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Chandraker, AL and Munjal, ML (1979) Aeroacoustics of a free subsonic jet - directional characteristics. In: Acustica, 43 (4). pp. 233-240.
Chandraker, AL and Munjal, ML (1979) Noise from an axisymmetric shear flow: I numerical results. In: Mechanics Research Communications, 6 (2). pp. 61-68.
Chandraker, AL and Munjal, ML (1979) Noise from an axisymmetric shear flow: II analytical results. In: Mechanics Research Communications, 6 (2). pp. 69-73.
Chandraker, AL and Munjal, ML (1978) Aerodynamic noise from wave-turbulence interaction. In: Proceedings Mathematical Sciences, 87 (9). pp. 253-263.
Chandraker, AL and Munjal, ML (1978) Directivity and Mach number Dependence of Sound Radiated from Turbulent Jets. In: Indian Journal of Technology, 16 (1). pp. 18-24.
Chandraker, AL and Munjal, ML (1975) Generalized aerodynamic noise equation. In: Physics of Fluids, 18 (2). pp. 264-265.