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Mukunda, N (2000) Images of Twentieth Century Physics. University Press, Hyderabad, 01-123. ISBN 81-7371-095-3

Book Chapter

Mukunda, N (1995) Expansors and expinors: Dirac, Harish-Chandra and the Lorentz group. [Book Chapter]

Conference Paper

Apoorva, Patel (1995) Form factors for semileptonic decays of heavy-light hadrons. In: 12th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory. LATTICE 94, 27 Sept.-1 Oct. 1994, Bielefeld, Germany, pp. 440-442.

Chandra, Sharat H and Nanjundiah, Vidyanand (1990) The evolution of genomic imprinting. In: Development, APR, 1990, UNIV MANCHESTER, MANCHESTER, ENGLAND.

Gadagkar, Raghavendra (1990) Evolution of Insect Societies: Some Insights from Studying Tropical Wasps. In: Social Insects: An Indian Perspective, Bangalore,India, pp. 129-152.

Gadagkar, Raghavendra (1990) Genetic Diversity and Evoultion. In: MAB Regional Training Workshop Trop. For Ecosyst. Conserv. Develop., S & SE Asia, pp. 3-16.

Gadagkar, Raghavendra (1990) A Test of the Role of Haplodiploidyin the Evolution of Hymenopetran Eusociality. In: 11th International Congress IUSSI, August, Bangalore,India, pp. 539-540.

Ganguly, AK (1998) Production of QGP in a thermal flux tube model. In: 3rd International Conference on Physics and Astrophysics of Quark Gluon Plasma: ICPAQGP '97, 1997, Jaipur, India, pp. 519-522.

Indumathi, D (1998) Nuclear structure functions. In: 12th DAE Symposium on High Energy Physics, 26 Dec 1996-1 Jan 1997, Guwahati, India, pp. 567-578.

Mukunda, N (1999) Dirac, Harish-Chandra and the Lorentz group. In: National Conference on Theoretical Physics Today Trends and Perspectives, 22-24 April 1998, Calcutta, India, pp. 111-116.

Mukunda, N (1984) Gauge approach to classical gravity. In: Proceedings of the workshop on gravitation and relativistic astrophysics, 1982, Ahmedabad, pp. 3-16.

Mukunda, N (1999) Group theoretical aspects of the geometric phase in quantum mechanics. In: Proceedings of the XXII International Colloquium in Group Theoretical Methods in Physics, 1998, Hobart, pp. 86-96.

Mukunda, N (2000) Pancharatnam, Bargmann and Berry phases-a retrospective. In: Proceedings of the XXII International Colloquium in Group Theoretical Methods in Physics, pp. 324-336.

Mukunda, N (1987) The life and work of P. A. M. Dirac. In: Collection: Recent developments in theoretical physics, 1986, Kottayam, pp. 260-282.

Mukunda, N (1987) The mathematical style of modern physics. In: Collection: Recent developments in theoretical physics, 1987, Kottayam, pp. 1-20.

Mukunda, N (2009) E. C. G. Sudarshan and Symmetry in Classical Dynamics, Optics and Quantum Mechanics. In: Conference on Sudarshan: 7 Science Quests, NOV 06-07, 2006, Univ Texas, Austin, TX,.

Mukunda, N (1997) Geometrical methods for physics. In: Geometry, fields and cosmology:1st Inter University Graduate School on Gravitation and Cosmology held in Pune., 1989, Pune, 1-268.

Mukunda, N (1990) Role of Symmetry and Group Structure in Optics. In: RAMAN CENTENARY SYMP ON WAVES AND SYMMETRY, DEC, 1988, Bangalore, INDIA,.

Rajaraman, R (1990) Who is afraid of Anomalies? In: RAMAN CENTENARY SYMP ON WAVES AND SYMMETRY, DEC, 1988, BANGALORE, INDIA.

Rangarajan, Govindan (2006) Long term stability studies of particle storage rings using polynomial Maps. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Mathematics, 2006.

Simon, R and Mukunda, N (1993) The two-dimensional symplectic and metaplectic groups and their universal cover. In: Symmetries in Science, VI, 1992, Bregenz, 659-689.

