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Kothai, V and Senyshyn, A and Ranjan, R (2014) Equilibrium phases in the multiferroic BiFeO3-PbTiO3 system - a revisit. In: 7th Joint European Magnetic Symposia (JEMS), AUG 24-30, 2013, Rhodes, GREECE.
Kothai, V and Narayan, Bastola and Brajesh, Kumar and Kaushik, SD and Siruguri, V and Ranjan, Rajeev (2014) Ferroelectric phase coexistence by crystallite size reduction in BiFeO3-PbTiO3. In: PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 90 (15).
Siddaramanna, Ashoka and Kothai, V and Srivastava, Chandan and Ranjan, Rajeev (2014) Stabilization of metastable tetragonal phase in a rhombohedral magnetoelectric multiferroic BiFeO3-PbTiO3. In: JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS, 47 (4).
Kothai, V and Senyshyn, Anatoliy and Ranjan, Rajeev (2013) Competing structural phase transition scenarios in the giant tetragonality ferroelectric BiFeO3-PbTiO3: Isostructural vs multiphase transition. In: JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 113 (8).
Kothai, V and Babu, Prasath R and Ranjan, Rajeev (2013) Metastable morphotropic phase boundary state in the multiferroic BiFeO3-PbTiO3. In: JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 114 (11).
Kothai, V and Ranjan, Rajeev (2012) Synthesis of BiFeO by carbonate precipitation. In: BULLETIN OF MATERIALS SCIENCE, 35 (2). pp. 157-161.