Y and Yi, K and Chapon, E and Chen, GM and Chen, HS and Chen, M and Iemmi, F and Kapoor, A and Leggat, D and Liao, H and Liu, Z-A and Milosevic, V and Monti, F and Sharma, R and Tao, J and Thomas-Wilsker, J and Wang, J and Zhang, H and Zhao, J and Agapitos, A and An, Y and Ban, Y and Chen, C and Levin, A and Li, Q and Lyu, X and Mao, Y and Qian, SJ and Wang, D and Wang, Q and Xiao, J and Lu, M and You, Z and Gao, X and Okawa, H and Lin, Z and Xiao, M and Avila, C and Cabrera, A and Florez, C and Fraga, J and Mejia Guisao, J and Ramirez, F and Ruiz Alvarez, JD and Salazar González, CA and Giljanovic, D and Godinovic, N and Lelas, D and Puljak, I and Antunovic, Z and Kovac, M and Sculac, T and Brigljevic, V and Ferencek, D and Majumder, D and Roguljic, M and Starodumov, A and Susa, T and Attikis, A and Christoforou, K and Erodotou, E and Ioannou, A and Kole, G and Kolosova, M and Konstantinou, S and Mousa, J and Nicolaou, C and Ptochos, F and Razis, PA and Rykaczewski, H and Saka, H and Finger, M and Finger, Jr and Kveton, A and Ayala, E and Carrera Jarrin, E and Abdelalim, AA and Salama, E and Mahmoud, MA and Mohammed, Y and Bhowmik, S and Dewanjee, RK and Ehataht, K and Kadastik, M and Nandan, S and Nielsen, C and Pata, J and Raidal, M and Tani, L and Veelken, C and Eerola, P and Forthomme, L and Kirschenmann, H and Osterberg, K and Voutilainen, M and Bharthuar, S and Brücken, E and Garcia, F and Havukainen, J and Kim, MS and Kinnunen, R and Lampén, T and Lassila-Perini, K and Lehti, S and Lindén, T and Lotti, M and Martikainen, L and Myllymäki, M and Ott, J and Siikonen, H and Tuominen, E and Tuominiemi, J and Luukka, P and Petrow, H and Tuuva, T and Amendola, C and Besancon, M and Couderc, F and Dejardin, M and Denegri, D and Faure, JL and Ferri, F and Ganjour, S and Givernaud, A and Gras, P and Hamel de Monchenault, G and Jarry, P and Lenzi, B and Locci, E and Malcles, J and Rander, J and Rosowsky, A and Sahin, MÃ� and Savoy-Navarro, A and Titov, M and Yu, GB and Ahuja, S and Beaudette, F and Bonanomi, M and Buchot Perraguin, A and Busson, P and Cappati, A and Charlot, C and Davignon, O and Diab, B and Falmagne, G and Ghosh, S and Granier de Cassagnac, R and Hakimi, A and Kucher, I and Motta, J and Nguyen, M and Ochando, C and Paganini, P and Rembser, J and Salerno, R and Sarkar, U and Sauvan, JB and Sirois, Y and Tarabini, A and Zabi, A and Zghiche, A and Agram, J-L and Andrea, J and Apparu, D and Bloch, D and Bourgatte, G and Brom, J-M and Chabert, EC and Collard, C and Darej, D and Fontaine, J-C and Goerlach, U and Grimault, C and Le Bihan, A-C and Nibigira, E and Van Hove, P and Asilar, E and Beauceron, S and Bernet, C and Boudoul, G and Camen, C and Carle, A and Chanon, N and Contardo, D and Depasse, P and El Mamouni, H and Fay, J and Gascon, S and Gouzevitch, M and Ille, B and Laktineh, IB and Lattaud, H and Lesauvage, A and Lethuillier, M and Mirabito, L and Perries, S and Shchablo, K and Sordini, V and Torterotot, L and Touquet, G and Vander Donckt, M and Viret, S and Lomidze, I and Toriashvili, T and Tsamalaidze, Z and Botta, V and Feld, L and Klein, K and Lipinski, M and Meuser, D and Pauls, A and Röwert, N and Schulz, J and Teroerde, M and Dodonova, A and Eliseev, D and Erdmann, M and Fackeldey, P and Fischer, B and Ghosh, S and Hebbeker, T and Hoepfner, K and Ivone, F and Mastrolorenzo, L and Merschmeyer, M and Meyer, A and Mocellin, G and Mondal, S and Mukherjee, S and Noll, D and Novak, A and Pook, T and Pozdnyakov, A and Rath, Y and Reithler, H and Roemer, J and Schmidt, A and Schuler, SC and Sharma, A and Vigilante, L and Wiedenbeck, S and Zaleski, S and Dziwok, C and Flügge, G and Haj Ahmad, W and Hlushchenko, O and Kress, T and Nowack, A and Pistone, C and Pooth, O and Roy, D and Sert, H and Stahl, A and Ziemons, T and Zotz, A and Aarup Petersen, H and Aldaya Martin, M and Asmuss, P and Baxter, S and Bayatmakou, M and Behnke, O and Bermúdez MartÃnez, A and Bhattacharya, S and Bin Anuar, AA and Borras, K and Brunner, D and Campbell, A and Cardini, A and Cheng, C and Colombina, F and Consuegra RodrÃguez, S