Departmental Technical Report

Heuer, RD and Miller, DJ and Richard, F and Zerwas, PM and Aguilar Saavedra, JA and Alcaraz, J and Ali, A and Ambrosanio, S and Andreazza, A and Andruszkow, J and Badelek, B and Ballestrero, A and Barklow, T and Bartl, A and Battaglia, M and Behnke, T and Belanger, Genevieve and Benson, D and Berggren, M and Bernreuther, W and Besancon, M and Biebel, J and Biebel, O and Bigi, I and Van der Bij, JJ and Binoth, T and Blair, GA and Blochinger, C and Blumlein, J and Boonekamp, M and Boos, E and Borissov, G and Brandenburg, A and Brient, JC and Bruni, G and Busser, K and Burrows, P and Casalbuoni, R and Castanier, C and Chankowski, P and Chekanov, A and Chierici, R and Choi, SY and Christova, P and Ciafaloni, P and Comelli, D and Conteras, G and Danilov, M and Da Silva, W and Deandrea, A and De Boer, W and De Curtis, S and De Jong, SJ and Denner, A and De Roeck, A and Desch, K and De Wolf, E and Dittmaier, S and Djordjadze, V and Djouadi, A and Dominici, D and Doncheski, M and Dova, MT and Drollinger, V and Eberl, H and Erler, J and Eskreys, A and Espinosa, JR and Evanson, N and Fernandez, E and Forshaw, J and Fraas, H and Franke, F and Freitas, A and Gangemi, F and Garcia-Abia, P and Gatto, R and Gay, P and Gehrmann, T and Ridder, Gehrmann De A and Gensch, U and Ghodbane, N and Ginzburg, IF and Godbole, R and Godfrey, S and Gounaris, G and Grazzini, M and Gross, E and Grzadkowski, B and Guasch, J and Gunion, JF and Hagiwara, K and Han, T and Harder, K and Harlander, R and Hawkings, R and Heinemeyer, S and Hesselbach, S and Heusch, CA and Hewett, J and Hiller, G and Hoang, A and Hollik, W and Illana, JI and Ilyin, VA and Indumathi, D and Ishihara, S and Jack, M and Jadach, S and Jegerlehner, F and Jezabek, M and Jikia, G and Jonsson, L and Jankowski, P and Jurkiewicz, P and Juste, A and Kagan, A and Kalinowski, J and Kalmykov, M and Kalyniak, P and Kamal, B and Kamoshita, J and Kanemura, S and Kapusta, F and Katsanevas, S and Keranen, R and Khoze, V and Kiiskinen, A and Kilian, W and Klasen, M and Kneur, JL and Kniehl, BA and Kobel, M and Kolodziej, K and Kramer, M and Kraml, S and Krawczyk, M and Kuhn, JH and Kwiecinski, J and Laurelli, P and Leike, A and Letts, J and Lohmann, W and Lola, S and Lutz, P and Mattig, P and Majerotto, W and Mannel, T and Martinez, M and Martyn, HU and Mayer, T and Mele, B and Melles, M and Menges, W and Merino, G and Meyer, N and Miller, DJ and Minkowski, P and Miquel, R and Monig, K and Montagna, G and Moortgat-Pick, G and De Freitas, Mora P and Moreau, G and Moretti, M and Moretti, S and Motyka, L and Moultaka, G and Muhlleitner, M and Nauenberg, U and Nisius, R and Nowak, H and Ohl, T and Orava, R and Orloff, J and Osland, P and Pancheri, G and Pankov, AA and Papadopoulos, C and Paver, N and Peralta, D and Phillips, HT and Picinini, F and Placzek, W and Pohl, M and Porod, W and Pukhov, A and Raspereza, A and Reid, D and Riemann, S and Riemann, T and Rosati, S and Roth, M and Roth, S and Royon, C and Ruckl, R and Ruiz-Morales, E and Sachwitz, M and Schieck, J and Schreiber, HJ and Schulte, D and Schumacher, M and Settles, RD and Seymour, M and Shanidze, R and Sjostrand, T and Skrzypek, M and Soldner-Rembold, S and Sopczak, A and Spiesberger, H and Spira, M and Steiner, H and Stratmann, M and Sumino, Y and Tapprogge, S and Telnov, V and Teubner, T and Tonazzo, A and Troncon, C and Veretin, O and Verzegnassi, C and Vest, A and Vicini, A and Videau, H and Vogelsang, W and Vogt, A and Vogt, H and Wackeroth, D and Wagner, A and Wallon, S and Weiglein, G and Weinzierl, S and Wengler, T and Wermes, N and Werthenbach, A and Wilson, G and Winter, M and Zarnecki, AF and Ziaja, B and Zochowski, J (2001) TESLA Technical Design Report Part III: Physics at an e+e- Linear Collider. UNSPECIFIED.

