function HoneyTop90(HNex,HNey,volfrac,penal,rfill,ft) %% ---------- Material properties ---------- E0 = 1; Emin = E0*1e-9; %% ---Element connectivity, nodal coordinates, Finite element analysis preparation-- NstartVs = reshape(1:(1+2*HNex)*(1+HNey),1+2*HNex,1+HNey); DOFstartVs = reshape(2*NstartVs(1:end-1,1:end-1)-1,2*HNex*HNey,1); NodeDOFs = repmat(DOFstartVs,1,8) + repmat([2*(2*HNex+1) + [2 3 0 1] 0 1 2 3 ],2*HNex*HNey,1); ActualDOFs = NodeDOFs(setdiff(1:2*HNex*HNey,(2*HNex:2*HNex:2*HNex*HNey)' + mod(1:HNey,2)'),:); HoneyDOFs = [ActualDOFs(2:2:end,1:2), ActualDOFs(1:2:end,:), ActualDOFs(2:2:end,7:8)]; Ncyi = repmat(reshape(repmat([-0.25 0.25]',HNey+1,1),2,HNey+1)+reshape(1.5*sort(repmat((0:HNey)',2,1)),2,(HNey+1)),HNex+1,1); Ncyi(:,1:2:end) = flip(Ncyi(:,1:2:end)); Ncyf = Ncyi(1:end-1,:); % final arrays containing y-coordinates HoneyNCO=(1)*[repmat((0:cos(pi/6):2*HNex*cos(pi/6)),1,HNey+1)' Ncyf(:)];%node co if(mod(HNey,2)==0) HoneyDOFs(end:-1:end-(HNex)+2,1:6) = HoneyDOFs(end:-1:end-(HNex)+2,1:6)-2; % Updating HoneyNCO([(2*HNex+1)*HNey+1;(2*HNex+1)*(HNey+1)],:) = []; % Removing hangining nodes end [Nelem,Nnode] = deal(size(HoneyDOFs,1),size(HoneyNCO,1)); % elem #, node # F = sparse(2*((2*HNex+1)*HNey+1),1,-1,2*Nnode,1); % Applied load U = zeros(2*Nnode,1); % Initializing U fixeddofs = [2*(1:2*HNex+1:(2*HNex+1)*HNey+1)-1,(2*(2*HNex+1))]; % Fixed DOFs alldofs = 1:2*Nnode; % Total DOFs freedofs = setdiff(alldofs,fixeddofs); % Free DOFs iK = reshape(kron(HoneyDOFs,ones(12,1))',144*Nelem,1); jK = reshape(kron(HoneyDOFs,ones(1,12))',144*Nelem,1); KE = E0*[616.43012 92.77147 -168.07333 65.54377 -232.28511 -0.00032 -120.65312 -83.28564 -71.60020 -92.77115 -23.81836 17.74187; 92.77147 509.30685 101.02751 -71.90335 0.00032 -18.03857 -83.28564 -24.48314 -92.77179 -178.72347 -17.74187 -216.15832; -168.07333 101.02751 455.74522 0.00000 -168.07333 -101.02751 -71.60020 -92.77179 23.60185 -0.00000 -71.60020 92.77179; 65.54377 -71.90335 0.00000 669.99176 -65.54377 -71.90335 -92.77115 -178.72347 -0.00000 -168.73811 92.77115 -178.72347; -232.28511 0.00032 -168.07333 -65.54377 616.43012 -92.77147 -23.81836 -17.74187 -71.60020 92.77115 -120.65312 83.28564; -0.00032 -18.03857 -101.02751 -71.90335 -92.77147 509.30685 17.74187 -216.15832 92.77179 -178.72347 83.28564 -24.48314; -120.65312 -83.28564 -71.60020 -92.77115 -23.81836 17.74187 616.43012 92.77147 -168.07333 65.54377 -232.28511 -0.00032; -83.28564 -24.48314 -92.77179 -178.72347 -17.74187 -216.15832 92.77147 509.30685 101.02751 -71.90335 0.00032 -18.03857; -71.60020 -92.77179 23.60185 -0.00000 -71.60020 92.77179 -168.07333 101.02751 455.74522 0.00000 -168.07333 -101.02751; -92.77115 -178.72347 -0.00000 -168.73811 92.77115 -178.72347 65.54377 -71.90335 0.00000 669.99176 -65.54377 -71.90335; -23.81836 -17.74187 -71.60020 92.77115 -120.65312 83.28564 -232.28511 0.00032 -168.07333 -65.54377 616.43012 -92.77147; 17.74187 -216.15832 92.77179 -178.72347 83.28564 -24.48314 -0.00032 -18.03857 -101.02751 -71.90335 -92.77147 509.30685;]/1000;% elem stiffness %% ---------- Filter preperation --------- Cxx = repmat([sqrt(3)/2*(1:2:2*HNex-1) sqrt(3)*(1:1:HNex-1)],1,ceil(HNey/2)); Cyy= (repmat(3/4,HNex,HNey) + repmat(3/2*(0:HNey-1),HNex,1)); Cyy(HNex+1:2*HNex:length(Cyy(:))) = []; ct = [Cxx(1:length(Cyy))' Cyy']*(1); % Centre coordinates DD = cell(Nelem,1); % Initializing for j = 1:Nelem Cent_dist = sqrt((ct(j,1)-ct(:,1)).