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Pandey, DK and Srivastava, PK and Dave, R and Setia, RK and Ompal, A and Sinha, R and Sekhar, M and Parmar, M and Gupta, S and Putrevu, D and Mehra, R and Ramanujam, V and Bhattacharya, BK and Kumar, R (2024) Operational 500 m surface soil moisture product using EOS-04 C-band SAR over Indian agricultural croplands. In: Current Science, 126 (9). pp. 1061-1068.
Brauns, B and Chandra, S and Civil, W and Lapworth, DJ and MacDonald, AM and McKenzie, AA and Read, DS and Sekhar, M and Singer, AC and Thankachan, A and Tipper, HJ (2024) Presence of emerging organic contaminants and microbial indicators in surface water and groundwater in urban India. In: Environmental Pollution, 362 .
Chakraborty, A and Sekhar, M and Rao, L (2023) The fate of vegetation carbon stocks of India: Insights from a remote-sensed evaluation of carbon use efficiency. In: Ecological Informatics, 78 .
Baccar, M and Raynal, H and Sekhar, M and Bergez, J-E and Willaume, M and Casel, P and Giriraj, P and Murthy, S and Ruiz, L (2023) Dynamics of crop category choices reveal strategies and tactics used by smallholder farmers in India to cope with unreliable water availability. In: Agricultural Systems, 211 .
Baccar, M and Raynal, H and Sekhar, M and Bergez, J-E and Willaume, M and Casel, P and Giriraj, P and Murthy, S and Ruiz, L (2023) Dynamics of crop category choices reveal strategies and tactics used by smallholder farmers in India to cope with unreliable water availability. In: Agricultural Systems, 211 .
Verma, K and Manisha, M and Santrupt, RM and Anirudha, TP and Goswami, S and Sekhar, M and Ramesh, N and M S, MK and Chanakya, HN and Rao, L (2023) Assessing groundwater recharge rates, water quality changes, and agricultural impacts of large-scale water recycling. In: Science of the Total Environment, 877 .
Baron, HE and Keller, VDJ and Horan, R and MacAllister, DJ and Simpson, M and Jackson, CR and Houghton-Carr, HA and Rickards, N and Garg, KK and Sekhar, M and MacDonald, A and Rees, G (2023) Improving the representation of groundwater processes in a large-scale water resources model. In: Hydrological Sciences Journal .
George, PM and Sekhar, M (2022) Base flow simulation using a physically based subsurface model – The case of a tropical basin in the Western Ghats, India. In: Journal of Hydrology, 613 .
Bhaduri, B and Sekhar, M and Fovet, O and Ruiz, L (2022) Estimating solute travel times from time series of nitrate concentration in groundwater: Application to a small agricultural catchment in Brittany, France. In: Journal of Hydrology, 613 .
Goswami, S and Sekhar, M (2022) Investigation and evidence of high-episodic groundwater recharge events in tropical hard-rock aquifers of southern India. In: Frontiers in Water, 4 .
Bergez, J-E and Baccar, M and Sekhar, M and Ruiz, L (2022) NIRAVARI: A Parsimonious Bio-Decisional Model for Assessing the Sustainability and Vulnerability of Rainfed or Groundwater-Irrigated Farming Systems in Indian Agriculture. In: Water (Switzerland), 14 (20).
Fischer, C and Aubron, C and Trouvé, A and Sekhar, M and Ruiz, L (2022) Groundwater irrigation reduces overall poverty but increases socioeconomic vulnerability in a semiarid region of southern India. In: Scientific Reports, 12 (1).
Bhanja, Soumendra N and Sekhar, M (2022) Short-Term and Long-Term Replenishment of Water Storage Influenced by Lockdown and Policy Measures in Drought-Prone Regions of Central India. In: Remote Sensing, 14 (8). ISSN 2072-4292
Bell, S-L and Riotte, J and Sekhar, M and Ruiz, L and Schiedung, M and Abiven, S (2022) Soil organic carbon stocks and quality in small-scale tropical, sub-humid and semi-arid watersheds under shrubland and dry deciduous forest in southwestern India. In: Geoderma, 409 .