and Correia Silva, G and Danilov, V and De Silva, M and Didukh, L and Eckerlin, G and Eckstein, D and Estevez Banos, LI and Filatov, O and Gallo, E and Geiser, A and Giraldi, A and Grohsjean, A and Guthoff, M and Jafari, A and Jomhari, NZ and Kasem, A and Kasemann, M and Kaveh, H and Kleinwort, C and Krücker, D and Lange, W and Lidrych, J and Lipka, K and Lohmann, W and Mankel, R and Melzer-Pellmann, I-A and Mendizabal Morentin, M and Metwally, J and Meyer, AB and Meyer, M and Mnich, J and Mussgiller, A and Otarid, Y and Pérez Adán, D and Pitzl, D and Raspereza, A and Ribeiro Lopes, B and Rübenach, J and Saggio, A and Saibel, A and Savitskyi, M and Scham, M and Scheurer, V and Schütze, P and Schwanenberger, C and Shchedrolosiev, M and Sosa Ricardo, RE and Stafford, D and Tonon, N and Van De Klundert, M and Walsh, R and Walter, D and Wen, Y and Wichmann, K and Wiens, L and Wissing, C and Wuchterl, S and Aggleton, R and Albrecht, S and Bein, S and Benato, L and Connor, P and De Leo, K and Eich, M and Feindt, F and Fröhlich, A and Garbers, C and Garutti, E and Gunnellini, P and Hajheidari, M and Haller, J and Hinzmann, A and Kasieczka, G and Klanner, R and Kogler, R and Kramer, T and Kutzner, V and Lange, J and Lange, T and Lobanov, A and Malara, A and Nigamova, A and Pena Rodriguez, KJ and Rieger, O and Schleper, P and Schröder, M and Schwandt, J and Sonneveld, J and Stadie, H and Steinbrück, G and Tews, A and Zoi, I and Bechtel, J and Brommer, S and Burkart, M and Butz, E and Caspart, R and Chwalek, T and De Boer, W and Dierlamm, A and Droll, A and El Morabit, K and Faltermann, N and Giffels, M and Gosewisch, JO and Gottmann, A and Hartmann, F and Heidecker, C and Husemann, U and Keicher, P and Koppenhöfer, R and Maier, S and Metzler, M and Mitra, S and Müller, T and Neukum, M and Nürnberg, A and Quast, G and Rabbertz, K and Rauser, J and Savoiu, D and Schnepf, M and Seith, D and Shvetsov, I and Simonis, HJ and Ulrich, R and Van Der Linden, J and Von Cube, RF and Wassmer, M and Weber, M and Wieland, S and Wolf, R and Wozniewski, S and Wunsch, S and Anagnostou, G and Daskalakis, G and Geralis, T and Kyriakis, A and Stakia, A and Diamantopoulou, M and Karasavvas, D and Karathanasis, G and Kontaxakis, P and Koraka, CK and Manousakis-Katsikakis, A and Panagiotou, A and Papavergou, I and Saoulidou, N and Theofilatos, K and Tziaferi, E and Vellidis, K and Vourliotis, E and Bakas, G and Kousouris, K and Papakrivopoulos, I and Tsipolitis, G and Zacharopoulou, A and Adamidis, K and Bestintzanos, I and Evangelou, I and Foudas, C and Gianneios, P and Katsoulis, P and Kokkas, P and Manthos, N and Papadopoulos, I and Strologas, J and Csanád, M and Farkas, K and Gadallah, MMA and Lökös, S and Major, P and Mandal, K and Mehta, A and Pásztor, G and Rádl, AJ and Surányi, O and Veres, GI and Bartók, M and Bencze, G and Hajdu, C and Horvath, D and Sikler, F and Veszpremi, V and Czellar, S and Karancsi, J and Molnar, J and Szillasi, Z and Teyssier, D and Raics, P and Trocsanyi, ZL and Ujvari, B and Csorgo, T and Nemes, F and Novak, T and Choudhury, S and Komaragiri, JR and Kumar, D and Panwar, L and Tiwari, PC and Bansal, S and Beri, SB and Bhatnagar, V and Chaudhary, G and Chauhan, S and Dhingra, N and Gupta, R and Kaur, A and Kaur, M and Kaur, S and Kumari, P and Meena, M and Sandeep, K and Singh, JB and Virdi, AK and Ahmed, A and Bhardwaj, A and Choudhary, BC and Gola, M and Keshri, S and Kumar, A and Naimuddin, M and Priyanka, P and Ranjan, K and Shah, A and Bharti, M and Bhattacharya, R and Bhattacharya, S and Bhowmik, D and Dutta, S and Dutta, S and Gomber, B and Maity, M and Palit, P and Rout, PK and Saha, G and Sahu, B and Sarkar, S and Sharan, M and Singh, B and Thakur, S and Behera, PK and Behera, SC and Kalbhor, P and Muhammad, A and Pradhan, R and Pujahari, PR and Sharma, A and Sikdar, AK and Dutta, D and Jha, V and Kumar, V and Mishra, DK and Naskar, K and Netrakanti, PK and Pant, LM and Shukla, P and Aziz, T and Dugad, S and Kumar, M and Mohanty, GB and Banerjee, S and Chudasama, R and Guchait, M and Karmakar, S and Kumar, S and Majumder, G