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Conference Proceedings

Tony, Lima Agnel and Ghose, Debasish and Chakravarthy, Animesh (2017) Avoidance Maps: A New Concept in UAV Collision Avoidance. In: International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), JUN 13-16, 2017, Miami, FL, pp. 1483-1492.

Kashyap, Abhishek and Ghose, Debasish (2017) Pursuing a Time Varying and Moving Source Signal using a Sensor Equipped UAV. In: International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), JUN 13-16, 2017, Miami, FL, pp. 506-515.

Lima, Rolif and Ghose, Debasish (2017) Target Localization and Pursuit by Sensor-Equipped UAVs using Distance Information. In: International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), JUN 13-16, 2017, Miami, FL, pp. 383-392.

Shriwastav, Sachin and Ghose, Debasish (2017) Connectivity Restoration in Partitioned Wireless Sensor Networks Using Round Table Decision. In: 2017 IEEE Asia Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC), NOV 13-16, 2017, Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA, pp. 517-520.

Jain, Anoop and Ghose, Debasish (2017) A Heterogeneous Control Gain Approach to Achieve a Desired Collective Centroid by a Formation of Agents. In: 3rd Indian Control Conference (ICC), JAN 04-06, 2017, Indian Inst Technol Guwahati Campus, Guwahati, INDIA, pp. 321-326.

Jain, Anoop and Ghose, Debasish and Menon, Prathyush P (2016) Achieving a Desired Collective Centroid by a Formation of Agents Moving in a Controllable Force Field. In: 2nd Indian Control Conference (ICC), JAN 04-06, 2016, Indian Inst Technol, Hyderabad, INDIA, pp. 182-187.

Suresh, M and Ghose, Debasish (2016) Group Coordination and Path Replan Tactics in GPS Denied Environments. In: International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), JUN 07-10, 2016, Arlington, VA, pp. 31-39.

Ramasamy, Manickam and Ghose, Debasish (2016) Learning-based Preferential Surveillance Algorithm for Persistent Surveillance by Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. In: International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), JUN 07-10, 2016, Arlington, VA, pp. 1032-1040.

Jain, Anoop and Ghose, Debasish (2016) Stabilization of Collective Motion in Synchronized, Balanced and Splay Phase Arrangements on a Desired Circle. In: American Control Conference, JUL 01-03, 2015, Chicago, IL, pp. 731-736.

Gopalan, Akhil and Ratnoo, Ashwini and Ghose, Debasish (2016) Time-Optimal Guidance for Lateral Interception of Moving Targets. In: AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, JAN 05-09, 2015, Kissimmee, FL, pp. 510-525.

Kumar, Saroj G and Ghose, Debasish and Vengadarajan, A (2015) An integrated estimation/guidance approach for seeker-less interceptors. In: PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART G-JOURNAL OF AEROSPACE ENGINEERING , APR 2015, pp. 891-905.

Kumar, Shashi Ranjan and Ghose, Debasish (2014) Three Dimensional Impact Angle Constrained Guidance Law using Sliding Mode Control. In: American Control Conference, DEC 04-06, 2014, Portland, OR, pp. 2474-2479.

Babu, Arun Vishnu Suresh and Ghose, Debasish (2013) Dual Ground Target Monitoring With Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. In: IEEE International Conference on Control Applications (CCA), AUG 28-30, 2013 , Hyderabad, INDIA , pp. 1048-1053.

Akhil, G and Ratnoo, Ashwini and Ghose, Debasish (2013) A Modified Dubins Problem with Partially Restricted Terminal Conditions. In: IEEE International Conference on Control Applications (CCA), AUG 28-30, 2013, Hyderabad, INDIA, pp. 877-882.

Hota, Sikha and Ghose, Debasish (2013) Optimal Transition Trajectory for Waypoint Following. In: IEEE International Conference on Control Applications (CCA), AUG 28-30, 2013 , Hyderabad, INDIA , pp. 1030-1035.

