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Bloch-Nordsieck Thermometers: One-loop Exponentiation in Finite Temperature QED

Gupta, Sourendu and Indumathi, D and Mathews, P and Ravindran, V (1995) Bloch-Nordsieck Thermometers: One-loop Exponentiation in Finite Temperature QED. [Preprint]


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We study the scattering of hard external particles in a heat bath in a real-time formalism for finite temperature QED. We investigate the distribution of the 4-momentum difference of initial and final hard particles in a fully covariant manner when the scale of the process, $Q$, is much larger than the temperature, $T$. Our computations are valid for all $T$ subject to this constraint. We exponentiate the leading infra-red term at one-loop order through a resummation of soft (thermal) photon emissions and absorptions. For $T>0$, we find that tensor structures arise which are not present at $T=0$. These carry thermal signatures. As a result, external particles can serve as thermometers introduced into the heat bath. We investigate the phase space origin of $\log(Q/m)$ and $\log(Q/T)$ terms.

Item Type: Preprint
Additional Information: Nucl.Phys. B458 (1996) 189
Department/Centre: Division of Physical & Mathematical Sciences > Centre for Theoretical Studies (Ceased to exist at the end of 2003)
Date Deposited: 31 Jul 2004
Last Modified: 19 Sep 2010 04:13
URI: http://eprints.iisc.ac.in/id/eprint/906

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