Lagacherie, P and Bui, S and Constantin, J and Dharumarajan, S and Ruiz, L and Sekhar, M (2022) Evaluating the impact of using digital soil mapping products as input for spatializing a crop model: The case of drainage and maize yield simulated by STICS in the Berambadi catchment (India). In: Geoderma, 406 .
Bellè, S-L and Riotte, J and Backhaus, N and Sekhar, M and Jouquet, P and Abiven, S (2022) Tailor-made biochar systems: Interdisciplinary evaluations of ecosystem services and farmer livelihoods in tropical agro-ecosystems. In: PLoS ONE, 17 (1).
Brauns, B and Chattopadhyay, S and Lapworth, DJ and Loveless, SE and MacDonald, AM and McKenzie, AA and Sekhar, M and Nara, SNV and Srinivasan, V (2022) Assessing the role of groundwater recharge from tanks in crystalline bedrock aquifers in Karnataka, India, using hydrochemical tracers. In: Journal of Hydrology X, 15 .
Schwendimann, L and Sivaprakasam, I and Buvaneshwari, S and Gurumurthy, GP and Mishra, S and Ruiz, L and Sekhar, M and Fleiss, B and Riotte, J and Mani, S and Gressens, P (2021) Agricultural groundwater with high nitrates and dissolved salts given to pregnant mice alters brain development in the offspring. In: Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 224 .
Baccar, M and Bergez, J-E and Couture, S and Sekhar, M and Ruiz, L and Leenhardt, D (2021) Building climate change adaptation scenarios with stakeholders for water management: A hybrid approach adapted to the south indian water crisis. In: Sustainability (Switzerland), 13 (15).
Gomez, C and Dharumarajan, S and Lagacherie, P and Riotte, J and Ferrant, S and Sekhar, M and Ruiz, L (2021) Mapping of tank silt application using Sentinel-2 images over the Berambadi catchment (India). In: Geoderma Regional, 25 .
Sharma, AK and Hubert-Moy, L and Buvaneshwari, S and Sekhar, M and Ruiz, L and Moger, H and Bandyopadhyay, S and Corgne, S (2021) Identifying seasonal groundwater-irrigated cropland using multi-source NDVI time-series images. In: Remote Sensing, 13 (10).
Riotte, J and Ruiz, L and Audry, S and Baud, B and Bedimo Bedimo, J-P and Boithias, L and Braun, J-J and Dupré, B and Duprey, J-L and Faucheux, M and Lagane, C and Marechal, J-C and Moger, H and Mohan Kumar, MS and Parate, H and Ribolzi, O and Rochelle-Newall, E and Sriramulu, B and Varma, M and Sekhar, M (2021) The Multiscale TROPIcal CatchmentS critical zone observatory M-TROPICS dataset III: Hydro-geochemical monitoring of the Mule Hole catchment, south India. In: Hydrological Processes, 35 (5).
Landy, F and Ruiz, L and Jacquet, J and Richard-Ferroudji, A and Sekhar, M and Guétat-Bernard, H and Oger-Marengo, M and Venkatasubramanian, G and Noûs, C (2021) Commons as Demanding Social Constructions: The Case of Aquifers in Rural Karnataka. In: International Journal of Rural Management, 17 (1). pp. 27-54.
Choudhury, I and Bhattacharya, BK and Eswar, R and Sekhar, M (2021) Decadal gross level assessment of green and blue consumptive water use over Indian agro-ecosystems. In: International Journal of Remote Sensing, 42 (17). pp. 6628-6669.
Buvaneshwari, S and Riotte, J and Sekhar, M and Sharma, AK and Helliwell, R and Kumar, MSM and Braun, JJ and Ruiz, L (2020) Potash fertilizer promotes incipient salinization in groundwater irrigated semi-arid agriculture. In: Scientific Reports, 10 (1).
