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Number of items: 36.

Conference Proceedings

Amrutur, Bharadwaj and Kumar, Mohan MS and Kumar, Sheetal KR and Patel, Lovelesh and Sundaresan, Rajesh and Vaidhiyan, Nidhin K (2016) WaterOpt: A Method for Checking Near-Feasibility of Continuous Water Supply. In: International Workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems for Smart Water Networks (CySWater), APR 11, 2016, Vienna, AUSTRIA, pp. 7-12.

Verma, Prachet and Kumar, Akshay and Rathod, Nihesh and Jain, Pratik and Mallikarjun, S and Subramanian, Renu and Amrutur, Bharadwaj and Kumar, Mohan MS and Sundaresan, Rajesh (2015) Towards an IoT Based Water Management System for a Campus. In: IEEE First International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2), OCT 25-28, 2015, Guadalajara, MEXICO.

Anjana, GR and Kumar, Sheetal KR and Kumar, Mohan MS and Amrutur, Bharadwaj (2015) A particle filter based leak detection technique for water distribution systems. In: Computing and Control for the Water Industry (CCWI2015)- Sharing the Best Practice in Water Management, SEP 02-04, 2015, Univ Exeter, Leicester, ENGLAND, pp. 28-34.

Conference Paper

Kudva, Vignesh D and Nayak, Prashanth and Rawat, Alok and Anjana, GR and Kumar, Sheetal KR and Amrutur, Bharadwaj and Kumar, Mohan MS (2015) Towards a Real-Time Campus-Scale Water Balance Monitoring System. In: 28th International Conference on VLSI Design (VLSID) / 14th International Conference on Embedded Systems, JAN 03-07, 2015, Bangalore, INDIA, pp. 87-92.

Jha, Shibani and Kumar, Mohan MS (2008) The Behaviour of Two-Phase Flow of DNAPL and Water through a Fractured Rock under Confining Pressure. In: The 12th International Conference of International Association for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics (IACMAG), 1-6 October, 2008, Goa, India.

Jayanthi, G and Vidhya, CV and Marechal, Jean-Christophe and Parate, Harshad R and Kumar, Mohan MS (2008) Effect of early Monsoon Showers on Vadose Zone of A Forested Watershed. In: National Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources and Environment, HYDRO2008.

Kumar, Mohan MS and Jha, Shibani (2008) Groundwater Contamination and Management. In: International Symposium on Lowland Technology, Busan, Korea, Busan, Korea.

Jha, Shibani and Kumar, Mohan MS and Don, Nauyen Cao and Araki, H (2008) The Influence of Sea Water Intrusion on Coastal Aquifers. In: International Symposium on Lowland Technology, Busan, Korea, Busan, Korea.

Journal Article

Priyanka, BN and Kumar, Mohan MS (2017) Direct and Inverse Modeling of Seawater Intrusion: A Perspective. In: JOURNAL OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF INDIA, 90 (5). pp. 595-601.

Kumar, Priyanka and Kumar, Mohan MS (2016) Effect of flow velocity on chlorine decay in water distribution network: a pilot loop study. In: CURRENT SCIENCE, 111 (8). pp. 1349-1354.

Seetha, N and Hassanizadeh, Majid S and Kumar, Mohan MS and Raoof, Amir (2015) Correlation equations for average deposition rate coefficients of nanoparticles in a cylindrical pore. In: WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH, 51 (10). pp. 8034-8059.

Seetha, N and Kumar, Mohan MS and Hassanizadeh, Majid S (2015) Modeling the co-transport of viruses and colloids in unsaturated porous media. In: JOURNAL OF CONTAMINANT HYDROLOGY, 181 (SI). pp. 82-101.

Ganguly, Sayantan and Kumar, Mohan MS (2014) Analytical solutions for movement of cold water thermal front in a heterogeneous geothermal reservoir. In: APPLIED MATHEMATICAL MODELLING, 38 (2). pp. 451-463.

Ganguly, Sayantan and Kumar, Mohan MS (2014) Analytical solutions for transient temperature distribution in a geothermal reservoir due to cold water injection. In: HYDROGEOLOGY JOURNAL, 22 (2). pp. 351-369.

Manohar, Usha and Kumar, Mohan MS (2014) Modeling Equitable Distribution of Water: Dynamic Inversion-Based Controller Approach. In: JOURNAL OF WATER RESOURCES PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT, 140 (5). pp. 607-619.

Seetha, N and Kumar, Mohan MS and Hassanizadeh, Majid S and Raoof, Amir (2014) Virus-sized colloid transport in a single pore: Model development and sensitivity analysis. In: JOURNAL OF CONTAMINANT HYDROLOGY, 164 . pp. 163-180.

Kumar, Mohan MS and Manohar, Usha and Pallavi, MRM and Anjana, GR (2013) Urban water supply and management. In: Journal of the Indian Institute of Science, 93 (2). pp. 295-317.

