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Chakraborty, S and Patra, N and Mishra, A and Chaterjee, S (2019) Development and characterization of novel piezoceramic material based stack actuator. In: nternational Conference on Advances in Materials and Manufacturing Applications, 29-31 Aug 2019, Bengaluru, pp. 4515-4519.
Chaterjee, S and Agrawal, G and Mishra, A and Anwar, S (2018) Electromechanical Properties and Electric Field Induced Strain of BNT-BT Piezoceramic Material at the MPB Region. In: MATERIALS TODAY-PROCEEDINGS, 5 (11, 3). pp. 24880-24886.
Badapanda, T and Chaterjee, S and Mishrac, Anupam and Ranjan, Rajeev and Anward, S (2017) Electric field induced strain, switching and energy storage behaviour of lead free Barium Zirconium Titanate ceramic. In: PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER, 521 . pp. 264-269.
Sathish, S and Chaterjee, S and Awasthi, ON and Gopal, ESR (1986) Electron-electron scattering and ultrasonic attenuation in potassium. In: Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 63 (5-6). pp. 423-429.