and Mazumdar, K and Mukherjee, S and Bahinipati, S and Kar, C and Mal, P and Mishra, T and Muraleedharan Nair Bindhu, VK and Nayak, A and Saha, P and Sur, N and Swain, SK and Vats, D and Alpana, K and Dube, S and Kansal, B and Laha, A and Pandey, S and Rane, A and Rastogi, A and Sharma, S and Bakhshiansohi, H and Khazaie, E and Zeinali, M and Chenarani, S and Etesami, SM and Khakzad, M and Mohammadi Najafabadi, M and Grunewald, M and Abbrescia, M and Aly, R and Aruta, C and Colaleo, A and Creanza, D and De Filippis, N and De Palma, M and Di Florio, A and Di Pilato, A and Elmetenawee, W and Fiore, L and Gelmi, A and Gul, M and Iaselli, G and Ince, M and Lezki, S and Maggi, G and Maggi, M and Margjeka, I and Mastrapasqua, V and Merlin, JA and My, S and Nuzzo, S and Pellecchia, A and Pompili, A and Pugliese, G and Ramos, D and Ranieri, A and Selvaggi, G and Silvestris, L and Simone, FM and Venditti, R and Verwilligen, P and Abbiendi, G and Battilana, C and Bonacorsi, D and Borgonovi, L and Brigliadori, L and Campanini, R and Capiluppi, P and Castro, A and Cavallo, FR and Cuffiani, M and Dallavalle, GM and Diotalevi, T and Fabbri, F and Fanfani, A and Giacomelli, P and Giommi, L and Grandi, C and Guiducci, L and Lo Meo, S and Lunerti, L and Marcellini, S and Masetti, G and Navarria, FL and Perrotta, A and Primavera, F and Rossi, AM and Rovelli, T and Siroli, GP and Albergo, S and Costa, S and Di Mattia, A and Potenza, R and Tricomi, A and Tuve, C and Barbagli, G and Cassese, A and Ceccarelli, R and Ciulli, V and Civinini, C and Dâ��Alessandro, R and Focardi, E and Latino, G and Lenzi, P and Lizzo, M and Meschini, M and Paoletti, S and Seidita, R and Sguazzoni, G and Viliani, L and Benussi, L and Bianco, S and Piccolo, D and Bozzo, M and Ferro, F and Mulargia, R and Robutti, E and Tosi, S and Benaglia, A and Boldrini, G and Brivio, F and Cetorelli, F and De Guio, F and Dinardo, ME and Dini, P and Gennai, S and Ghezzi, A and Govoni, P and Guzzi, L and Lucchini, MT and Malberti, M and Malvezzi, S and Massironi, A and Menasce, D and Moroni, L and Paganoni, M and Pedrini, D and Pinolini, BS and Ragazzi, S and Redaelli, N and Tabarelli de Fatis, T and Valsecchi, D and Zuolo, D and Buontempo, S and Carnevali, F and Cavallo, N and De Iorio, A and Fabozzi, F and Iorio, AOM and Lista, L and Meola, S and Paolucci, P and Rossi, B and Sciacca, C and Azzi, P and Bacchetta, N and Bisello, D and Bortignon, P and Bragagnolo, A and Carlin, R and Checchia, P and Dorigo, T and Dosselli, U and Gasparini, F and Gasparini, U and Grosso, G and Hoh, SY and Layer, L and Lusiani, E and Margoni, M and Meneguzzo, AT and Pazzini, J and Ronchese, P and Rossin, R and Simonetto, F and Strong, G and Tosi, M and Yarar, H and Zanetti, M and Zotto, P and Zucchetta, A and Zumerle, G and Aime, C and Braghieri, A and Calzaferri, S and Fiorina, D and Montagna, P and Ratti, SP and Re, V and Riccardi, C and Salvini, P and Vai, I and Vitulo, P and Asenov, P and Bilei, GM and Ciangottini, D and Fanò, L and Lariccia, P and Magherini, M and Mantovani, G and Mariani, V and Menichelli, M and Moscatelli, F and Piccinelli, A and Presilla, M and Rossi, A and Santocchia, A and Spiga, D and Tedeschi, T and Azzurri, P and Bagliesi, G and Bertacchi, V and Bianchini, L and Boccali, T and Bossini, E and Castaldi, R and Ciocci, MA and Dâ��Amante, V and Dellâ��Orso, R and Di Domenico, MR and Donato, S and Giassi, A and Ligabue, F and Manca, E and Mandorli, G and Messineo, A and Palla, F and Parolia, S and Ramirez-Sanchez, G and Rizzi, A and Rolandi, G and Roy Chowdhury, S and Scribano, A and Shafiei, N and Spagnolo, P and Tenchini, R and Tonelli, G and Turini, N and Venturi, A and Verdini, PG and Barria, P and Campana, M and Cavallari, F and Del Re, D and Di Marco, E and Diemoz, M and Longo, E and Meridiani, P and Organtini, G and Pandolfi, F and Paramatti, R and Quaranta, C and Rahatlou, S and Rovelli, C and Santanastasio, F and Soffi, L and Tramontano, R and Amapane, N and Arcidiacono, R and Argiro, S and Arneodo, M and Bartosik, N and Bellan, R and Bellora, A and Berenguer Antequera, J