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Cherayil, BJ (2024) Barrier crossing in a viscoelastic medium under active noise: Predictions of Kramers� flux-over-population method. In: Journal of Chemical Physics, 161 (1).
Cherayil, BJ (2023) Survival probabilities and first-passage distributions of self-propelled particles in spherical cavities. In: Physical Review E, 108 (5).
Cherayil, BJ (2022) Effects of Hydrodynamic Backflow on the Transmission Coefficient of a Barrier-Crossing Brownian Particle. In: Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 126 (30). pp. 5629-5636.
Cherayil, BJ (2022) Statistical Dynamics of Flow-Driven Globular Polymers. In: Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 126 (27). pp. 5127-5136.
Tyagi, N and Cherayil, BJ (2021) Effects of reactivity on mobility: Insights from an exactly solvable two-state model. In: Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2021 (8).
Tyagi, N and Cherayil, BJ (2021) The relaxation dynamics of single flow-stretched polymers in semidilute to concentrated solutions. In: Journal of Chemical Physics, 154 (2).
Cherayil, BJ (2021) Particle dynamics in viscoelastic media: Effects of non-thermal white noise on barrier crossing rates. In: Journal of Chemical Physics, 155 (24).
Tyagi, N and Cherayil, BJ (2020) Thermodynamic asymmetries in dual-temperature Brownian dynamics. In: Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2020 (11).
Pagare, A and Cherayil, BJ (2018) The Different Dimensions of Dimensional Analysis. In: Resonance, 23 (6). pp. 641-661.
Ghosal, A and Cherayil, BJ (2016) The distribution of heat fluctuations in resistively-coupled dual temperature heat baths. In: JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL MECHANICS-THEORY AND EXPERIMENT .
Ghosal, A and Cherayil, BJ (2015) Anomalous lifetime statistics of ligand-receptor binding in a tethered polymer system. In: JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL MECHANICS-THEORY AND EXPERIMENT .
Cherayil, BJ (1997) A semiempirical crossover analysis of phase separation in polymer solutions. In: Macromolecules, 30 (15). pp. 4464-4469.
Cherayil, BJ and Freed, KF (1996) The concentration dependent cooperative friction coefficient of dilute polymer solutions at the theta point. In: Journal of Chemical Physics, The, 104 (15). pp. 5983-5996.
Cherayil, BJ (2010) Them as has, gits: even more goodies for prize winners? In: Current Science (Bangalore), 98 (7). p. 881.