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Quantum-to-Classical Crossover in Many-Body Chaos and Scrambling from Relaxation in a Glass

Bera, S and Venkata Lokesh, KY and Banerjee, S (2022) Quantum-to-Classical Crossover in Many-Body Chaos and Scrambling from Relaxation in a Glass. In: Physical Review Letters, 128 (11).

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Official URL: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.115302


Chaotic quantum systems with Lyapunov exponent λL obey an upper bound λL≤2πkBT/ at temperature T, implying a divergence of the bound in the classical limit →0. Following this trend, does a quantum system necessarily become "more chaotic"when quantum fluctuations are reduced? Moreover, how do symmetry breaking and associated nontrivial dynamics influence the interplay of quantum mechanics and chaos? We explore these questions by computing λL(,T) in the quantum spherical p-spin glass model, where can be continuously varied. We find that quantum fluctuations, in general, make paramagnetic phase less and the replica symmetry-broken spin glass phase more chaotic. We show that the approach to the classical limit could be nontrivial, with nonmonotonic dependence of λL on close to the dynamical glass transition temperature Td. Our results in the classical limit (→0) naturally describe chaos in supercooled liquid in structural glasses. We find a maximum in λL(T) substantially above Td, concomitant with the crossover from simple to slow glassy relaxation. We further show that λL∼Tα, with the exponent α varying between 2 and 1 from quantum to classical limit, at low temperatures in the spin glass phase.

Item Type: Journal Article
Publication: Physical Review Letters
Publisher: American Physical Society
Additional Information: The copyright for this article belongs to the Authors.
Keywords: Glass; Glass transition; Lyapunov methods; Spin glass; Supercooling, Chaotics; Classical limits; Lyapunov exponent; Many body; Quantum fluctuation; Quantum system; Spin-glass models; Spin-glass phase; Symmetry breakings; Upper Bound, Quantum optics
Department/Centre: Division of Physical & Mathematical Sciences > Centre for High Energy Physics
Division of Physical & Mathematical Sciences > Physics
Date Deposited: 05 Jul 2022 06:06
Last Modified: 05 Jul 2022 06:06
URI: https://eprints.iisc.ac.in/id/eprint/73748

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