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Singh, Shailesh K and Chattopadhyay, K and Phanikumar, G and Dutta, P (2014) Experimental and numerical studies on friction welding of thixocast A356 aluminum alloy. In: ACTA MATERIALIA, 73 . pp. 177-185.
Singh, Shailesh K and Chattopadhyay, K and Dutta, Pradip (2013) Friction Welding of Thixocast A356 Aluminium Alloy. In: 12th International Conference on Semi-Solid Processing of Alloys and Composites (S2P 2012), OCT 08-11, 2012, Cape Town, SOUTH AFRICA, pp. 305-310.
Singh, Shailesh K and Chattopadhyay, K and Dutta, Pradip (2012) Friction Welding of Thixocast A356 Aluminium Alloy. In: http://dx.doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/SSP.192-193.305 , OCT 08-11, 2012 , Cape Town, SOUTH AFRICA, pp. 305-310.