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Negative sequence compensation within fundamental positive sequence reference frame for a stiff micro-grid generation in a wind power system using slip ring induction machine

Bhattacharya, Tanmoy and Umanand, L (2009) Negative sequence compensation within fundamental positive sequence reference frame for a stiff micro-grid generation in a wind power system using slip ring induction machine. In: IET Electric Power Applications, 3 (6). pp. 520-530.

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An isolated wind power generation scheme using slip ring induction machine (SRIM) is proposed. The proposed scheme maintains constant load voltage and frequency irrespective of the wind speed or load variation. The power circuit consists of two back-to-back connected inverters with a common dc link, where one inverter is directly connected to the rotor side of SRIM and the other inverter is connected to the stator side of the SRIM through LC filter. Developing a negative sequence compensation method to ensure that, even under the presence of unbalanced load, the generator experiences almost balanced three-phase current and most of the unbalanced current is directed through the stator side converter is the focus here. The SRIM controller varies the speed of the generator with variation in the wind speed to extract maximum power. The difference of the generated power and the load power is either stored in or extracted from a battery bank, which is interfaced to the common dc link through a multiphase bidirectional fly-back dc-dc converter. The SRIM control scheme, maximum power point extraction algorithm and the fly-back converter topology are incorporated from available literature. The proposed scheme is both simulated and experimentally verified.

Item Type: Journal Article
Publication: IET Electric Power Applications
Publisher: IEEE
Additional Information: Copyright 2009 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE.
Department/Centre: Division of Electrical Sciences > Electronic Systems Engineering (Formerly Centre for Electronic Design & Technology)
Date Deposited: 30 Nov 2009 06:20
Last Modified: 19 Sep 2010 05:52
URI: http://eprints.iisc.ac.in/id/eprint/25018

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