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Dasgupta, Debayan and Peddi, Shanmukh and Saini, Deepak Kumar and Ghosh, Ambarish (2022) Mobile Nanobots for Prevention of Root Canal Treatment Failure. In: Advanced Healthcare Materials . ISSN 2192-2640
Ghosh, Souvik and Ghosh, Ambarish (2019) All optical dynamic nanomanipulation with active colloidal tweezers. In: NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 10 (1).
Deshpande, Preeti and Vilayurganapathy, Subramanian and Bhat, KN and Ghosh, Ambarish (2019) Study of Ga+ implantation in Si diodes: effect on optoelectronic properties using micro-spectroscopy. In: APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING, 125 (3).
Mandal, Pranay and Patil, Gouri and Kakoty, Hreedish and Ghosh, Ambarish (2018) Magnetic Active Matter Based on Helical Propulsion. In: ACCOUNTS OF CHEMICAL RESEARCH, 51 (11). pp. 2689-2698.
Singh, Haobijam Johnson and Ghosh, Ambarish (2018) Chiral Assemblies of Achiral Dielectric Nanoparticles: Semianalytical Approach. In: JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C, 122 (35). pp. 20476-20482.
Singh, Haobijam Johnson and Ghosh, Ambarish (2018) Harnessing magnetic dipole resonance in novel dielectric nanomaterials. In: NANOSCALE, 10 (34). pp. 16102-16106.
Venkataramanababu, Sruthi and Nair, Greshma and Deshpande, Preeti and Jithin, M A and Mohan, Sangeneni and Ghosh, Ambarish (2018) Chiro-plasmonic refractory metamaterial with titanium nitride (TiN) core-shell nanohelices. In: NANOTECHNOLOGY, 29 (25).
Ghosh, Arijit and Dasgupta, Debayan and Pal, Malay and Morozov, Konstantin I and Leshansky, Alexander M and Ghosh, Ambarish (2018) Helical Nanomachines as Mobile Viscometers. In: ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS, 28 (25, SI).
Singh, Haobijam Johnson and Ghosh, Ambarish (2018) Large and Tunable Chiro-Optical Response with All Dielectric Helical Nanomaterials. In: ACS PHOTONICS, 5 (5, SI). pp. 1977-1985.
Pal, Malay and Somalwar, Neha and Singh, Anumeha and Bhat, Ramray and Eswarappa, Sandeep M and Saini, Deepak K and Ghosh, Ambarish (2018) Maneuverability of Magnetic Nanomotors Inside Living Cells. In: ADVANCED MATERIALS, 30 (22).
Ghosh, Souvik and Ghosh, Ambarish (2018) Mobile nanotweezers for active colloidal manipulation. In: SCIENCE ROBOTICS, 3 (14).
Vadakkumbatt, Vaisakh and Ghosh, Ambarish (2018) Coalescence of Multielectron Bubbles in Liquid Helium. In: 28th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics (LT), AUG 09-16, 2017, Chalmers Univ Technol, Gothenburg, SWEDEN.
Venugopalan, Pooyath Lekshmy and Jain, Shilpee and Shivashankar, Srinivasrao and Ghosh, Ambarish (2018) Single coating of zinc ferrite renders magnetic nanomotors therapeutic and stable against agglomeration. In: NANOSCALE, 10 (5). pp. 2327-2332.
Pal, Anustuv and Joseph, Emil and Vadakkumbatt, Vaisakh and Yadav, Neha and Srinivasan, Vinod and Maris, Humphrey J and Ghosh, Ambarish (2017) Collapse of Vapor-Filled Bubbles in Liquid Helium. In: JOURNAL OF LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS, 188 (3-4). pp. 101-111.
Yadav, Neha and Vadakkumbatt, Vaisakh and Maris, Humphrey J and Ghosh, Ambarish (2017) Exploding and Imaging of Electron Bubbles in Liquid Helium. In: JOURNAL OF LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS, 187 (5-6). pp. 618-626.
Nair, Greshma and Rajan, Rajitha Papukutty and Ghosh, Ambarish (2016) Reusable wafer-scale plasmonic chiral substrates for sensing applications. In: 2016 IEEE Conference on Recent Advances in Lightwave Technology, CRALT 2016, 21 - 23 September 2016, Bangalore, pp. 1-3.
Singh, Haobijam Johnson and Saumitra, * and Singh, Vijay R and Sikdar, Sujit K and Jayaprakash, Balaji and Ghosh, Ambarish (2016) Circular Differential Two-Photon Luminescence from Helically Arranged Plasmonic Nanoparticles. In: ACS PHOTONICS, 3 (5). pp. 863-868.
Kakoty, Hreedish and Banerjee, Rajarshi and Dasgupta, Chandan and Ghosh, Ambarish (2016) Role of Entropy in the Expulsion of Dopants from Optically Trapped Colloidal Assemblies. In: PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 117 (25).
Venugopalan, Pooyath Lekshmy and Ghosh, Ambarish (2015) Application of ferrite coated nanopropellers for measurement of rheological properties of human blood. In: IEEE NANO 2015 15th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NANOTECHNOLOGY, JUL 27-30, 2015, ROME, ITALY, pp. 428-431.