and Biino, C and Cartiglia, N and Cometti, S and Costa, M and Covarelli, R and Demaria, N and Kiani, B and Legger, F and Mariotti, C and Maselli, S and Migliore, E and Monteil, E and Monteno, M and Obertino, MM and Ortona, G and Pacher, L and Pastrone, N and Pelliccioni, M and Pinna Angioni, GL and Ruspa, M and Shchelina, K and Siviero, F and Sola, V and Solano, A and Soldi, D and Staiano, A and Tornago, M and Trocino, D and Vagnerini, A and Belforte, S and Candelise, V and Casarsa, M and Cossutti, F and Da Rold, A and Della Ricca, G and Sorrentino, G and Vazzoler, F and Dogra, S and Huh, C and Kim, B and Kim, DH and Kim, GN and Kim, J and Lee, J and Lee, SW and Moon, CS and Oh, YD and Pak, SI and Radburn-Smith, BC and Sekmen, S and Yang, YC and Kim, H and Moon, DH and Francois, B and Kim, TJ and Park, J and Cho, S and Choi, S and Go, Y and Hong, B and Lee, K and Lee, KS and Lim, J and Park, J and Park, SK and Yoo, J and Goh, J and Gurtu, A and Kim, HS and Kim, Y and Almond, J and Bhyun, JH and Choi, J and Jeon, S and Kim, J and Kim, JS and Ko, S and Kwon, H and Lee, H and Lee, S and Oh, BH and Oh, M and Oh, SB and Seo, H and Yang, UK and Yoon, I and Jang, W and Kang, DY and Kang, Y and Kim, S and Ko, B and Lee, JSH and Lee, Y and Park, IC and Roh, Y and Ryu, MS and Song, D and Watson, IJ and Yang, S and Ha, S and Yoo, HD and Choi, M and Lee, H and Lee, Y and Yu, I and Beyrouthy, T and Maghrbi, Y and Dreimanis, K and Veckalns, V and Ambrozas, M and Carvalho Antunes De Oliveira, A and Juodagalvis, A and Rinkevicius, A and Tamulaitis, G and Norjoharuddeen, NB and Wan Abdullah, WAT and Yusli, MN and Zolkapli, Z and Benitez, JF and Castaneda Hernandez, A and León Coello, M and Murillo Quijada, JA and Sehrawat, A and Valencia Palomo, L and Ayala, G and Castilla-Valdez, H and De La Cruz-Burelo, E and Heredia-De La Cruz, I and Lopez-Fernandez, R and Mondragon Herrera, CA and Perez Navarro, DA and Sánchez Hernández, A and Carrillo Moreno, S and Oropeza Barrera, C and Vazquez Valencia, F and Pedraza, I and Salazar Ibarguen, HA and Uribe Estrada, C and Mijuskovic, J and Raicevic, N and Krofcheck, D and Butler, PH and Ahmad, A and Asghar, MI and Awais, A and Awan, MIM and Hoorani, HR and Khan, WA and Shah, MA and Shoaib, M and Waqas, M and Avati, V and Grzanka, L and Malawski, M and Bialkowska, H and Bluj, M and Boimska, B and Górski, M and Kazana, M and Szleper, M and Zalewski, P and Bunkowski, K and Doroba, K and Kalinowski, A and Konecki, M and Krolikowski, J and Araujo, M and Bargassa, P and Bastos, D and Boletti, A and Faccioli, P and Gallinaro, M and Hollar, J and Leonardo, N and Niknejad, T and Pisano, M and Seixas, J and Toldaiev, O and Varela, J and Adzic, P and Dordevic, M and Milenovic, P and Milosevic, J and Aguilar-Benitez, M and Alcaraz Maestre, J and Ã�lvarez Fernández, A and Bachiller, I and Barrio Luna, M and Bedoya, CF and Carrillo Montoya, CA and Cepeda, M and Cerrada, M and Colino, N and De La Cruz, B and Delgado Peris, A and Fernández Ramos, JP and Flix, J and Fouz, MC and Gonzalez Lopez, O and Goy Lopez, S and Hernandez, JM and Josa, MI and León Holgado, J and Moran, D and Navarro Tobar, Ã� and Perez Dengra, C and Pérez-Calero Yzquierdo, A and Puerta Pelayo, J and Redondo, I and Romero, L and Sánchez Navas, S and Urda Gómez, L and Willmott, C and de Trocóniz, JF and Reyes-Almanza, R and Alvarez Gonzalez, B and Cuevas, J and Erice, C and Fernandez Menendez, J and Folgueras, S and Gonzalez Caballero, I and González Fernández, JR and Palencia Cortezon, E and Ramón Ã�lvarez, C and RodrÃguez Bouza, V and Soto RodrÃguez, A and Trapote, A and Trevisani, N and Vico Villalba, C and Brochero Cifuentes, JA and Cabrillo, IJ and Calderon, A and Duarte Campderros, J and Fernandez, M and Fernandez Madrazo, C and Fernández Manteca, PJ and GarcÃa Alonso, A and Gomez, G and Martinez Rivero, C and Martinez Ruiz del Arbol, P and Matorras, F and Matorras Cuevas, P and Piedra Gomez, J and Prieels, C and Rodrigo, T and Ruiz-Jimeno, A and Scodellaro, L and Vila, I and Vizan Garcia, JM and Jayananda, MK and Kailasapathy, B and Sonnadara, DUJ and Wickramarathna, DDC and Dharmaratna, WGD and Liyanage, K and Perera, N and Wickramage, N and Aarrestad, TK and Abbaneo, D and Alimena, J and Auffray, E and Auzinger, G and Baechler, J and Baillon, P and Barney, D and Bendavid, J and Bianco, M and Bocci, A and Camporesi, T and Capeans Garrido, M and Cerminara, G and Chernyavskaya, N and Chhibra, SS and Cipriani, M and Cristella, L and dâ��Enterria, D and Dabrowski, A and David, A and De Roeck, A and Defranchis, MM and Deile, M and Dobson, M and Dünser, M and Dupont, N and Elliott-Peisert, A and Emriskova, N and Fallavollita, F and Fasanella, D and Florent, A and Franzoni, G and Funk, W and Giani, S and Gigi, D and Gill, K and Glege, F and Gouskos, L and Haranko, M and Hegeman, J and Innocente, V and James, T and Janot, P and Kaspar, J and Kieseler, J and Komm, M and Kratochwil, N and Lange, C and Laurila, S and Lecoq, P and Lintuluoto, A and Long, K and Lourenço, C and Maier, B and Malgeri, L and Mallios, S and Mannelli, M and Marini, AC and Meijers, F and Mersi, S and Meschi, E and Moortgat, F and Mulders, M and Orfanelli, S and Orsini, L and Pantaleo, F and Pape, L and Perez, E and Peruzzi, M and Petrilli, A and Petrucciani, G and Pfeiffer, A and Pierini, M and Piparo, D and Pitt, M and Qu, H and Quast, T and Rabady, D and Racz, A and Reales Gutiérrez, G and Rieger, M and Rovere, M and Sakulin, H and Salfeld-Nebgen, J and Scarfi, S and Schäfer, C and Selvaggi, M and Sharma, A and Silva, P and Snoeys, W and Sphicas, P and Summers, S and Tatar, K and Tavolaro, VR and Treille, D and Tropea, P and Tsirou, A and Van Onsem, GP and Wanczyk, J and Wozniak, KA and Zeuner, WD and Caminada, L and Ebrahimi, A and Erdmann, W and Horisberger, R and Ingram, Q and Kaestli, HC and Kotlinski, D and Missiroli, M and Noehte, L and Rohe, T and Androsov, K and Backhaus, M and Berger, P and Calandri, A and De Cosa, A and Dissertori, G and Dittmar, M and DonegÃ, M and Dorfer, C and Eble, F and Gedia, K and Glessgen, F and Gómez Espinosa, TA and Grab, C and Hits, D and Lustermann, W and Lyon, A-M and Manzoni, RA and Marchese, L and Martin Perez, C and Meinhard, MT and Nessi-Tedaldi, F and Niedziela, J and Pauss, F and Perovic, V and Pigazzini, S and Ratti, MG and Reichmann, M and Reissel, C and Reitenspiess, T and Ristic, B and Ruini, D and Sanz Becerra, DA and Stampf, V and Steggemann, J and Wallny, R and Zhu, DH and Amsler, C and Bärtschi, P and Botta, C and Brzhechko, D and Canelli, MF and Cormier, K and De Wit, A and Del Burgo, R and Heikkilä, JK and Huwiler, M and Jin, W and Jofrehei, A and Kilminster, B and Leontsinis, S and Liechti, SP and Macchiolo, A and Meiring, P and Mikuni, VM and Molinatti, U and Neutelings, I and Reimers, A and Robmann, P and Sanchez Cruz, S and Schweiger, K and Takahashi, Y and Adloff, C and Kuo, CM and Lin, W and Roy, A and Sarkar, T and Yu, SS and Ceard, L and Chao, Y and Chen, KF and Chen, PH and Hou, W-S and Li, YY and Lu, R-S and Paganis, E and Psallidas, A and Steen, A and Wu, HY and Yazgan, E and Yu, PR and Asavapibhop, B and Asawatangtrakuldee, C and Srimanobhas, N and Boran, F and Damarseckin, S and Demiroglu, ZS and Dolek, F and Dumanoglu, I and Eskut, E and Guler, Y and Gurpinar Guler, E and Isik, C and Kara, O and Kayis Topaksu, A and Kiminsu, U and Onengut, G and Ozdemir, K and Polatoz, A and Simsek, AE and Tali, B and Tok, UG and Turkcapar, S and Zorbakir, IS and Isildak, B and Karapinar, G and Ocalan, K and Yalvac, M and Akgun, B and Atakisi, IO and Gülmez, E and Kaya, M and Kaya, O and Ã�zçelik, Ã� and Tekten, S and Yetkin, EA and Cakir, A and Cankocak, K and Komurcu, Y and Sen, S and Cerci, S and Hos, I and Kaynak, B and Ozkorucuklu, S and Sunar Cerci, D and Zorbilmez, C and Grynyov, B and Levchuk, L and Anthony, D and Bhal, E and Bologna, S and Brooke, JJ and Bundock, A and Clement, E and Cussans, D and Flacher, H and Goldstein, J and Heath, GP and Heath, HF and Kreczko, L and Krikler, B and Paramesvaran, S and Seif El Nasr-Storey, S and Smith, VJ and Stylianou, N and Walkingshaw Pass, K and White, R and Bell, KW and Belyaev, A and Brew, C and