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Benson, JF and Keiter, DA and Mahoney, PJ and Allen, BL and Allen, L and Ã�lvares, F and Anderson, ML and Barber-Meyer, SM and Barocas, A and Beasley, JC and Behrendorff, L and Belant, JL and Beyer, Jr and Boitani, L and Borg, BL and Boutin, S and Boydston, EE and Brown, JL and Bump, JK and Cepek, JD and Chamberlain, MJ and Chenaux-Ibrahim, YM and Cherry, SG and Ä�iroviÄ�, D and Ciucci, P and Cluff, HD and Cooper, SM and Crooks, KR and Dupont, DLJ and Fisher, RN and Fortin, D and Gable, TD and GarcÃa, E and Geffen, E and Gehrt, SD and Gillingham, M and Heard, DC and Hebblewhite, M and Hinton, JW and Homkes, AT and Howden, CG and Huber, D and Jackson, PJ and Joly, K and Kelly, A and Kelly, MJ and Kingdon, KA and Kulkarni, A and Kusak, J and Kuzyk, GW and Lake, BC and Llaneza, L and López-Bao, JV and MacNulty, DR and McLaren, AAD and McLoughlin, PD and Merrill, EH and Mills, KJ and Mitchell, N and Moore, SA and Mumma, MA and Murray, MH and Musiani, M and Nakamura, M and Neilson, EW and Neufeld, LM and Newsome, TM and Oakleaf, JK and Palacios, V and Perdicas, MM and Perry, T and Petroelje, TR and Piper, CB and Prokopenko, CM and Prugh, LR and Riley, SPD and Rio-Maior, H and Roffler, GH and Rollins, D and Sand, H and Schmiegelow, FKA and Seip, DR and Sorum, MS and St Clair, CC and Steenweg, R and Strohbach, MW and Tatler, J and Thaker, M and Thompson, CA and Turner, JW and Vanak, AT and Vander Wal, E and Wabakken, P and Walter, SE and Webster, SC and Wheeldon, TJ and Wikenros, C and Windels, SK and Young, JK and Zabihi-Seissan, S and Zimmermann, B and Patterson, BR (2024) Intrinsic and environmental drivers of pairwise cohesion in wild Canis social groups. In: Ecology .
Stiegler, J and Gallagher, CA and Hering, R and Müller, T and Tucker, M and Apollonio, M and Arnold, J and Barker, NA and Barthel, L and Bassano, B and Beest, FMV and Belant, JL and Berger, A and Beyer, Jr and Bidner, LR and Blake, S and Börner, K and Brivio, F and Brogi, R and Buuveibaatar, B and Cagnacci, F and Dekker, J and Dentinger, J and Duľa, M and Duquette, JF and Eccard, JA and Evans, MN and Ferguson, AW and Fichtel, C and Ford, AT and Fowler, NL and Gehr, B and Getz, WM and Goheen, JR and Goossens, B and Grignolio, S and Haugaard, L and Hauptfleisch, M and Heim, M and Heurich, M and Hewison, MAJ and Isbell, LA and Janssen, R and Jarnemo, A and Jeltsch, F and Miloš, J and Kaczensky, P and Kami�ski, T and Kappeler, P and Kasper, K and Kautz, TM and Kimmig, S and Kjellander, P and Kowalczyk, R and Kramer-Schadt, S and Kröschel, M and Krop-Benesch, A and Linderoth, P and Lobas, C and Lokeny, P and Lührs, M-L and Matsushima, SS and McDonough, MM and Melzheimer, J and Morellet, N and Ngatia, DK and Obermair, L and Olson, KA and Patanant, KC and Payne, JC and Petroelje, TR and Pina, M and Piqué, J and Premier, J and Pufelski, J and Pyritz, L and Ramanzin, M and Roeleke, M and Rolandsen, CM and Saïd, S and Sandfort, R and Schmidt, K and Schmidt, NM and Scholz, C and Schubert, N and Selva, N and Sergiel, A and Serieys, LEK and Silovský, V and Slotow, R and Sönnichsen, L and Solberg, EJ and Stelvig, M and Street, GM and Sunde, P and Svoboda, NJ and Thaker, M and Tomowski, M and Ullmann, W and Vanak, AT and Wachter, B and Webb, SL and Wilmers, CC and Zieba, F and Zwijacz-Kozica, T and Blaum, N (2024) Mammals show faster recovery from capture and tagging in human-disturbed landscapes. In: Nature communications, 15 (1). p. 8079.
