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Number of items: 57.

Borah, PJ and Venugopal, V and Sukhatme, J and Muddebihal, P and Goswami, BN (2020) Indian monsoon derailed by a North Atlantic wavetrain. In: Science, 370 (6522). pp. 1335-1338.

Rao, SA and Goswami, BN and Sahai, AK and Rajagopal, EN and Mukhopadhyay, P and Rajeevan, M and Nayak, S and Rathore, LS and Shenoi, SSC and Ramesh, KJ and Nanjundiah, RS and Ravichandran, M and Mitra, AK and Pai, DS and Bhowmik, SKR and Hazra, A and Mahapatra, S and Saha, SK and Chaudhari, HS and Joseph, S and Sreenivas, P and Pokhrel, S and Pillai, PA and Chattopadhyay, R and Deshpande, M and Krishna, RPM and Das, RS and Prasad, VS and Abhilash, S and Panickal, S and Krishnan, R and Kumar, S and Ramu, DA and Reddy, SS and Arora, A and Goswami, T and Rai, A and Srivastava, A and Pradhan, M and Tirkey, S and Ganai, M and Mandal, R and Dey, A and Sarkar, S and Malviya, S and Dhakate, A and Salunke, K and Maini, P (2019) Monsoon mission a targeted activity to improve monsoon prediction across scales. In: Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 100 (12). pp. 2509-2532.

Goswami, BN and Rao, Suryachandra A and Sengupta, Debasis and Chakravorty, Soumi (2016) Monsoons to Mixing in the Bay of Bengal Multiscale Air-Sea Interactions and Monsoon Predictability. In: OCEANOGRAPHY, 29 (2, SI). pp. 18-27.

Vialard, J and Jayakumar, A and Gnanaseelan, C and Lengaigne, M and Sengupta, D and Goswami, BN (2012) Processes of 30-90 days sea surface temperature variability in the northern Indian Ocean during boreal summer. In: CLIMATE DYNAMICS, 38 (9-10). pp. 1901-1916.

Senugupta, Debasis and Senan, Retish and Goswami, BN and Vialard, Jerome (2007) Intraseasonal Variability of Equatorial Indian Ocean Zonal Currents. In: Journal of Climate, 20 (13). pp. 3036-3055.

Goswami, BN and Xavier, P and Madhusoodanan, M and Sengupta, D and Venugopal, V (2007) Some Aspects of an Increasing Trend of Extreme Rain Events Over India. In: International Union for Geodesy and Geophysics Annual Meeting, July 2007, Perugia, Italy.

Xavier, Prince K and Marzin, Charline and Goswami, BN (2007) An objective definition of the Indian summer monsoon season and a new perspective on the ENSO–monsoon relationship. In: Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 133 (624). pp. 749-764.

Ajayamohan, RS and Goswami, BN (2007) Dependence of Simulation of Boreal Summer Tropical Intraseasonal Oscillations on the Simulation of Seasonal Mean. In: Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 64 (2). pp. 460-478.

Singh, Charu and Venugopal, V and Sengupta, D and Goswami, BN (2007) On the changing nature of Indian monsoon rainfall annual cycle. In: Celebrating the Monsoon: International conference on Monsoons, 24-28 July 2007, IISc Bangalore.

Goswami, BN and Venugopal, V and Sengupta, D and Madhusoodanan, MS and Xavier, Prince K (2006) Increasing Trend of Extreme Rain Events Over India in a Warming Environment. In: Science, 314 (5804). pp. 1442-1445.

Goswami, BN and Wu, Guoxiong and Yasunari, T (2006) The Annual Cycle, Intraseasonal Oscillations, and Roadblock to Seasonal Predictability of the Asian Summer Monsoon. In: Journal of Climate, 19 (20). pp. 5078-5099.

Goswami, BN and Madhusoodanan, MS and Neema, CP and Sengupta, Debasis (2006) A physical mechanism for North Atlantic SST influence on the Indian summer monsoon. In: Geophysical Research Letters, 33 (2). pp. 1-4.

Goswami, BN and Xavier, PK (2005) Dynamics of ''internal'' interannual variability of the Indian summer monsoon in a GCM. In: Journal of Geophysical Research, 110 (D24).

Goswami, BN and Xavier, Prince K (2005) ENSO control on the south Asian monsoon through the length of the rainy season. In: Geophysical Research Letters, 32 . L18717:1-4.