Pujari, PR and Jain, V and Singh, V and Sreelash, K and Dhyani, S and Nema, M and Verma, P and Kumar, R and Jain, S and Sekhar, M (2020) Critical zone: An emerging research area for sustainability. In: Current Science, 118 (10). pp. 1487-1488.
Garg, NK and Maruthi, NH and Rao, SVR and Sekhar, M (2020) Use of Jordan forms for convection-pressure split Euler solvers. In: Journal of Computational Physics, 407 .
Turner, A G and Bhat, G S and Martin, G M and Parker, D J and Taylor, C M and Mitra, A K and Tripathi, S N and Milton, S and Rajagopal, E N and Evans, J G and Morrison, R and Pattnaik, S and Sekhar, M and Bhattacharya, B K and Madan, R and Govindankutty, Mrudula and Fletcher, J K and Willetts, P D and Menon, A and Marsham, J H and Team, INCOMPASS (2019) Interaction of convective organization with monsoon precipitation, atmosphere, surface and sea: The 2016 INCOMPASS field campaign in India. In: QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY . (In Press)
Choudhury, I and Bhattacharya, BK and Eswar, R and Sekhar, M (2019) A baseline quantification of agricultural water use efficiency over Indian region using Geo-LEO satellites. In: 2019 ISPRS-GEOGLAM-ISRS Joint International Workshop on Earth Observations for Agricultural Monitoring, 18 - 20 February 2019, New Delhi, pp. 277-284.
Sharma, Amit Kumar and Hubert-Moy, Laurence and Sriramulu, Buvaneshwari and Sekhar, M and Ruiz, Laurent and Bandyopadhyay, S and Mohan, Shiv and Corgne, Samuel (2019) Evaluation of Radarsat-2 quad-pol SAR time-series images for monitoring groundwater irrigation. In: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DIGITAL EARTH .
Gomez, C and Dharumarajan, S and Féret, JB and Lagacherie, P and Ruiz, L and Sekhar, M (2019) Use of sentinel-2 time-series images for classification and uncertainty analysis of inherent biophysical property: Case of soil texture mapping. In: Remote Sensing, 11 (5). p. 565.
Chaudhuri, A and Franssen, H-JH and Sekhar, M (2018) Iterative filter based estimation of fully 3D heterogeneous fields of permeability and Mualem-van Genuchten parameters. In: Advances in Water Resources, 122 . pp. 340-354.
Gaillardet, J and Braud, I and Hankard, F and Anquetin, S and Bour, O and Dorfliger, N and de Dreuzy, JR and Galle, S and Galy, C and Gogo, S and Gourcy, L and Habets, F and Laggoun, F and Longuevergne, L and Le Borgne, T and Naaim-Bouvet, F and Nord, G and Simonneaux, V and Six, D and Tallec, T and Valentin, C and Abril, G and Allemand, P and Arenes, A and Arfib, B and Arnaud, L and Arnaud, N and Arnaud, P and Audry, S and Comte, Bailly V and Batiot, C and Battais, A and Bellot, H and Bernard, E and Bertrand, C and Bessiere, H and Binet, S and Bodin, J and Bodin, X and Boithias, L and Bouchez, J and Boudevillain, B and Moussa, Bouzou I and Branger, F and Braun, JJ and Brunet, P and Caceres, B and Calmels, D and Cappelaere, B and Celle-Jeanton, H and Chabaux, F and Chalikakis, K and Champollion, C and Copard, Y and Cotel, C and Davy, P and Deline, P and Delrieu, G and Demarty, J and Dessert, C and Dumont, M and Emblanch, C and Ezzahar, J and Esteves, M and Favier, V and Faucheux, M and Filizola, N and Flammarion, P and Floury, P and Fovet, O and Fournier, M and Francez, AJ and Gandois, L and Gascuel, C and Gayer, E and Genthon, C and Gerard, MF and Gilbert, D and Gouttevin, I. and Grippa, M and Gruau, G and Jardani, A and Jeanneau, L and Join, JL and Jourde, H and Karbou, F and Labat, D and Lagadeuc, Y and Lajeunesse, E and Lastennet, R and Lavado, W and