Brown, RM and Cockerill, DJA and Cooke, C and Ellis, KV and Harder, K and Harper, S and Holmberg, M-L and Linacre, J and Manolopoulos, K and Newbold, DM and Olaiya, E and Petyt, D and Reis, T and Schuh, T and Shepherd-Themistocleous, CH and Tomalin, IR and Williams, T and Bainbridge, R and Bloch, P and Bonomally, S and Borg, J and Breeze, S and Buchmuller, O and Cepaitis, V and Chahal, GS and Colling, D and Dauncey, P and Davies, G and Della Negra, M and Fayer, S and Fedi, G and Hall, G and Hassanshahi, MH and Iles, G and Langford, J and Lyons, L and Magnan, A-M and Malik, S and Martelli, A and Monk, DG and Nash, J and Pesaresi, M and Raymond, DM and Richards, A and Rose, A and Scott, E and Seez, C and Shtipliyski, A and Tapper, A and Uchida, K and Virdee, T and Vojinovic, M and Wardle, N and Webb, SN and Winterbottom, D and Coldham, K and Cole, JE and Khan, A and Kyberd, P and Reid, ID and Teodorescu, L and Zahid, S and Abdullin, S and Brinkerhoff, A and Caraway, B and Dittmann, J and Hatakeyama, K and Kanuganti, AR and McMaster, B and Pastika, N and Saunders, M and Sawant, S and Sutantawibul, C and Wilson, J and Bartek, R and Dominguez, A and Uniyal, R and Vargas Hernandez, AM and Buccilli, A and Cooper, SI and Di Croce, D and Gleyzer, SV and Henderson, C and Perez, CU and Rumerio, P and West, C and Akpinar, A and Albert, A and Arcaro, D and Cosby, C and Demiragli, Z and Fontanesi, E and Gastler, D and May, S and Rohlf, J and Salyer, K and Sperka, D and Spitzbart, D and Suarez, I and Tsatsos, A and Yuan, S and Zou, D and Benelli, G and Burkle, B and Coubez, X and Cutts, D and Hadley, M and Heintz, U and Hogan, JM and KWON, T and Landsberg, G and Lau, KT and Li, D and Lukasik, M and Luo, J and Narain, M and Pervan, N and Sagir, S and Simpson, F and Usai, E and Wong, WY and Yan, X and Yu, D and Zhang, W and Bonilla, J and Brainerd, C and Breedon, R and Calderon De La Barca Sanchez, M and Chertok, M and Conway, J and Cox, PT and Erbacher, R and Haza, G and Jensen, F and Kukral, O and Lander, R and Mulhearn, M and Pellett, D and Regnery, B and Taylor, D and Yao, Y and Zhang, F and Bachtis, M and Cousins, R and Datta, A and Hamilton, D and Hauser, J and Ignatenko, M and Iqbal, MA and Lam, T and Nash, WA and Regnard, S and Saltzberg, D and Stone, B and Valuev, V and Burt, K and Chen, Y and Clare, R and Gary, JW and Gordon, M and Hanson, G and Karapostoli, G and Long, OR and Manganelli, N and Olmedo Negrete, M and Si, W and Wimpenny, S and Zhang, Y and Branson, JG and Chang, P and Cittolin, S and Cooperstein, S and Deelen, N and Diaz, D and Duarte, J and Gerosa, R and Giannini, L and Gilbert, D and Guiang, J and Kansal, R and Krutelyov, V and Lee, R and Letts, J and Masciovecchio, M and Mokhtar, F and Pieri, M and Sathia Narayanan, BV and Sharma, V and Tadel, M and Vartak, A and Würthwein, F and Xiang, Y and Yagil, A and Amin, N and Campagnari, C and Citron, M and Dorsett, A and Dutta, V and Incandela, J and Kilpatrick, M and Kim, J and Marsh, B and Mei, H and Oshiro, M and Quinnan, M and Richman, J and Sarica, U and Setti, F and Sheplock, J and Stuart, D and Wang, S and Bornheim, A and Cerri, O and Dutta, I and Lawhorn, JM and Lu, N and Mao, J and Newman, HB and Nguyen, TQ and Spiropulu, M and Vlimant, JR and Wang, C and Xie, S and Zhang, Z and Zhu, RY and Alison, J and An, S and Andrews, MB and Bryant, P and Ferguson, T and Harilal, A and Liu, C and Mudholkar, T and Paulini, M and Sanchez, A and Terrill, W and Cumalat, JP and Ford, WT and Hassani, A and MacDonald, E and Patel, R and Perloff, A and Savard, C and Stenson, K and Ulmer, KA and Wagner, SR and Alexander, J and Bright-Thonney, S and Cheng, Y and Cranshaw, DJ and Hogan, S and Monroy, J and Patterson, JR and Quach, D and Reichert, J and Reid, M and Ryd, A and Sun, W and Thom, J and Wittich, P and Zou, R and Albrow, M and Alyari, M and Apollinari, G and Apresyan, A and Apyan, A and Banerjee, S and Bauerdick, LAT and Berry, D and Berryhill, J and Bhat, PC and Burkett, K and Butler, JN and Canepa, A and Cerati, GB and Cheung, HWK and Chlebana, F and Cremonesi, M and Di