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An Alternate Construction of an Access-Optimal Regenerating Code with Optimal Sub-Packetization Level

Agarwal, Gaurav Kumar and Sasidharan, Birenjith and Kumar, Vijay P (2015) An Alternate Construction of an Access-Optimal Regenerating Code with Optimal Sub-Packetization Level. In: 21st National Conference on Communications (NCC), FEB 27-MAR 01, 2015, Indian Inst Technol, Bombay, INDIA.

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Given the scale of today's distributed storage systems, the failure of an individual node is a common phenomenon. Various metrics have been proposed to measure the efficacy of the repair of a failed node, such as the amount of data download needed to repair (also known as the repair bandwidth), the amount of data accessed at the helper nodes, and the number of helper nodes contacted. Clearly, the amount of data accessed can never be smaller than the repair bandwidth. In the case of a help-by-transfer code, the amount of data accessed is equal to the repair bandwidth. It follows that a help-by-transfer code possessing optimal repair bandwidth is access optimal. The focus of the present paper is on help-by-transfer codes that employ minimum possible bandwidth to repair the systematic nodes and are thus access optimal for the repair of a systematic node. The zigzag construction by Tamo et al. in which both systematic and parity nodes are repaired is access optimal. But the sub-packetization level required is r(k) where r is the number of parities and k is the number of systematic nodes. To date, the best known achievable sub-packetization level for access-optimal codes is r(k/r) in a MISER-code-based construction by Cadambe et al. in which only the systematic nodes are repaired and where the location of symbols transmitted by a helper node depends only on the failed node and is the same for all helper nodes. Under this set-up, it turns out that this sub-packetization level cannot be improved upon. In the present paper, we present an alternate construction under the same setup, of an access-optimal code repairing systematic nodes, that is inspired by the zigzag code construction and that also achieves a sub-packetization level of r(k/r).

Item Type: Conference Proceedings
Series.: National Conference on Communications NCC
Additional Information: Copy right for this article belongs to the IEEE, 345 E 47TH ST, NEW YORK, NY 10017 USA
Department/Centre: Division of Electrical Sciences > Electrical Communication Engineering
Date Deposited: 24 Aug 2016 10:36
Last Modified: 24 Aug 2016 10:36
URI: http://eprints.iisc.ac.in/id/eprint/54559

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