Lawin, E and Lebel, T and Le Bouteiller, C and Legout, C and Lejeune, Y and Le Meur, E and Le Moigne, N and Lions, J and Lucas, A and Malet, JP and Marais-Sicre, C and Marechal, JC and Marlin, C and Martin, P and Martins, J and Martinez, J.M and Massei, N and Mauclerc, A and Mazzilli, N and Molenat, J and Moreira-Turcq, P and Mougin, E and Morin, S and Ngoupayou, Ndam J and Panthou, G and Peugeot, C and Picard, G and Pierret, MC and Porel, G and Probst, A and Probst, JL and Rabatel, A and Raclot, D. and Ravanel, L and Rejiba, F and Rene, P and Ribolzi, O and Riotte, J and Riviere, A and Robain, H and Ruiz, L and Sanchez-Perez, JM and Santini, W and Sauvage, S and Schoeneich, P and Seidel, JL and Sekhar, M and Sengtaheuanghoung, O and Silvera, N and Steinmann, M and Soruco, A and Tallec, G and Thibert, E and Lao, Valdes D and Vincent, C and Viville, D and Wagnon, P and Zitouna, R (2018) OZCAR: The French Network of Critical Zone Observatories. In: VADOSE ZONE JOURNAL, 17 (1).
Sekhar, M and Tomer, Sat Kumar and Thiyaku, S and Giriraj, P and Murthy, Sanjeeva and Mehta, Vishal K (2018) Groundwater Level Dynamics in Bengaluru City, India. In: SUSTAINABILITY, 10 (1).
Mangiarotti, S and Sharma, AK and Corgne, S and Hubert-Moy, L and Ruiz, L and Sekhar, M and Kerr, Y (2018) Can the global modeling technique be used for crop classification? In: CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS, 106 . pp. 363-378.
Eswar, R and Sekhar, M and Bhattacharya, BK (2017) Comparison of three remote sensing based models for the estimation of latent heat flux over India. In: HYDROLOGICAL SCIENCES JOURNAL-JOURNAL DES SCIENCES HYDROLOGIQUES, 62 (16). pp. 2705-2719.
Sreelash, K and Buis, Samuel and Sekhar, M and Ruiz, Laurent and Tomer, Sat Kumar and Guerif, Martine (2017) Estimation of available water capacity components of two-layered soils using crop model inversion: Effect of crop type and water regime. In: JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY, 546 . pp. 166-178.
Buvaneshwari, Sriramulu and Riotte, Jean and Sekhar, M and Kumar, M S Mohan and Sharma, Arnit Kumar and Duprey, Jean Louis and Audry, Stephane and Giriraja, P R and Praveenkumarreddy, Yerabham and Moger, Hemanth and Durand, Patrick and Braun, Jean-Jacques and Ruiz, Laurent (2017) Groundwater resource vulnerability and spatial variability of nitrate contamination: Insights from high density tubewell monitoring in a hard rock aquifer. In: SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 579 . pp. 838-847.
Anoop, Sampelli and Maurya, Devesh Kumar and Rao, P V N and Sekhar, M (2017) Validation and Comparison of LPRM Retrieved Soil Moisture Using AMSR2 Brightness Temperature at Two Spatial Resolutions in the Indian Region. In: IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING LETTERS, 14 (9). pp. 1561-1564.
Eswar, R and Sekhar, M and Bhattacharya, BK (2016) Disaggregation of LST over India: comparative analysis of different vegetation indices. In: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 37 (5). pp. 1035-1054.
Ruiz, L and Sekhar, M and Thomas, A and Badiger, S and Bergez, JE and Buis, S and Corgne, S and Riotte, J and Raynal, H and Bandhyopadhya, S and Gascuel, C (2015) Adaptation of irrigated agriculture to climate change: trans-disciplinary modelling of a watershed in South India. In: 11th Kovacs Colloquium on Hydrological Sciences and Water Security: Past, Present and Future, JUN 16-17, 2014, UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, FRANCE, pp. 137-138.