Petrillo, KF and Elvira, VD and Feng, Y and Freeman, J and Gecse, Z and Gray, L and Green, D and Grünendahl, S and Gutsche, O and Harris, RM and Heller, R and Herwig, TC and Hirschauer, J and Jayatilaka, B and Jindariani, S and Johnson, M and Joshi, U and Klijnsma, T and Klima, B and Kwok, KHM and Lammel, S and Lincoln, D and Lipton, R and Liu, T and Madrid, C and Maeshima, K and Mantilla, C and Mason, D and McBride, P and Merkel, P and Mrenna, S and Nahn, S and Ngadiuba, J and Oâ��Dell, V and Papadimitriou, V and Pedro, K and Pena, C and Prokofyev, O and Ravera, F and Reinsvold Hall, A and Ristori, L and Sexton-Kennedy, E and Smith, N and Soha, A and Spalding, WJ and Spiegel, L and Strait, J and Taylor, L and Tkaczyk, S and Tran, NV and Uplegger, L and Vaandering, EW and Weber, HA and Acosta, D and Avery, P and Bourilkov, D and Cadamuro, L and Cherepanov, V and Errico, F and Field, RD and Guerrero, D and Joshi, BM and Kim, M and Koenig, E and Konigsberg, J and Korytov, A and Lo, KH and Matchev, K and Menendez, N and Mitselmakher, G and Muthirakalayil Madhu, A and Rawal, N and Rosenzweig, D and Rosenzweig, S and Rotter, J and Shi, K and Sturdy, J and Wang, J and Yigitbasi, E and Zuo, X and Adams, T and Askew, A and Habibullah, R and Hagopian, V and Johnson, KF and Khurana, R and Kolberg, T and Martinez, G and Prosper, H and Schiber, C and Viazlo, O and Yohay, R and Zhang, J and Baarmand, MM and Butalla, S and Elkafrawy, T and Hohlmann, M and Kumar Verma, R and Noonan, D and Rahmani, M and Yumiceva, F and Adams, MR and Becerril Gonzalez, H and Cavanaugh, R and Chen, X and Dittmer, S and Evdokimov, O and Gerber, CE and Hangal, DA and Hofman, DJ and Merrit, AH and Mills, C and Oh, G and Roy, T and Rudrabhatla, S and Tonjes, MB and Varelas, N and Viinikainen, J and Wang, X and Wu, Z and Ye, Z and Alhusseini, M and Dilsiz, K and Gandrajula, RP and Köseyan, OK and Merlo, J-P and Mestvirishvili, A and Nachtman, J and Ogul, H and Onel, Y and Penzo, A and Snyder, C and Tiras, E and Amram, O and Blumenfeld, B and Corcodilos, L and Davis, J and Eminizer, M and Gritsan, AV and Kyriacou, S and Maksimovic, P and Roskes, J and Swartz, M and Vámi, TÃ� and Abreu, A and Anguiano, J and Baldenegro Barrera, C and Baringer, P and Bean, A and Bylinkin, A and Flowers, Z and Isidori, T and Khalil, S and King, J and Krintiras, G and Kropivnitskaya, A and Lazarovits, M and Lindsey, C and Marquez, J and Minafra, N and Murray, M and Nickel, M and Rogan, C and Royon, C and Salvatico, R and Sanders, S and Schmitz, E and Smith, C and Tapia Takaki, JD and Wang, Q and Warner, Z and Williams, J and Wilson, G and Duric, S and Ivanov, A and Kaadze, K and Kim, D and Maravin, Y and Mitchell, T and Modak, A and Nam, K and Rebassoo, F and Wright, D and Adams, E and Baden, A and Baron, O and Belloni, A and Eno, SC and Hadley, NJ and Jabeen, S and Kellogg, RG and Koeth, T and Mignerey, AC and Nabili, S and Palmer, C and Seidel, M and Skuja, A and Wang, L and Wong, K and Abercrombie, D and Andreassi, G and Bi, R and Brandt, S and Busza, W and Cali, IA and Chen, Y and Dâ��Alfonso, M and Eysermans, J and Freer, C and Gomez-Ceballos, G and Goncharov, M and Harris, P and Hu, M and Klute, M and Kovalskyi, D and Krupa, J and Lee, Y-J and Mironov, C and Paus, C and Rankin, D and Roland, C and Roland, G and Shi, Z and Stephans, GSF and Wang, J and Wang, Z and Wyslouch, B and Chatterjee, RM and Evans, A and Hansen, P and Hiltbrand, J and Jain, S and Krohn, M and Kubota, Y and Mans, J and Revering, M and Rusack, R and Saradhy, R and Schroeder, N and Strobbe, N and Wadud, MA and Bloom, K and Bryson, M and Chauhan, S and Claes, DR and Fangmeier, C and Finco, L and Golf, F and Joo, C and Kravchenko, I and Musich, M and Reed, I and Siado, JE and Snow, GR and Tabb, W and Yan, F and Zecchinelli, AG and Agarwal, G and Bandyopadhyay, H and Hay, L and Iashvili, I and Kharchilava, A and McLean, C and Nguyen, D and Pekkanen, J and Rappoccio, S and Williams, A and Alverson, G and Barberis, E and Haddad, Y and Hortiangtham, A and Li, J and Madigan, G and Marzocchi, B and Morse, DM and Nguyen, V