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Higgs Mass in the Standard Model from Coupling Constant Reduction

Ananthanarayan, B and Pasupathy, J (2001) Higgs Mass in the Standard Model from Coupling Constant Reduction. [Preprint]


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Plausible interrelations between parameters of the standard model are studied. The empirical value of the top quark mass, when used in the renormalization group equations, suggests that the ratio of the colour SU(3) gauge coupling $g_3$, and the top coupling $g_t$ is independent of the renormalization scale. On the other hand, variety of top-condensate models suggest that the Higgs self-coupling $\lambda$ is proportional to $g_t^2$. Invoking the requirement that the ratio $\lambda(t)/g_t^2(t)$ is independent of the renormalization scale $t$, fixes the Higgs mass. The pole mass of the Higgs [which differs from the renormalization group mass by a few percent] is found to be $\sim 154$ GeV for the one-loop equations and $\sim 148$ GeV for the two-loop equations.

Item Type: Preprint
Additional Information: Int.J.Mod.Phys. A17 (2002) 335-346
Department/Centre: Division of Physical & Mathematical Sciences > Centre for Theoretical Studies (Ceased to exist at the end of 2003)
Date Deposited: 25 Aug 2008
Last Modified: 19 Sep 2010 04:13
URI: http://eprints.iisc.ac.in/id/eprint/809

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