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Dhok, Monika and Ramanathan, Murali Krishna (2016) Directed Test Generation to Detect Loop Inefficiencies. In: 24th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE), NOV 13-18, 2016, Seattle, WA, pp. 895-907.
Poluri, Varun and Ramanathan, Murali Krishna (2015) Deterministic Dynamic Race Detection Across Program Versions. In: IEEE 31st International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME), SEP 29-OCT 01, 2015, Bremen, GERMANY, pp. 181-190.
Samak, Malavika and Ramanathan, Murali Krishna (2015) Multithreaded Test Synthesis for Deadlock Detection. In: ACM SIGPLAN NOTICES, 49 (10). pp. 473-489.
Samak, Malavika and Ramanathan, Murali Krishna and Jagannathan, Suresh (2015) Synthesizing Racy Tests. In: ACM SIGPLAN NOTICES, 50 (6). pp. 175-185.
Samak, Malavika and Ramanathan, Murali Krishna (2015) Synthesizing Tests for Detecting Atomicity Violations. In: 10th Joint Meeting of the European Software Engineering Conference (ESEC) / ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE), AUG 30-SEP 04, 2015, Bergamo, ITALY, pp. 131-142.
Samak, Malavika and Ramanathan, Murali Krishna (2014) Trace Driven Dynamic Deadlock Detection and Reproduction. In: ACM SIGPLAN NOTICES, 49 (8). pp. 29-42.