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Proposed search for an electric-dipole moment using laser-cooled $^1^7^1Yb$ atoms

Natarajan, Vasant (2005) Proposed search for an electric-dipole moment using laser-cooled $^1^7^1Yb$ atoms. [Preprint] (Unpublished)


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We propose an experiment to search for a permanent atomic electric-dipole moment (EDM) using laser-cooled $^1^7^1Yb$ atoms launched in an atomic fountain. A uniform B field sets the quantization axis, and the Ramsey separated-oscillatory-fields method is used to measure the Zeeman precession frequency of the atoms. Laser beams of appropriate polarization are used for preparation and detection in a given magnetic sublevel. The signature of an EDM is a shift in the Ramsey resonance correlated with application of a large E field. The precision is expected to be at least 20 times better than current limits because the use of a cold atomic beam allows application of E field 10 times larger than in a vapor cell, and the interaction time with the E field is 200 times larger compared to a thermal beam. The leading source of systematic error in beam experiments, the E \times v/c motional magnetic field, is reduced considerably because of the near-perfect reversal of velocity between up and down trajectories through the E-field region.

Item Type: Preprint
Publication: Los Alamos National Laboratory, Preprint Archive, Physics
Department/Centre: Division of Physical & Mathematical Sciences > Physics
Date Deposited: 18 Jan 2006
Last Modified: 19 Sep 2010 04:22
URI: http://eprints.iisc.ac.in/id/eprint/4887

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