Goswami, BN and Mohan, Ajaya RS (2005) Multi-scale interactions and predictability of the Indian summer monsoon. [Book Chapter]

Goswami, BN (2004) Interdecadal change in potential predictability of the Indian summer monsoon. In: Geophysical Research Letters, 31 (16). L16208.

Chatterjee, Piyali and Goswami, BN (2004) Structure, genesis and scale selection of the tropical quasi-biweekly mode. In: Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 130 (599). pp. 1171-1194.

Goswami, BN and Xavier, Prince K (2003) Potential predictability and extended range prediction of Indian summer monsoon breaks. In: Geophysical Research Letters, 30 (18). ASC9-1.

Mohan, Ajaya RS and Goswami, BN (2003) Potential predictability of the Asian summer monsoon on monthly and seasonal time scales. In: Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 84 (1-2). pp. 83-100.

Goswami, BN and Sengupta, D (2003) A note on the deficiency of NCEP/NCAR reanalysis surface winds over the equatorial Indian Ocean. In: Journal of Geophysical Research, 108 (C4). p. 3124.

Goswami, BN and Rajagopal, EN (2003) Indian Ocean surface winds from NCMRWF analysis as compared to QuikSCAT and moored buoy winds. In: Journal of Earth System Science(Proceedings Of The Indian Academy Of Sciences-Earth And Planetary Sciences), 112 (1). pp. 61-77.

Sengupta, Debasis and Goswami, BN and Senan, Retish (2001) Coherent Intraseasonal Oscillations of Ocean and Atmosphere during the Asian Summer Monsoon. In: Geophysical Research Letters, 28 (21). pp. 4127-4130.

Sengupta, Debasis and Senan, Retish and Goswami, BN (2001) Origin of intraseasonal variability of circulation in the tropical central Indian Ocean. In: Geophysical Research Letters, 28 (7). pp. 1267-1270.

Goswami, BN and Mohan, Ajaya RS (2001) Intraseasonal Oscillations and Interannual Variability of the Indian Summer Monsoon. In: Journal of Climate, 14 (6). pp. 1180-1198.

Goswami, BN and Jayavelu, V (2001) On Possible Impact of The Indian Summer Monsoon on the ENSO. In: Geophysical Research Letters, 28 (4). pp. 571-574.

Goswami, BN and Mohan, Ajaya RS (2001) Estimate of predictability of monthly means in tropics from observations. In: Current Science, 80 (1). pp. 56-63.

Goswami, BN and Thomas, Mann Anna (2000) Coupled ocean-atmosphere inter-decadal modes in the tropics. In: Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, 78 (6). pp. 765-775.

Mohan, Ajaya RS and Goswami, BN (2000) A common spatial mode for intra-seasonal and inter-annual variation and predictability of the Indian summer monsoon. In: Current Science, 79 (8). pp. 1106-1111.

Goswami, BN (2000) Comments on "Choice of South Asian Summer Monsoon Indices". In: Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 81 (4). pp. 821-822.

Krishnamurthy, V and Goswami, BN (2000) Indian Monsoon-ENSO Relationship on Interdecadal Timescale. In: Journal of Climate, 13 (3). pp. 579-595.

Saji, NH and Goswami, BN and Vinayachandran, PN and Yamagata, T (1999) A dipole mode in the tropical Indian Ocean. In: Nature, 401 (6751). pp. 360-363.

Goswami, BN and Krishnamurthy, V and Annamalai, H (1999) A broad-scale circulation index for the interannual variability of the Indian summer monsoon. In: Quarterly Journal Of The Royal Meteorological Society, 125 (554). pp. 611-633.

Goswami, BN (1998) Interannual variations of Indian summer monsoon in a GCM: External conditions versus internal feedbacks. In: Journal of Climate, 11 (4). pp. 501-522.

Goswami, BN and Sengupta, D and Suresh Kumar, G (1998) Intraseasonal oscillations and interannual variability of surface winds over the Indian monsoon region. In: Journal of Earth System Science, 107 (01). pp. 45-64.

Goswami, BN (1998) The physics of ENSO-monsoon connection. In: Indian Journal of Marine Sciences, 27 (01). pp. 82-89.

