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Effect of indium doping on the electrical switching behaviour of Ge–Te glasses

Asokan, S and Manikandan, N (2007) Effect of indium doping on the electrical switching behaviour of Ge–Te glasses. In: Philosophical Magazine, 87 (32). pp. 5109-5116.

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Official URL: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/1478643...


Bulk Ge15Te85−x In x (1 ≤ x ≤ 11) series of glasses have been found to exhibit a threshold switching behaviour for an input current of 2 mA. An initial decrease is seen in the switching voltages (V T) with the addition of indium, which is due to the higher metallicity of indium. An increase is seen in V T above 3 at.% of indium, which proceeds until 8 at.%, with a change in slope (lower to higher) seen around 7 at.%. Beyond x = 8, a reversal in trend is exhibited in the variation of V T, with a well-defined minimum around x = 9 at.%. Based on the composition dependence of V T, it is proposed that Ge15Te85−x In x glasses exhibit an extended rigidity percolation threshold. The composition, x = 3, at which the V T starts to increase and the composition, x = 7, at which a slope change is exhibited correspond to the onset and completion, respectively, of the extended stiffness transition. Thermal studies and photoconductivity measurements also support the idea of an extended rigidity percolation in Ge15Te85−x In x glasses. In addition, the minimum seen in V T at x = 9 is associated with the chemical threshold (CT) of this glassy system.

Item Type: Journal Article
Publication: Philosophical Magazine
Publisher: Taylor and Francis Group
Additional Information: Copyright of this article belongs to Taylor and Francis Group.
Department/Centre: Division of Physical & Mathematical Sciences > Instrumentation Appiled Physics
Date Deposited: 23 Feb 2012 06:11
Last Modified: 23 Feb 2012 06:11
URI: http://eprints.iisc.ac.in/id/eprint/43192

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