Mukherjee, Dwaipayan and Ghose, Debasish (2013) Reachability of Agents with Double Integrator Dynamics in Cyclic Pursuit. In: 52nd IEEE Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), DEC 10-13, 2013, Florence, ITALY, pp. 5397-5402.

Bardhan, Rajarshi and Ghose, Debasish (2013) Resource Allocation and Coalition formation for UAVs: A Cooperative Game Approach. In: IEEE International Conference on Control Applications (CCA), AUG 28-30, 2013 , Hyderabad, INDIA , pp. 1200-1205.

Mukherjee, Dwaipayan and Ghose, Debasish (2013) Smith Predictor Based Control Strategies for Nonminimum Phase Plants. In: IEEE International Conference on Control Applications (CCA) , AUG 28-30, 2013 , Hyderabad, INDIA , pp. 948-953.

Ghosh, Satadal and Ghose, Debasish and Raha, Soumyendu (2013) Three Dimensional Retro-PN Based Impact Time Control for Higher Speed Nonmaneuvering Targets. In: 52nd IEEE Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), DEC 10-13, 2013 , Florence, ITALY , pp. 4859-4864.

Ghose, Debasish (2013) VILS: A Vision-In-The-Loop-Simulation Platform for Vision based Studies on UAVs. In: 9th International Conference on Intelligent Unmanned Systems, , sept, 25-27, 2013, Jaipur, India.

Conference Paper

Ghosh, Satadal and Ghose, Debasish and Raha, Soumyendu (2013) Capturability of augmented proportional navigation (APN) guidance with nonlinear engagement dynamics. In: 2013 American Control Conference (ACC), 17-19 June 2013, Washington, DC, pp. 7-12.

Jain, Anoop and Ghose, Debasish (2013) Collective behavior with heterogeneous controllers. In: 2013 American Control Conference (ACC), 17-19 June 2013, Washington, DC, pp. 4629-4634.

Mukherjee, Dwaipayan and Ghose, Debasish (2013) Generalization of deviated linear cyclic pursuit. In: 2013 American Control Conference (ACC), 17-19 June 2013, Washington, DC, pp. 6163-6168.

Kumar, Shashi Ranjan and Ghose, Debasish (2013) Sliding mode control based guidance law with impact time constraints. In: 2013 American Control Conference (ACC), 17-19 June 2013, Washington, DC, pp. 5760-5765.

Ghosh, Satadal and Ghose, Debasish and Raha, Soumyendu (2013) Three dimensional PN based impact angle control for higher speed nonmaneuvering targets. In: American Control Conference (ACC), 17-19 June 2013, Washington, DC, pp. 31-36.

Akhil, G and Ghose, Debasish (2012) Biased PN based impact angle constrained guidance using a nonlinear engagement model. In: 2012 American Control Conference, 27-29 June 2012, Montreal, QC.

Dhabale, Ashwin and Ghose, Debasish (2012) Impact angle constraint guidance law using cubic splines for intercepting stationary targets. In: AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, 13-16 August 2012, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Siva, MS and Pandiyan, R and Ghose, Debasish and Bhat, Seetharama M (2012) Integrated relative translation and rotation control of spacecraft formations. In: 1st International Academy of Astronautics Conference on Dynamics and Control of Space Systems (DyCoSS), March 19–21, 2012, Porto, Portugal.

Bardhan, Rajarshi and Ghose, Debasish (2012) Intercepting maneuvering target with specified impact angle by modified SDRE technique. In: 2012 American Control Conference, 27-29 June 2012, Montreal, QC.

Kumar, Shashi Ranjan and Rao, Sachit and Ghose, Debasish (2012) Non-singular terminal sliding mode guidance and control with terminal angle constraints for non-maneuvering targets. In: 2012 12th International Workshop on Variable Structure Systems (VSS), 12-14 Jan. 2012, Mumbai, Maharashtra.

Mukherjee, Dwaipayan and Ghose, Debasish (2012) On existence of periodic solutions for stable interval plants with odd, sector type nonlinearities. In: 2012 American Control Conference, 27-29 June 2012, Montreal, QC.