Saji, NH and Goswami, BN (1997) Intercomparison of the seasonal cycle of tropical surface stress in 17 AMIP atmospheric general circulation models. In: Climate Dynamics, 13 (7-8). pp. 561-585.

Goswami, BN and Rajendran, K and Sengupta, D (1997) Source of Seasonality and Scale Dependence of Predictability in a Coupled Ocean–Atmosphere Model. In: Monthly Weather Review, 125 (5). pp. 846-858.

Goswami, BN (1997) Chaos and predictability of the Indian summer monsoon. In: Pramana, 48 (2). pp. 719-736.

Goswami, BN and Annamalai, H (1996) Origin of a trend in ECMWF wind analysis and its objective removal. In: Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Earth & Planetary Sciences, 105 (2). pp. 101-117.

Goswami, P and Goswami, BN (1996) Modification of n=O equatorial waves due to interaction between convection and dynamics - Reply. In: Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 53 (6). pp. 919-922.

Saji, NH and Goswami, BN (1996) An improved linear model of tropical surface wind variability. In: Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 122 (529). pp. 23-53.

Chandrasekar, A and Goswami, BN (1996) Feedback Between Convective Heating and Dynamics and Movements of Tropical Cyclones. In: Meteorolgoy and Atmospheric Physics, 61 (1-2). pp. 55-64.

Biswas, M and Chandrasekaran, A and Goswami, BN (1995) Bispectra of A Tropical Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere System. In: Current Science (Bangalore), 68 (12). pp. 1236-1243.

Goswami, BN and Krishnamurthy, V and Saji, NH (1995) Simulation of ENSO-Related Surface Winds in the Tropical Pacific by an Atmospheric General Circulation Model Forced by Observed Sea Surface Temperatures. In: Monthly Weather Review, 123 (6). pp. 1677-1694.

Raman, Anantha A and Goswami, BN and Chandrasekar, A (1995) Lyapunov exponents and predictability of the tropical coupled ocean-atmosphere system. In: Current Science (Bangalore), 68 (9). pp. 946-950.

Goswami, BN (1995) A Multiscale Interaction-Model For The Origin Of The Tropospheric Qbo. In: Journal Of Climate, 8 (3). pp. 524-534.

Goswami, BN and Goswami, P (1994) Mechanisms of some tropical intraseasonal oscillations. In: Geophysical Research Letters, 19 (7). pp. 681-684.

Goswami, BN (1994) Dynamical predictability of seasonal monsoon rainfall: problems and prospects. In: Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy Part A, 60 (1). pp. 101-120.

Goswami, BN and Shukla, J (1993) Aperiodic Variability in the Cane-Zebiak Model: A Diagnostic Study. In: Journal of Climate, 6 (4). pp. 628-638.

Goswami, BN and Selvarajan, Sudha and Krishnamurthy, V (1993) Mechanisms of variability and predictability of the tropical coupled ocean-atmosphere system. In: Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Earth & Planetary Sciences, 102 (1). pp. 49-72.

Selvarajan, Sudha and Goswami, BN (1992) On the stability of a coupled ocean atmosphere system in the presence of wave-CISK. In: Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Earth and Planetary Sciences, 101 (2). pp. 153-176.

Goswami, Prashanth and Goswami, BN (1991) Modification of n = 0 Equatorial Waves Due to Interaction between Convection and Dynamics. In: Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 48 (20). pp. 2231-2244.

Selvarajan, Sudha and Goswami, BN and Rao, M Sankar (1991) Regional and seasonal dependence of the stability of tropical coupled ocean-atmosphere system. In: Atmospheric Research, 26 (5). pp. 425-444.

Goswami, BN and Selvarajan, Sudha (1991) Convergence feedback and unstable low frequency oscillations in a simple coupled ocean‐atmosphere model. In: Geophysical Research Letters, 18 (6). pp. 991-994.

Rao, Kusuma G and Goswami, BN (1988) Interannual Variations of Sea Surface Temperature over the Arabian Sea and the Indian Monsoon: A New Perspective. In: Monthly Weather Review, 116 (3). pp. 558-568.

Goswami, BN (1987) A mechanism for the west-north-west movement of monsoon depressions. In: Nature, 326 (6111). pp. 376-378.

Goswami, BN (1985) The sensitivity of the northern hemisphere summer mean meridional circulation to changes in the large scale eddy forcing. In: Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Earth & Planetary Sciences, 94 (3). pp. 219-235.

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