Browse by IISc Authors
Journal Article
Madadi, Z and Anand, GV and Premkumar, AB (2014) Three-dimensional localization of multiple acoustic sources in shallow ocean with non-Gaussian noise. In: DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING, 32 . pp. 85-99.
Hari, VN and Anand, GV and Premkumar, AB (2013) Narrowband signal detection techniques in shallow ocean by acoustic vector sensor array. In: Digital Signal Processing, 23 (5). pp. 1645-1661.
Madadi, Z and Anand, GV and Premkumar, AB (2013) Signal Detection in Generalized Gaussian Noise by Nonlinear Wavelet Denoising. In: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS I-REGULAR PAPERS, 60 (11). pp. 2973-2986.