Singh, Arun Kumar and Ghose, Debasish and Krishna, Madhava K (2012) Optimum steering input determination and path-tracking of all-wheel steer vehicles on uneven terrains based on constrained optimization. In: 2012 American Control Conference (ACC), 27-29 June 2012, Montreal, QC.

Menon, Prathyush P and Ghose, Debasish (2012) Simultaneous source localization and boundary mapping for contaminants. In: 2012 American Control Conference, 27-29 June 2012, Montreal, QC.

Rao, Sachit and Ghose, Debasish (2012) Sliding mode control based terminal impact angle constrained guidance laws using dual sliding surfaces. In: 12th IEEE Workshop on Variable Structure Systems, 12-14 Jan. 2012, Mumbai, Maharashtra.

Mukherjee, Dwaipayan and Ghose, Debasish (2012) Zero miss distance guidance using feedforward and periodic control. In: AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, 13-16 August 2012, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Journal Article

Bardhan, Rajarshi and Ghose, Debasish (2019) Differential Games Guidance for Heading Angle Consensus Among Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. In: JOURNAL OF GUIDANCE CONTROL AND DYNAMICS, 42 (11). pp. 2568-2575.

Jain, Anoop and Ghose, Debasish (2019) Robust stabilization of balanced and splay formations with heterogeneous controller gains. In: JOURNAL OF THE FRANKLIN INSTITUTE-ENGINEERING AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS, 356 (8). pp. 4554-4576.

Kumar, Shashi Ranjan and Ghose, Debasish (2018) Sliding mode guidance for impact time and angle constraints. In: PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART G-JOURNAL OF AEROSPACE ENGINEERING, 232 (16). pp. 2961-2977.

Dhabale, Ashwin and Ghose, Debasish (2018) Curvature Constrained Cubic Spline Impact Angle Guidance for Intercepting Stationary Targets. In: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AEROSPACE AND ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS, 54 (4). pp. 1750-1766.

Shriwastav, Sachin and Ghose, Debasish (2018) Round-table negotiation for fast restoration of connectivity in partitioned wireless sensor networks. In: AD HOC NETWORKS, 77 . pp. 11-27.

Tholen, Kyle and Sunkara, Vishwamithra and Chakravarthy, Animesh and Ghose, Debasish (2018) Achieving Overlap of Multiple, Arbitrarily Shaped Footprints Using Rendezvous Cones. In: JOURNAL OF GUIDANCE CONTROL AND DYNAMICS, 41 (6). pp. 1290-1307.

Jain, Anoop and Ghose, Debasish and Menon, Prathyush P (2018) Multi-vehicle formation in a controllable force field with non-identical controller gains. In: IET CONTROL THEORY AND APPLICATIONS, 12 (6). pp. 802-811.

Jain, Anoop and Ghose, Debasish (2017) Synchronization of multi-agent systems with heterogeneous controllers. In: Nonlinear Dynamics, 89 (2). pp. 1433-1451. ISSN 0924-090X

Gopalan, Akhil and Ratnoo, Ashwini and Ghose, Debasish (2017) Generalized Time-Optimal Impact-Angle-Constrained Interception of Moving Targets. In: JOURNAL OF GUIDANCE CONTROL AND DYNAMICS, 40 (8). pp. 2115-2120.

Kumar, Saroj G and Ghosh, Ratna and Ghose, Debasish and Vengadarajan, A (2017) Guidance of Seekerless Interceptors Using Innovation Covariance Based Tuning of Kalman Filters. In: JOURNAL OF GUIDANCE CONTROL AND DYNAMICS, 40 (3). pp. 603-614.

Ramasamy, Manickam and Ghose, Debasish (2017) A Heuristic Learning Algorithm for Preferential Area Surveillance by Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. In: JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & ROBOTIC SYSTEMS, 88 (2-4, 1). pp. 655-681.

Agrawal, Pooja and Ratnoo, Ashwini and Ghose, Debasish (2017) Image Segmentation-Based Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Safe Navigation. In: JOURNAL OF AEROSPACE INFORMATION SYSTEMS, 14 (7). pp. 391-410.