Paria, Debadrita and Roy, Kallol and Kumar, Shishir and Singh, Haobijam Johnson and Raghavan, Srinivasan and Ghosh, Arindam and Ghosh, Ambarish (2015) Extremely High Near Field Enhancement in a Novel Plasmonic Nano Material used for Photovoltage Generation. In: Conference on Photonic and Phononic Properties of Engineered Nanostructures V, FEB 09-12, 2015, San Francisco, CA.
Mandal, Pranay and Chopra, Vaishali and Ghosh, Ambarish (2015) Independent Positioning of Magnetic Nanomotors. In: ACS NANO, 9 (5). pp. 4717-4725.
Nair, Greshma and Singh, Haobijam Johnson and Ghosh, Ambarish (2015) Tuning the chiro-plasmonic response using high refractive index-dielectric templates. In: JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C, 3 (26). pp. 6831-6835.
Paria, Debadrita and Roy, Kallol and Singh, Haobijam Johnson and Kumar, Shishir and Raghavan, Srinivasan and Ghosh, Arindam and Ghosh, Ambarish (2015) Ultrahigh Field Enhancement and Photoresponse in Atomically Separated Arrays of Plasmonic Dimers. In: ADVANCED MATERIALS, 27 (10). 1751+.
Venugopalan, Pooyath Lekshmy and Sai, Ranajit and Chandorkar, Yashoda and Basu, Bikramjit and Shivashankar, Srinivasrao and Ghosh, Ambarish (2014) Conformal Cytocompatible Ferrite Coatings Facilitate the Realization of a Nanovoyager in Human Blood. In: NANO LETTERS, 14 (4). pp. 1968-1975.
Nair, Greshma and Singh, Johnson Haobijam and Venkatapathi, Murugesan and Ghosh, Ambarish (2014) Metallic Nanoparticles Arranged in a Helical Geometry: Route Towards Strong and Broadband Chiro-optical Response. In: Conference on Photonic and Phononic Properties of Engineered Nanostructures IV, FEB 03-06, 2014, San Francisco, CA.
Nair, Greshma and Singh, Haobijam Johnson and Paria, Debadrita and Venkatapathi, Murugesan and Ghosh, Ambarish (2014) Plasmonic Interactions at Close Proximity in Chiral Geometries: Route toward Broadband Chiroptical Response and Giant Enantiomeric Sensitivity. In: JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C, 118 (9). pp. 4991-4997.
Vadakkumbatt, Vaisakh and Joseph, Emil and Pal, Anustuv and Ghosh, Ambarish (2014) Studying electrons on curved surfaces by trapping and manipulating multielectron bubbles in liquid helium. In: NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 5 .
Ghosh, Arijit and Paria, Debadrita and Rangarajan, Govindan and Ghosh, Ambarish (2014) Velocity Fluctuations in Helical Propulsion: How Small Can a Propeller Be. In: JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS, 5 (1). pp. 62-68.
Ghosh, Arijit and Mandal, Pranay and Karmakar, Suman and Ghosh, Ambarish (2013) Analytical theory and stability analysis of an elongated nanoscale object under external torque. In: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 15 (26). pp. 10817-10823.
Mandal, Pranay and Ghosh, Ambarish (2013) Observation of Enhanced Diffusivity in Magnetically Powered Reciprocal Swimmers. In: PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 111 (24).
Venugopalan, Pooyath Lekshmy and Gupta, Gaurav and Ghosh, Arijit and Singh, Haobijam Johnson and Nair, Greshma and Ghosh, Ambarish (2013) Study of the Formation of Nano-Networks in Colloidal Particles. In: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF POLYMERIC MATERIALS AND POLYMERIC BIOMATERIALS, 62 (9). pp. 499-501.
Singh, Johnson Haobijam and Nair, Greshma and Ghosh, Arijit and Ghosh, Ambarish (2013) Wafer scale fabrication of porous three-dimensional plasmonic metamaterials for the visible region: chiral and beyond. In: NANOSCALE, 5 (16). pp. 7224-7228.
Ghosh, Arijit and Paria, Debadrita and Singh, Haobijam Johnson and Venugopalan, Pooyath Lekshmy and Ghosh, Ambarish (2012) Dynamical configurations and bistability of helical nanostructures under external torque. In: Physical Review E - Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics, 86 (3, Par).
Rajan, Rajitha Papukutty and Ghosh, Ambarish (2012) Enhancement of circular differential deflection of light in an optically active medium. In: Optics Letters, 37 (7). pp. 1232-1234.
Rajan, Rajitha Papukutty and Ghosh, Ambarish (2012) Demonstration of a microfluidic polarimeter. In: Conference on Frontiers in Biological Detection - From Nanosensors to Systems IV L, JAN 21-22, 2012 , San Francisco, CA, USA.
Rajan, Rajitha Papukutty and Ghosh, Ambarish (2012) Angular amplification by a diffraction grating for chiro-optical measurements. In: APPLIED OPTICS, 51 (27). pp. 6480-6483.
Ghosh, Ambarish and Maris, Humphrey J. (2012) Optical Properties of 1P State Electron Bubbles in Liquid Helium-4. In: International Conference on Low Temperature Physics (LT26), AUG 10-17, 2011, Beijing, China.
Singh, Haobijam Johnson and Ghosh, Ambarish (2012) Porous Three Dimensional Arrays of Plasmonic Nanoparticles. In: JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C, 116 (36). pp. 19467-19471.