Journal Article

Kaul, RK (1983) Technicolor. In: Reviews of Modern Physics, 55 (2). pp. 449-475.

Accomando, E and Andreazza, A and Anlauf, H and Ballestrer, A and Godbole, R and et al, * (1998) Physics with e(+)e(-) linear colliders. In: Physics Reports, 299 (1). pp. 1-78.

Allanach, BC and Balaz, C and Bélanger, Genevieve and Bernhardt, M and Boudjema, F and Choudhury, D and Ellwanger, U and Gambino, P and Godbole, Rohini M and Goto, T and Guasch, J and Guchait, M and Hahn, T and Hugonie, C and Heinemeyer, S and Hurtho, T and Kraml, S and Kreiss, S and Lykken, J and Moortgat, F and Moretti, S and Penaranda, S and Plehn, T and Porod, W and Pukhov, A and Richardson, P and Schumacher, M and Silvestrini, L and Skands, P and Slavich, P and Spira, M and Weiglein, G and Wienemann, P (2009) SUSY Les Houches Accord 2. In: Computer Physics Communications, 180 (01). 08-25.

Ananthanarayan, B (2000) Infra-red fixed points in supersymmetry. In: Pramana Journal of Physics, 55 (1). pp. 253-258.

Ananthanarayan, B and Caprini, I and Colangelo, G and Gasser, J and Leutwyler, H (2004) Scalar form factors of light mesons. In: Physics Letters B, 602 (3-4). pp. 218-225.

Ananthanarayan, B and Imsong, Sentitemsu I (2012) The 27-plet contributions to the CP-conserving K -> pi l(+)l(-) decays. In: JOURNAL OF PHYSICS G-NUCLEAR AND PARTICLE PHYSICS, 39 (9).

Ananthanarayan, B and Leutwyler, H and Gasser, J and Colangelo, G (2001) Roy equation analysis of ππ scattering. In: Physics Reports, 353 (4). pp. 207-279.

Ananthanarayan, B and Pandita, PN (2001) Infrared fixed point structure in the minimal supersymmetric standard model with baryon and lepton number violation. In: Physical Review D (Particles and Fields), 63 (7). 076008/1-10.

Ananthanarayan, B and Pandita, PN (2000) Renormalization group evolution and infrared fixed points in the minimal supersymmetric standard model with baryon and lepton number violation. In: Physical Review D, 62 (3). 036009/1-13.

Ananthanarayan, B and Pandita, PN (2002) Reply to ‘‘Comment on ‘Infrared fixed point structure in the minimal supersymmetric standard model with baryon and lepton number violation’ ’’. In: Physical Review D (Particles and Fields), 65 (5). 058902/1-2.

Ananthanarayan, B and Pandita, PN (2004) Squark and slepton masses as probes of supersymmetric SO(10) unification. In: Modern Physics Letters A, 16 (6). pp. 467-479.

Ananthanarayan, B and Rindani, Saurabh D (2004) CP violation at a linear collider with transverse polarization. In: Physical Review D, 70 (3). 036005/1-6.

Ananthanarayan, B and Rindani, Saurabh D (2004) Transverse beam polarization and CP violation in $e^+e^-$\rightarrow\gamma Z with contact interactions. In: Physics Letters B, 606 (1-2). pp. 107-115.