Pal, A and Joshi, M and Thaker, M (2024) Too much information? Males convey parasite levels using more signal modalities than females utilise. In: Journal of Experimental Biology, 227 (1).
Katna, A and Thaker, M and Vanak, AT (2023) How fast do landscapes change? A workflow to analyze temporal changes in human-dominated landscapes. In: Landscape Ecology .
Prakash, H and Kumar, RS and Lahkar, B and Sukumar, R and Vanak, AT and Thaker, M (2022) Animal movement ecology in India: insights from 2011–2021 and prospective for the future. In: PeerJ, 10 .
Burton-Roberts, R and Cordes, LS and Slotow, R and Vanak, AT and Thaker, M and Govender, N and Shannon, G (2022) Seasonal range fidelity of a megaherbivore in response to environmental change. In: Scientific Reports, 12 (1).
Amdekar, MS and Thaker, M (2022) Colours of stress in male Indian rock agamas predict testosterone levels but not performance. In: Hormones and Behavior, 144 .
Thaker, M and Amdekar, MS and Mohanty, NP and Nageshkumar, AK and Prakash, H and Seshadri, KS (2022) An expanding cityscape and its multi-scale effects on lizard distribution. In: Frontiers in Conservation Science, 3 .
Joshi, M and Ellsworth, B and Thaker, M (2022) Single components of complex chemical signals convey sex identity and individual variation. In: Animal Behaviour, 187 . pp. 1-13.
Shamanna Seshadri, K and Thaker, M (2022) Correlated evolution of parental care with dichromatism, colors, and patterns in anurans. In: Evolution, 76 (4). pp. 737-748.
Mohanty, NP and Wagener, C and Herrel, A and Thaker, M (2022) The ecology of sleep in non-avian reptiles. In: Biological Reviews, 97 (2). pp. 505-526.
Katna, A and Kulkarni, A and Thaker, M and Vanak, AT (2022) Habitat specificity drives differences in space-use patterns of multiple mesocarnivores in an agroecosystem. In: Journal of Zoology, 316 (2). pp. 92-103.
Mohanty, NP and Joshi, M and Thaker, M (2021) Urban lizards use sleep sites that mirror the structural, thermal, and light properties of natural sites. In: Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 75 (12).
Batabyal, A and Bhattacharya, A and Thaker, M and Mukherjee, S (2021) A longitudinal study of perceived stress and cortisol responses in an undergraduate student population from India. In: PLoS ONE, 16 (6 June).
Kabir, MS and Thaker, M (2021) Does the addition of a new signalling trait enhance receiver responses in diurnal geckos? In: Behavioural Processes, 184 .
Bansal, U and Thaker, M (2021) Diet influences latitudinal gradients in life-history traits, but not reproductive output, in ectotherms. In: Global Ecology and Biogeography .
Balakrishna, S and Amdekar, MS and Thaker, M (2021) Morphological divergence, tail loss, and predation risk in urban lizards. In: Urban Ecosystems .
Zambre, AM and Khandekar, A and Sanap, R and O'Brien, C and Snell-Rood, EC and Thaker, M (2020) Asymmetric interspecific competition drives shifts in signalling traits in fan-throated lizards: Signal divergence in lizards. In: Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 287 (1940).
Torsekar, VR and Thaker, M (2020) Mate-searching context of prey influences the predator-prey space race: Mate search and predator-prey space race. In: Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 287 (1935).