Fovet, O and Ruiz, L and Faucheux, M and Molenat, J and Sekhar, M and Vertes, F and Aquilina, L and Gascuel-Odoux, C and Durand, P (2015) Using long time series of agricultural-derived nitrates for estimating catchment transit times. In: JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY, 522 . pp. 603-617.
Riotte, J and Marechal, JC and Audry, S and Kumar, C and Bedimo, Bedimo JP and Ruiz, L and Sekhar, M and Cisel, M and Tarak, Chitra R and Varma, MRR and Lagane, C and Reddy, P and Braun, JJ (2014) Vegetation impact on stream chemical fluxes: Mule Hole watershed (South India). In: GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA, 145 . pp. 116-138.
Orgogozo, L and Renon, N and Soulaine, C and Henon, F and Tomer, SK and Labat, D and Pokrovsky, OS and Sekhar, M and Ababou, R and Quintard, M (2014) An open source massively parallel solver for Richards equation: Mechanistic modelling of water fluxes at the watershed scale. In: COMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONS, 185 (12). pp. 3358-3371.
Sekhar, M and Shindekar, M and Tomer, Sat K and Goswami, P (2013) Modeling the vulnerability of an urban groundwater system due to the combined impacts of climate change and management scenarios. In: Earth Interactions, 17 . 10_1-10_25.
Sreelash, K and Sekhar, M and Ruiz, Laurent and Buis, Samuel and Bandyopadhyay, S (2013) Improved modeling of groundwater recharge in agricultural watersheds using a combination of crop model and remote sensing. In: Journal of the Indian Institute of Science, 93 (2). pp. 189-207.
Soumya, Siva B and Sekhar, M and Riotte, J and Banerjee, Amlan and Braun, Jean-Jacques (2013) Characterization of groundwater chemistry under the influence of lithologic and anthropogenic factors along a climatic gradient in Upper Cauvery basin, South India. In: ENVIRONMENTAL EARTH SCIENCES, 69 (7). pp. 2311-2335.
Chaudhuri, A and Sekhar, M and Descloitres, M and Godderis, Y and Ruiz, L and Braun, JJ (2013) Constraining complex aquifer geometry with geophysics (2-D ERT and MRS measurements) for stochastic modelling of groundwater flow. In: Journal of Applied Geophysics, 98 . pp. 288-297.
Rao, Sudhakar M and Sekhar, M and Rao, Raghuveer P (2013) Impact of pit-toilet leachate on groundwater chemistry and role of vadose zone in removal of nitrate and E-coli pollutants in Kolar District, Karnataka, India. In: ENVIRONMENTAL EARTH SCIENCES, 68 (4). pp. 927-938.
Eswar, R and Sekhar, M and Bhattacharya, BK (2013) A simple model for spatial disaggregation of evaporative fraction: Comparative study with thermal sharpened land surface temperature data over India. In: JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 118 (21). pp. 12029-12044.
Eswar, R and Sekhar, M and Bhattacharya, BK (2013) A simple model for spatial disaggregation of evaporative fraction: Comparative study with thermal sharpened land surface temperature data over India. In: JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 118 (21). pp. 12029-12044.
Mangiarotti, S and Sekhar, M and Berthon, L and Javeed, Y and Mazzega, P (2012) Causality analysis of groundwater dynamics based on a Vector Autoregressive model in the semi-arid basin of Gundal (South India). In: JOURNAL OF APPLIED GEOPHYSICS, 83 . pp. 1-10.
Sreelash, K and Sekhar, M and Ruiz, L and Tomer, SK and Guerif, M and Buis, S and Durand, P and Gascuel-Odoux, C (2012) Parameter estimation of a two-horizon soil profile by combining crop canopy and surface soil moisture observations using GLUE. In: JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY, 456 . pp. 57-67.
Sharma, Pramod Kumar and Sekhar, M and Srivastava, Rajesh and Ojha, CSP (2012) Temporal Moments for Reactive Transport through Fractured Impermeable/Permeable Formations. In: JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGIC ENGINEERING, 17 (12). pp. 1302-1314.