Ananthanarayan, Balasubramanian and Moussallam, Bachir (2004) Four-point correlator constraints on electromagnetic chiral parameters and resonance effective lagrangians. In: Journal of High Energy Physics, 047 . pp. 1-42.

Arvind, * and Dutta, B and Mukunda, N and Simon, R (1995) Two-mode quantum systems: Invariant classification of squeezing transformations and squeezed states. In: Physical Review A, 52 (2). 1609-1620 .

Arvind, * and Dutta, Biswadeb and Mehta, CL and Mukunda, N (1994) Squeezed states, metaplectic group, and operator möbius transformations. In: Physical Review A, 50 (1). pp. 39-61.

Arvind, * and Mallesh, KS and Mukunda, N (1997) A generalized Pancharatnam geometric phase formula for three-level quantum systems. In: Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 30 (7). 2417-2431.

Arvind, * and Mukunda, N (1999) Bell's inequalities, multiphoton states and phase space distributions. In: Physics Letters A, 259 (6). pp. 421-426.

Arvind, * and Mukunda, N (1996) Relativistic Operator Description of Photon Polarization. In: Pramana, 46 (5). pp. 347-359.

Arvind, * and Mukunda, N and Simon, R (1998) Characterizations of classical and nonclassical states of quantized radiation. In: Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 31 (2). pp. 565-583.

Arvind, B and Mukunda, N (1996) Non-classical photon statistics for two-mode optical fields. In: Journal of Physics.A.: Mathematical and General, 29 (18). 5855-5872.

Atre, MV and Mukunda, N (1987) Classical particles with internal structure. II. Second-order internal spaces. In: Journal of Mathematical Physics, 28 (4). pp. 792-806.

Atre, MV and Mukunda, N (1986) Classical particles with internal structure: general formalism and application to first-order internal spaces. In: Journal of Mathematical Physics, 27 (12). pp. 2908-2919.

Aurenche, P and Basu, Rahul and Fontannaz, M and Godbole, RM (2004) An NLO calculation of the electroproduction of large-E\bot hadrons. In: The European Physical Journal C - Particles and Fields, 34 (3). pp. 277-284.

Badelek, B and Blochinger, C and Blumlein, J and Boos, E and Brinkmann, R and Burkhardt, H and Bussey, P and Carimalo, C and Chyla, J and Ciftci, AK and Decking, W and De Roeck, A and Fadin, V and Ferrario, M and Finch, A and Fraas, H and Franke, F and Galynskii, M and Gamp, A and Ginzburg, I and Godbole, R and Gorbunov, DS and Gounaris, G and Hagiwara, K and Han, L and Heuer, RD and Heusch, C and Illana, J and Ilyin, V and Jankowski, P and Jiang, Y and Jikia, G and Jonsson, L and Kalachnikow, M and Kapusta, F and Klanner, R and Klassen, M and Kobayashi, K and Kon, T and Kotkin, G and Kramer, M and Krawczyk, M and Kuang, YP and Kuraev, E and Kwiecinski, J and Leenen, M and Levchuk, M and Ma, WF and Martyn, H and Mayer, T and Melles, M and Miller, DJ and Mtingwa, S and Muhlleitner, M and Muryn, B and Nickles, PV and Orava, R and Pancheri, G and Penin, A and Potylitsyn, A and Poulose, P and Quast, T and Raimondi, P and Redlin, H and Richard, F and Rindani, SD and Rizzo, T and Saldin, E and Sandner, W and Schonnagel, H and Schneidmiller, E and Schreiber, HJ and Schreiber, S and Schuler, KP and Serbo, V and Seryi, A and Shanidze, R and Da Silva, W and Soldner-Rembold, S and Spira, M and Stasto, AM and Sultansoy, S and Takahashi, T and Telnov, V and Tkabladze, A and Trines, D and Undrus, A and Wagner, A and Walker, N and Watanabe, I and Wengler, T and Will, I and Wipf, S and Yavas, O and Yokoya, K and Yurkov, M and Zarnecki, AF and Zerwas, P and Zomer, F (2004) The Photon Collider at Tesla. In: International Journal of Modern Physics A, 19 (30). pp. 5097-5186.