Agrawal, Pooja and Ratnoo, Ashwini and Ghose, Debasish (2017) Inverse optical flow based guidance for UAV navigation through urban canyons. In: AEROSPACE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 68 . pp. 163-178.

Jain, Anoop and Ghose, Debasish (2017) Stabilization of collective formations with speed and controller gain heterogeneity and saturation. In: JOURNAL OF THE FRANKLIN INSTITUTE-ENGINEERING AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS, 354 (14). pp. 5964-5995.

Kumar, Shashi Ranjan and Ghose, Debasish (2017) Three-dimensional impact angle guidance with coupled engagement dynamics. In: PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART G-JOURNAL OF AEROSPACE ENGINEERING, 231 (4). pp. 621-641.

Hota, Sikha and Ghose, Debasish (2017) Waypoint-Based Trajectory Planning of Fixed-Wing MAVs in 3D Space. In: JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & ROBOTIC SYSTEMS, 86 (1). pp. 95-113.

Ghosh, Satadal and Ghose, Debasish and Raha, Soumyendu (2016) Composite Guidance for Impact Angle Control Against Higher Speed Targets. In: JOURNAL OF GUIDANCE CONTROL AND DYNAMICS, 39 (1). pp. 98-117.

Ragesh, Raghoothaman and Ratnoo, Ashwini and Ghose, Debasish (2016) Decoy Launch Envelopes for Survivability in an Interceptor-Target Engagement. In: JOURNAL OF GUIDANCE CONTROL AND DYNAMICS, 39 (3). 667-U369.

Mukherjee, Dwaipayan and Ghose, Debasish (2016) Generalized hierarchical cyclic pursuit. In: AUTOMATICA, 71 . pp. 318-323.

Chakravarthy, Animesh and Ghose, Debasish (2016) Guidance for Precision Three-Dimensional Maneuvers Through Orifices Using Safe-Passage Cones. In: JOURNAL OF GUIDANCE CONTROL AND DYNAMICS, 39 (6). pp. 1325-1341.

Kumar, Shashi Ranjan and Ghose, Debasish (2016) Impact Time Guidance for Large Heading Errors Using Sliding Mode Control. In: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AEROSPACE AND ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS, 51 (4). pp. 3123-3138.

Mukherjee, Dwaipayan and Ghose, Debasish (2016) Target Capturability Using Agents in Cyclic Pursuit. In: JOURNAL OF GUIDANCE CONTROL AND DYNAMICS, 39 (5). pp. 1034-1045.

Ghosh, Satadal and Ghose, Debasish and Raha, Soumyendu (2016) Unified Time-to-Go Algorithms for Proportional Navigation Class of Guidance. In: JOURNAL OF GUIDANCE CONTROL AND DYNAMICS, 39 (6). pp. 1188-1205.

Das, Kaushik and Ghose, Debasish (2015) Broadcast Control Mechanism for Positional Consensus in Multiagent Systems. In: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CONTROL SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY, 23 (5). pp. 1807-1826.

Mukherjee, Dwaipayan and Ghose, Debasish (2015) Deviated linear cyclic pursuit. In: PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY A-MATHEMATICAL PHYSICAL AND ENGINEERING SCIENCES, 471 (2184).

Bardhan, Rajarshi and Ghose, Debasish (2015) Nonlinear Differential Games-Based Impact-Angle-Constrained Guidance Law. In: JOURNAL OF GUIDANCE CONTROL AND DYNAMICS, 38 (3). pp. 384-402.

Ghosh, Satadal and Ghose, Debasish and Raha, Soumyendu (2014) Capturability Analysis of a 3-D Retro-PN Guidance Law for Higher Speed Nonmaneuvering Targets. In: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CONTROL SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY, 22 (5). pp. 1864-1874.