Ganguly, Sayantan and Kumar, Mohan MS (2012) Geothermal reservoirs - A brief review. In: JOURNAL OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF INDIA, 79 (6). pp. 589-602.

Parate, Harshad R and Kumar, Mohan MS and Descloitres, Marc and Barbiero, Laurent and Ruiz, Laurent and Braun, Jean-Jacques and Sekhar, M and Kumar, CS (2011) Comparison of electrical resistivity by geophysical method and neutron probe logging for soil moisture monitoring in a forested watershed. In: Current Science (Bangalore), 100 (9). pp. 1405-1412.

Munavalli, GR and Kumar, Mohan MS (2011) Autocalibration of dynamic bacterial growth model for water distribution system using GA. In: Journal of Water Supply: Research & Technology - Aqua, 60 (4). pp. 240-259.

Kumar, S and Sekhar, M and Reddy, DV and Kumar, Mohan MS (2010) Estimation of soil hydraulic properties and their uncertainty: comparison between laboratory and field experiment. In: Hydrological Processes, 24 (23). pp. 3426-3435.

Violette, Aurelie and Godderis, Yves and Marechal, Jean-Christophe and Riotte, Jean and Oliva, Priscia and Kumar, Mohan MS and Sekhar, M and Braun, Jean-Jacques (2010) Modelling the chemical weathering fluxes at the watershed scale in the Tropics (Mule Hole, South India): Relative contribution of the smectite/kaolinite assemblage versus primary minerals. In: Chemical Geology , 277 (1-2). pp. 42-60.

D'Souza, Celia D and Kumar, Mohan MS (2010) Comparison of ANN models for predicting water quality in distribution systems. In: Journal of the American Water Works Association (AWWA), 102 (7). 92+.

Mathew, Mini and Kumar, Mohan MS (2010) Comparative study of different formulations and solution methods for two phase flow in saturated porous media. In: Water Science and Technology, 62 (11). pp. 2678-2693.

Kumar, Prasanna M and Kumar, Mohan MS (2009) Comparative study of three types of controllers for water distribution networks. In: Journal American Water Works Association, 101 (1). 74+.

Marechal, Jean-Christophe and Varma, Murari RR and Riotte, Jean and Vouillamoz, Jean-Michel and Kumar, Mohan MS and Ruiz, Laurent and Sekhar, M and Braun, Jean-Jacques (2009) Indirect and direct recharges in a tropical forested watershed: Mule Hole, India. In: Journal of Hydrology, 364 (3-4). pp. 272-284.

Soraganvi, Veena S and Kumar, Mohan MS (2009) Modeling of Flow and Advection Dominant Solute Transport in Variably Saturated Porous Media. In: Journal Of Hydrologic Engineering, 14 (1). pp. 1-14.

Legchenko, Anatoly and Descloitres, Marc and Bost, Adelphe and Ruiz, Laurent and Reddy, Mohan and Girard, Jean-Francois and Sekhar, Muddu and Kumar, Mohan MS and Braun, Jean-Jacques (2006) Resolution of MRS applied to the characterization of hard-rock aquifers. In: Ground Water, 44 (4). pp. 547-554.

Anuraga, TS and Ruiz, L. and Kumar, Mohan MS and Sekhar, M and Leijnse, A (2006) Estimating groundwater recharge using land use and soil data: A case study in South India. In: Agricultural Water Management, 84 (1-2). p. 65.

Munavalli, GR and Kumar, Mohan MS (2005) Water quality parameter estimation in a distribution system under dynamic state. In: Water Research, 39 (18). pp. 4287-4298.

Munavalli, GR and Kumar, Mohan MS (2004) Modified Lagrangian method for modeling water quality in distribution systems. In: Water Research, 38 (13). pp. 2973-2988.

Munavalli, GR and Kumar, Mohan MS (2004) Dynamic simulation of multicomponent reaction transport in water distribution systems. In: Water Research, 38 (8). pp. 1971-1988.

Munavalli, GR and Kumar, Mohan MS (2003) Optimal scheduling of multiple chlorine sources in water distribution systems. In: Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 129 (6). pp. 493-504.

Munavalli, GR and Kumar, Mohan MS (2003) Water quality parameter estimation in steady-state distribution system. In: Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 129 (2). 124-134 .

Prasad, Hari KS and Kumar, Mohan MS and Sekhar, M (2001) Modelling flow through unsaturated zones: Sensitivity to unsaturated soil properties. In: Sadhana, 26 (6). pp. 517-528.

Misra, Rajeev and Kumar, Mohan MS and Sridharan, K (1991) Analysis of transients in a canal network. In: Sadhana : Academy Proceedings in Engineering Sciences, 16 (Part 1). pp. 85-99.

This list was generated on Fri Feb 7 19:31:29 2025 IST.