Noonan, MJ and Fleming, CH and Tucker, MA and Kays, R and Harrison, AL and Crofoot, MC and Abrahms, B and Alberts, SC and Ali, AH and Altmann, J and Antunes, PC and Attias, N and Belant, JL and Beyer, Jr and Bidner, LR and Blaum, N and Boone, RB and Caillaud, D and de Paula, RC and de la Torre, JA and Dekker, J and DePerno, CS and Farhadinia, M and Fennessy, J and Fichtel, C and Fischer, C and Ford, A and Goheen, JR. and Havmøller, RW and Hirsch, BT and Hurtado, C and Isbell, LA and Janssen, R and Jeltsch, F and Kaczensky, P and Kaneko, Y and Kappeler, P and Katna, A and Kauffman, M and Koch, F and Kulkarni, A and LaPoint, S and Leimgruber, P and Macdonald, DW and Markham, AC and McMahon, L and Mertes, K and Moorman, CE and Morato, RG and Mo�brucker, AM and Mourão, G and O'Connor, D and Oliveira-Santos, LGR and Pastorini, J and Patterson, BD and Rachlow, J and Ranglack, DH and Reid, N and Scantlebury, DM and Scott, DM and Selva, N and Sergiel, A and Songer, M and Songsasen, N and Stabach, JA and Stacy-Dawes, J and Swingen, MB and Thompson, JJ and Ullmann, W and Vanak, AT and Thaker, M and Wilson, JW and Yamazaki, K and Yarnell, RW and Zieba, F and Zwijacz-Kozica, T and Fagan, WF and Mueller, T and Calabrese, JM (2020) Effects of body size on estimation of mammalian area requirements. In: Conservation Biology, 34 (4). pp. 1017-1028.
Kabir, MS and Venkatesan, R and Thaker, M (2020) Multiple Sensory Modalities in Diurnal Geckos Is Associated with the Signaling Environment and Evolutionary Constraints. In: Integrative Organismal Biology, 2 (1).
Sheriff, MJ and Peacor, SD and Hawlena, D and Thaker, M (2020) Non-consumptive predator effects on prey population size: A dearth of evidence. In: Journal of Animal Ecology, 89 (6). pp. 1302-1316.
Hofman, M P G and Hayward, M W and Heim, M and Marchand, P and Rolandsen, C M and Mattisson, J and Urbano, F and Heurich, M and Mysterud, A and Melzheimer, J and Morellet, N and Voigt, U and Allen, B L and Gehr, B and Rouco, C and Ullmann, W and Holand, O and Jorgensen, n H and Steinheim, G and Cagnacci, F and Kroeschel, M and Kaczensky, P and Buuveibaatar, B and Payne, J C and Palmegiani, I and Jerina, K and Kjellander, P and Johansson, O and LaPoint, S and Bayrakcismith, R and Linnell, J D C and Zaccaroni, M and Jorge, M L S and Oshima, J EF and Songhurst, A and Fischer, C and Mc Bride, RT and Thompson, J J and Streif, S and Sandfort, R and Bonenfant, C and Drouilly, M and Klapproth, M and Zinner, D and Yarnell, R and Stronza, A and Wilmott, L and Meisingset, E and Thaker, M and Vanak, AT and Nicoloso, S and Graeber, R and Said, S and Boudreau, MR and Devlin, A and Hoogesteijn, R and May-Junior, J A and Nifong, J C and Odden, J and Quigley, H B and Tortato, F and Parker, D M and Caso, A and Perrine, J and Tellaeche, C and Zieba, F and Zwijacz-Kozica, T and Appel, CL and Axsom, I and Bean, W T and Cristescu, B and Periquet, S and Teichman, K J and Karpanty, S and Licoppe, A and Menges, V and Black, K and Scheppers, T L and Schai-Braun, S C and Azevedo, F C and Lemos, F G and Payne, A and Swanepoel, L H and Weckworth, B and Berger, A and Bertassoni, A and McCulloch, G and Sustr, P and Athreya, V and Bockmuhl, D and Casaer, J and Ekori, A and Melovski, D and Richard-Hansen, C and van de Vyver, D and Reyna-Hurtado, R and Robardet, E and Selva, N and Sergiel, A and Farhadinia, M S and Sunde, P and Portas, R and Ambarli, H and Berzins, R and Kappeler, P M and Mann, G K and Pyritz, L and Bissett, C and Grant, T and Steinmetz, R and Swedell, L and Welch, R J and Armenteras, D. and Bidder, OR and Gonzalez, TM and Rosenblatt, A. and Kachel, S and Balkenhol, N (2019) Right on track? Performance of satellite telemetry in terrestrial wildlife research. In: PLOS ONE, 14 (5).
Batabyal, A and Thaker, M (2019) Social coping styles of lizards are reactive and not proactive in urban areas. In: General and Comparative Endocrinology, 270 . pp. 67-74.
Batabyal, A and Thaker, M (2019) Lizards from suburban areas learn faster to stay safe. In: Biology Letters, 15 (2).