Bagchi, Bhaskar and Datta, Basudeb (2013) Higher-Dimensional Analogues of the Map Coloring Problem. In: AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL MONTHLY, 120 (8). pp. 733-737.

Bagchi, Bhaskar and Datta, Basudeb (2012) A Triangulation of CP3 as Symmetric Cube of S-2. In: DISCRETE & COMPUTATIONAL GEOMETRY, 48 (2). pp. 310-329.

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Basu, Pallab and Krishnan, Chethan and Subramanian, Bala PN (2015) AdS (in)stability: Lessons from the scalar field. In: PHYSICS LETTERS B, 746 . pp. 261-265.

Basu-Mallick, B and Bhattacharyya, Tanaya and Sen, Diptiman (2004) Quantum Bound States for a Derivative Nonlinear Schrödinger Model and Number Theory. In: Modern Physics Letters A, 19 (36). pp. 2697-2706.

Behera, N and Malik, RP and Kaul, RK (1989) Genus-two correlators for critical Ising model. In: Physical Review D: Particles and Fields, 40 (6). pp. 1993-2003.

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Bhaduri, RK and Ghosh, Sankalpa and Murthy, MVN (2001) Solitons in a one-dimensional interacting Bose-Einstein system. In: Journal of Physics. A. Mathematical and General, 34 . pp. 6553-6564.

Bhaduri, RK and Khare, A and Law, J and Murthy, MVN and Sen, D (1997) Novel correlations in two dimensions: Two-body problem. In: Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 30 (7). pp. 2557-2576.

Bhaduri, RK and Pasupathy, J (1982) Duality and energy averaging for e+e- annihilation in potential models. In: Physical Review D – Particles and Fields, 25 (7). pp. 1827-1832.

Bhaduri, RK and Sen, Diptiman (2001) Comment on Low-dimensional Bose liquids: beyond the Gross-Pitaevskii approximation. In: Physical Review Letters, 86 (20). p. 4708.

Biedenharn, LC and Van Dam, H and Marmo, G and Morandi, G and Mukunda, N and Samuel, J and Sudarshan, ECG (1987) Classical models for Regge trajectories. In: International Journal of Modern Physics A, 2 (5). pp. 1567-1589.

Borkar, VS and Jain, Sanjay and Rangarajan, Govindan (1998) Dynamics of individual specialization and global diversification in communities. In: Complexity, 3 (3). pp. 50-56.

Borkar, VS and Jain, Sanjay and Rangarajan, Govindan (1999) Evolutionary games with two timescales. In: Physlca D, 125 (1-2). pp. 155-166.

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Chattopadhyaya, Aradhita and David, Justin R (2017) N=2 heterotic string compactifications on orbifolds of K3 x T-2. In: JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS (1).

Chaturvedi, S and Ercolessi, E and Marmo, G and Morandi, G and Mukunda, N and Simon, R (2004) Geometric phase for mixed states: a differential geometric approach. In: Europian Physical Journal C, 35 (3). pp. 413-423.

Chaturvedi, S and Mukunda, N (2001) Parmetrizing the mixing matrix: A unified approach. In: International Journal Of Modern Physics A, 16 (8). pp. 1481-1490.

Chaturvedi, S and Mukunda, N (2002) The Schwinger SU(3) construction. I. Multiplicity problem and relation to induced representations. In: Journal of Mathematical Physics, 43 (11). pp. 5262-5277.

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Ramaswamy, Sriram and Pandit, Rahul and Lahir, Rangan (1995) Comment on “Noise-Induced Nonequilibrium Phase Transition". In: Physical Review Letters, 75 (26). 4786-4786 .

Sen, Diptiman (1989) Witten index of supersymmetric chiral theories. In: Physical Review D � Particles and Fields, 39 (6). pp. 1795-1797.

Weiglein, G (2006) Physics interplay of the LHC and the ILC. In: Physics Reports, 426 (2-6 ). 47-358 .


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This list was generated on Sun Oct 6 02:45:45 2024 IST.