^2+((ct(j,2)-ct(:,2)).^2)); [I,J] = find(Cent_dist<=rfill); DD{j} = [I,J+(j-1),Cent_dist(I)]; end DD = cell2mat(DD); HHs = sparse(DD(:,2),DD(:,1),1-DD(:,3)/rfill); HHs = spdiags(1./sum(HHs,2),0,Nelem,Nelem)*HHs; %% ---------- Initialization ------------- x = volfrac*ones(Nelem,1); % Initial guess [xPhys,loop,change,maxiter,dv,move] = deal(x,0,1,200,ones(Nelem,1),0.2); % Parameters %% ---------- Start optimization ---------- while (change > 0.01 && loop < maxiter) loop = loop + 1; %% ---------- Finite element analysis ---------- sK = reshape(KE(:)*(Emin + xPhys'.^penal*(E0-Emin)),144*Nelem,1); K = sparse(iK,jK,sK); % Global stiffness U(freedofs) = decomposition(K(freedofs,freedofs),'chol','lower')\F(freedofs); %% ---------- Objective and sensitivities evaluation ---------- ce = sum((U(HoneyDOFs)*KE).*U(HoneyDOFs),2); c = sum(sum((Emin+xPhys.^penal*(E0-Emin)).*ce)); % Finding objective dc = -penal*(E0-Emin)*xPhys.^(penal-1).*ce; % Obj. sensitivities %% ---------- Using Filters --------------------------- if ft == 1 dc = HHs'*(x.*dc)./max(1e-3,x); elseif ft == 2 dc = HHs'*(dc); dv = HHs'*(dv); end %% ---------- Optimality criteria update ---------------- xOpt = x; [xUpp, xLow] = deal (xOpt + move, xOpt - move); % Upp. & low. limits OcC = xOpt.*(sqrt(-dc./dv)); % Opt. parameter inL = [0, mean(OcC)/volfrac]; % Lag. Mul. range while (inL(2)-inL(1))/(inL(2)+inL(1))> 1e-3 lmid = 0.5*(inL(2)+ inL(1)); x = max(0,max(xLow,min(1,min(xUpp,OcC/lmid)))); if mean(x)>volfrac, inL(1) = lmid; else, inL(2) = lmid; end end if ft == 1 || ft ==0, xPhys = x; elseif ft == 2, xPhys = HHs'*x; end change = max(abs(xOpt-x)); %% ---------- Results printing ---------------------------- fprintf(' It.:%5i Obj.:%11.4f Vol.:%7.3f ch.:%7.3f\n',loop,c, mean(xPhys),change); %% ---------- Plotting intermediate designs --------------- colormap('gray'); scatter(ct(:,1),ct(:,2),[],1-xPhys,'filled'); axis off equal; pause(1e-6); end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % This Matlab code is presented for the educational purposes and its % % details can be found in Ref: Kumar P(2022)"HoneyTop90: A 90-line MATLAB % % code for topology optimization using honeycomb tessellation" Optim Eng % % DOI:10.1007/s11081-022-09715-6 % % Please write : or % % for any comments % % % % Disclaimer: % % The author reserves all rights but does not guaranty that the code is % % free from errors and the author shall not be liable in any event % % caused by the use of the program. % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%