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Meenakshi, Nisha G and Ghosh, Prasanta Kumar (2016) A discriminative analysis within and across voiced and unvoiced consonants in neutral and whispered speech in multiple Indian languages. In: 16th Annual Conference of the International-Speech-Communication-Association (INTERSPEECH 2015), SEP 06-10, 2015, Dresden, GERMANY, pp. 781-785.
Meenakshi, Nisha G and Ghosh, Prasanta Kumar (2015) Automatic Gender Classification Using the Mel Frequency Cepstrum of Neutral and Whispered Speech: a Comparative Study. In: 21st National Conference on Communications (NCC), FEB 27-MAR 01, 2015, Indian Inst Technol, Bombay, INDIA.
Illa, Aravind and Meenakshi, Nisha G and Ghosh, Prasanta Kumar (2017) A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF ACOUSTIC-TO-ARTICULATORY INVERSION FOR NEUTRAL AND WHISPERED SPEECH. In: International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing ICASSP, MAR 05-09, 2017, New Orleans, LA, pp. 5075-5079.
Meenakshi, Nisha G and Ghosh, Prasanta Kumar (2018) Reconstruction of articulatory movements during neutral speech from those during whispered speech. In: JOURNAL OF THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA, 143 (6). pp. 3352-3364.
Meenakshi, Nisha G and Ghosh, Prasanta Kumar (2015) Robust Whisper Activity Detection Using Long-Term Log Energy Variation of Sub-Band Signal. In: IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING LETTERS, 22 (11). pp. 1859-1863.