and Orimoto, T and Parker, A and Skinnari, L and Tishelman-Charny, A and Wamorkar, T and Wang, B and Wisecarver, A and Wood, D and Bhattacharya, S and Bueghly, J and Chen, Z and Gilbert, A and Gunter, T and Hahn, KA and Liu, Y and Odell, N and Schmitt, MH and Velasco, M and Band, R and Bucci, R and Das, A and Dev, N and Goldouzian, R and Hildreth, M and Hurtado Anampa, K and Jessop, C and Lannon, K and Lawrence, J and Loukas, N and Lutton, L and Marinelli, N and Mcalister, I and McCauley, T and Mcgrady, C and Mohrman, K and Musienko, Y and Ruchti, R and Siddireddy, P and Townsend, A and Wayne, M and Wightman, A and Zarucki, M and Zygala, L and Bylsma, B and Cardwell, B and Durkin, LS and Francis, B and Hill, C and Nunez Ornelas, M and Wei, K and Winer, BL and Yates, BR and Addesa, FM and Bonham, B and Das, P and Dezoort, G and Elmer, P and Frankenthal, A and Greenberg, B and Haubrich, N and Higginbotham, S and Kalogeropoulos, A and Kopp, G and Kwan, S and Lange, D and Marlow, D and Mei, K and Ojalvo, I and Olsen, J and Stickland, D and Tully, C and Malik, S and Norberg, S and Bakshi, AS and Barnes, VE and Chawla, R and Das, S and Gutay, L and Jones, M and Jung, AW and Karmarkar, S and Kondratyev, D and Liu, M and Negro, G and Neumeister, N and Paspalaki, G and Piperov, S and Purohit, A and Schulte, JF and Stojanovic, M and Thieman, J and Wang, F and Xiao, R and Xie, W and Dolen, J and Parashar, N and Baty, A and Decaro, M and Dildick, S and Ecklund, KM and Freed, S and Gardner, P and Geurts, FJM and Kumar, A and Li, W and Padley, BP and Redjimi, R and Shi, W and Stahl Leiton, AG and Yang, S and Zhang, L and Zhang, Y and Bodek, A and de Barbaro, P and Demina, R and Dulemba, JL and Fallon, C and Ferbel, T and Galanti, M and Garcia-Bellido, A and Hindrichs, O and Khukhunaishvili, A and Ranken, E and Taus, R and Chiarito, B and Chou, JP and Gandrakota, A and Gershtein, Y and Halkiadakis, E and Hart, A and Heindl, M and Karacheban, O and Laflotte, I and Lath, A and Montalvo, R and Nash, K and Osherson, M and Salur, S and Schnetzer, S and Somalwar, S and Stone, R and Thayil, SA and Thomas, S and Wang, H and Acharya, H and Delannoy, AG and Fiorendi, S and Spanier, S and Bouhali, O and Dalchenko, M and Delgado, A and Eusebi, R and Gilmore, J and Huang, T and Kamon, T and Kim, H and Luo, S and Malhotra, S and Mueller, R and Overton, D and Rathjens, D and Safonov, A and Akchurin, N and Damgov, J and Hegde, V and Kunori, S and Lamichhane, K and Lee, SW and Mengke, T and Muthumuni, S and Peltola, T and Volobouev, I and Wang, Z and Whitbeck, A and Appelt, E and Greene, S and Gurrola, A and Johns, W and Melo, A and Ni, H and Padeken, K and Romeo, F and Sheldon, P and Tuo, S and Velkovska, J and Arenton, MW and Cox, B and Cummings, G and Hakala, J and Hirosky, R and Joyce, M and Ledovskoy, A and Li, A and Neu, C and Perez Lara, 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Mahesh, V and Mahesh, V and Harursampath, D (2023) Evaluating energy absorption of sustainable rubber crumb/kenaf composites through artificial neural network strategies for low-velocity impact loads. In: Polymer Composites .
Mahesh, V and Mahesh, V and Harursampath, D (2023) Mechanical characterization of natural and synthetic fibre based penta layered hybrid polymer composite. In: Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science .
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Mahesh, V and Mahesh, V and Mangalasseri, AS and Harursampath, D and Ponnusami, SA (2023) Effect of functionally graded magneto-electro-elastic facings on the damped nonlinear transient response of a sandwich plate with agglomerated CNT core. [Book Chapter]
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Majumdar, D and Roy, S and Frontera, A and Gomila, RM and Pal, TK (2023) Crystal engineering of Pb(II)-salen coordination polymer enforced for the selective fluorescence NACs sensing activity in a dispersed aqueous medium: A combined experimental and theoretical DFT monologue. In: Journal of Molecular Structure, 1276 .
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