Ghosh, Satadal and Ghose, Debasish and Raha, Soumyendu (2014) Capturability of Augmented Pure Proportional Navigation Guidance Against Time-Varying Target Maneuvers. In: JOURNAL OF GUIDANCE CONTROL AND DYNAMICS, 37 (5). pp. 1446-1461.

Hota, Sikha and Ghose, Debasish (2014) Curvature-constrained trajectory generation for waypoint following for miniature air vehicle. In: PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART G-JOURNAL OF AEROSPACE ENGINEERING, 228 (11). pp. 2066-2082.

Kumar, Shashi Ranjan and Rao, Sachit and Ghose, Debasish (2014) Nonsingular Terminal Sliding Mode Guidance with Impact Angle Constraints. In: JOURNAL OF GUIDANCE CONTROL AND DYNAMICS, 37 (4). pp. 1114-1130.

Hota, Sikha and Ghose, Debasish (2014) Optimal Trajectory Generation for Convergence to a Rectilinear Path. In: JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & ROBOTIC SYSTEMS, 75 (2). pp. 223-242.

Hota, Sikha and Ghose, Debasish (2014) Optimal Trajectory Planning for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Three-Dimensional Space. In: JOURNAL OF AIRCRAFT, 51 (2). pp. 681-687.

Hota, Sikha and Ghose, Debasish (2014) Optimal trajectory planning for path convergence in three-dimensional space. In: PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART G-JOURNAL OF AEROSPACE ENGINEERING, 228 (5). pp. 766-780.

Rao, Sachit and Ghose, Debasish (2014) Sliding Mode Control-Based Autopilots for Leaderless Consensus of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. In: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CONTROL SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY, 22 (5). pp. 1964-1972.

Hota, Sikha and Ghose, Debasish (2014) Time-Optimal Convergence to a Rectilinear Path in the Presence of Wind. In: JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & ROBOTIC SYSTEMS, 74 (3-4). pp. 791-815.

Mand, Gagan Preet K and Ghosh, Ratna and Ghose, Debasish (2014) A fractional order proportional integral controller for path following and trajectory tracking of miniature air vehicles. In: PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART G-JOURNAL OF AEROSPACE ENGINEERING, 228 (8). pp. 1389-1402.

Guruprasad, KR and Ghose, Debasish (2013) Heterogeneous locational optimisation using a generalised Voronoi partition. In: International Journal of Control, 86 (6). pp. 977-993.

Guruprasad, KR and Ghose, Debasish (2013) Performance of a class of multi-robot deploy and search strategies based on centroidal voronoi configurations. In: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS SCIENCE, 44 (4). pp. 680-699.

Rao, Sachit and Ghose, Debasish (2013) Terminal Impact Angle Constrained Guidance Laws Using Variable Structure Systems Theory. In: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CONTROL SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY, 21 (6). pp. 2350-2359.

Mukherjee, Dwaipayan and Ghose, Debasish (2013) Zero-Miss-Distance Guidance Strategies for Nonminimum-Phase Interceptors. In: JOURNAL OF GUIDANCE CONTROL AND DYNAMICS, 36 (2). pp. 629-634.

George, Mishel and Ghose, Debasish (2012) Reducing convergence times of self-propelled swarms via modified nearest neighbor rules. In: PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS, 391 (16). pp. 4121-4127.

Kumar, Shashi Ranjan and Rao, Sachit and Ghose, Debasish (2012) Sliding-Mode Guidance and Control for All-Aspect Interceptors with Terminal Angle Constraints. In: JOURNAL OF GUIDANCE CONTROL AND DYNAMICS, 35 (4). pp. 1230-1246.

Manathara, Joel George and Ghose, Debasish (2012) Rendezvous of Multiple UAVs with Collision Avoidance Using Consensus. In: JOURNAL OF AEROSPACE ENGINEERING, 25 (4). pp. 480-489.

Editorials/Short Communications

Hegde, Aditya and Ghose, Debasish (2022) Multi-Quadrotor Distributed Load Transportation for Autonomous Agriculture Spraying Operations. In: Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 45 (5). pp. 944-951. ISSN 1533-3884

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